Ancestors of Tim Farr and Descendants of Stephen Farr Sr. of Concord, Massachusetts and Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England

George PARKHURST [Parents] [scrapbook] 1, 2 was born 3 in May 1589 in Ipswich, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. He died 4 on 18 Jun 1675 in St Lawrence, Ipswich, England, United Kingdom. George married 5, 6 Susanna SIMSON 7 about 1644 in Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

George owned 8 Land Grant on 10 May 1642 in Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Other marriages:
LEETE, Phebe

GEORGE PARKHURST (John, Christopher, George) was born abut 1588, probably in Ipswich, England. About 1611-12, he married Phebe Leete, the daughter of Robert and Alice (Grundy) Leete of Eversden, Carnbridgeshire. Phebe was baptized at Little Eversden on 20 December 1585, the youngest of seven children. They lived in Ipswich where their children were baptized, but after the last one until their departure for England, there is no record of them and they may have lived elsewhere.

George Parkhurst first appears in New England on record at Watertown in 1642 when it was ordered that a highway should be laid out by his house. He is not mentioned in the four grants of land between 25 July 1636 and 9 April 1638. When he arrived and whether he brought with him his wife Phebe is unknown. If he brought her, she died shortly, for about 1644, he remarried to Susanna Simson, the widow of John Simson, who was buried at Watertown on 10 June 1643, leaving two sons and three daughters. By this marriage, George Parkhurst acquired most of the real estate of the deceased. She deeded some of it 9 November 1643 and George Parkhurst sold two acres of it on 16 November 1644, indicating that they married between these dates. He soon left Watertown for Boston where he made the following deed:

4 October 1645 - George Parkhurst of Boston sold to John Cooledge and Thomas Hastings of Watertown 6 acres bought of Hue Mason of Watertown for a valuable summe of come (1:3 1)

On 13 June 1655, he sold the last twelve acres of what had been John Simson's land for £21. This last conveyance was made by permission of the General Court, granted 23 May 1655 in response to his petition in which he asserts that he was then near 67 years old, that he and his wife and most of her children were in destitute condition, that she had had ten children during her twenty years residence in America -seven sons and three daughters (five sons by Parkhurst therefore), that she had gone to London, England with six of her children but found her mother, brothers and sisters unable to do what she had expected, that four of her children had remained in America, and that the petitioner desired to sell the land (apparently all that remained) in order that he might go to the aid of his wife. He probably returned to England as soon as possible after the deed of 13 June 1655, his last act on record in New England. He was probably the Old George Parkhurst buried 18 June 1675 at Saint Lawrence, lpswich, England. He may have been living with his cousin Nathanial Parkhurst, who had six hearths in the Suffolk Hearth Tax of 1674.

The children she took back to England probably remained and grew up there, never returning to America, except Benjamin who, if he was taken back, apparently returned as a young man to his American brothers and sisters and then migrated to New Jersey. A letter of 25 June 1669 from George Jr. to his cousin requesting payment to his brother Benjamin of £5 of the £20, which would be due him from his Aunt Dalton (his legacy), shows that Benjamin lived to maturity, had dealings with his brother, and was probably then in New England, further support to the identity of the Benjamin Parkhurst in New Jersey the next year. The letter follows:

Loveing Cousn Bashelder: after my kynde love remembered to you and all the rest of my frinds, these fue lines are to desire you if you plese to paye unto my brother Benjamen, fife pounds of that twenty which will bee due to me from my ant Dolton, which I understand you are to paye; and if you will plese so to doue, this shall be your discharge for that fife pounds. as witnese my hand. George Parkis haveing nothing alrd. att present of, rest your loveing frind. Endorsed: My unkeil Gorg. Parkes his letter: sent by benjeinian Parkes

Phebe, George's first wife, had a sister Ruth, wife of Reverend Timothy Dalton, Rector of Woolverstone, which is five miles from Ipswich, England. She died without surviving children and left legacies to six of the children of her sister Phebe, suggesting that Samuel, John and Abigail had died young. Timothy Dalton and Ruth Leete were married on 13 June 1615 at Gislingham, Suffolk, where Ruth had cousins. Thus, Phebe was nee Leete.

          Children by second wife, Susanna

BENJAMIN, prob. born at Watertown or Boston about 1645 or 7; if taken back to England by his mother, he returned, for he settled in Woodbridge, N.J. about 1670; m 1, Martha who was prob. sister of Benjamin Homan (or Oman) who d a bachelor 1684, leaving bulk of his estate to her; Inventory of B.P.'s estate was taken 16 Feb. 1683/4 at Elizabethtown, N.J. SON, prob. b at Watertown or Boston about 1645 or 7; taken back to England
DANIEL, bapt. at Boston 1st Church 10 June 1649 ae about 11 days old; taken back to England
JOSHUA, bapt. at Boston 1st Church 7 March 1651/2; taken back to England
CALEB, bapt. at Boston 1st Church 26 Feb. 1653/4; taken back to England; prob. the Caleb Parkhurst with wife Sarah of St. Giles, Cripplegate, London with 5 ch. bapt. there

Ref.: N.E.H.G.R. - 27:364; 68; Bond's Watertown; New Jersey Index of Wills - IT!, V. VI; The Family of Leete, by Joseph Leete & John C. Anderson, London, 1906; Parish Registers

Susanna SIMSON 1. Susanna married 2, 3 George PARKHURST about 1644 in Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Marriage Notes:

MARRIAGE: Widow of John Simson

Robert LEETE [Parents] [scrapbook] was born 1 about 1525 in of Eversden, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom. He died 2 about 1597 in of, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom. Robert married 3 Alice GRUNDY on 6 Apr 1573 in Great Eversden, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom.

Robert obtained a degree 4 of Bachelor of Arts in 1544 in Saint John's College, , , England, United Kingdom. He obtained a degree 5 of Master of Arts in 1548 in Saint John's College, , , England, United Kingdom.

ROBERT LEETE (John) of Eversden, Cambridgeshire, was probably born about 1525, for he was granted a degree of Bachelor of Arts (first in the ordo) 1544-5, Master of Arts in 1548. He was a Fellow of Saint John's College about 1545, and was so designated in a deed of 1551.

24 September 1551 - Deed of sale by Christopher Roger of Little Eversden, husbandman, to Robert Leete, Fellow of Saint John's College, of ½ acre in Little Eversden. (Queen's College Archives, Eversden Deed 664)

This transfer was for property which Robert's brother Edmund had bought from Christopher Rogers by a deed of 10 August 1550 (Deed 663) and which Edmund bequeathed to Robert in his will dated 12 July 1551. The bequest was apparently implemented by reconveying it to Robert. On 4 May 1558, Mary Lete, widow, and Robert Lete, gentleman, quitclaimed to the College of Saint John certain lands in Great and Little Eversden, which lands had been deeded four days earlier by his brother Thomas Lete of Little Eversden, gentleman, for £60. (Deeds 672, 673). A performance bond of £100 was also executed. These must have been inherited lands in which Robert could have had some vague claim; otherwise there would have been no need for him to execute a quitclaim deed. As for the widow Mary, she was perhaps the widow of Brother Henry of whom little is known. On 6 April 1573, Mr. Robert Leete and Alice Grundy were married at Great Eversden. He must have been about 48 years old at the time of this marriage. Perhaps he had an earlier wife of whom there is no record. There seem to have been no other children except by his marriage to Alice Grundy. Their first child was baptized a mere 2½ months after their marriage. Apparently he resisted marriage as long as possible! Robert Leete died about 1597-8 intestate, and administration was granted to his widow Alice on 17 February 1597/8. Alice must have been about 20 years younger than her husband.

Ref.: The Family of Leete, by Joseph Leete & John C. Anderson, London, 1906; Cambridge university Archives; Parish Registers; Visitation Pedigrees

Alice GRUNDY was born about 1545 in of, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom. Alice married 1 Robert LEETE on 6 Apr 1573 in Great Eversden, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom.

They had the following children.

  F i Phebe LEETE was christened on 20 Dec 1585. She died before 1644.

Stephen ALDOUS [Parents] was christened on 8 Mar 1578/1579 in Fressingfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. He was buried on 2 Jan 1627/1628 in Fressingfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. Stephen married Margaret HARRISON on 9 Oct 1617 in Fressingfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

Other marriages:
ALDOUS, Margaret

From records in the posession of Tim Farr.

  Stephen Aldous and his second cousin, Margaret Aldous, fell in love and were married in about 1602.  Both had been born in the parish of Fressingfield, Suffolk, England, he in 1579 and she three years earlier.  They lived at a farm called Bourneys, which had been in Stephen's family for several generations.  Stephen had been only four years of age, the youngest child in his family, when his father died, and as he grew up he shared the home with his mother and four sisters.

  About twenty years after marriage Stephen prepared his last will and testament, written in extreme detail.  Since the house and grounds at Bourneys came to him and Margaret furnished and in use the premises probably did not change much in that twenty years. From the information in the will we can, in imagination, walk into the rooms of the house in which Stephen and Mrgaret lived, rooms where their two daughters and three sons were born and played; rooms where companionship was enjoyed, tears were shed; where there was talk (both pleasant and otherwise), laughter, and music.

  The nicest room in the house, the main room, was called the hall. In it was a "long Table," flanked by "two long Formes [seats or benches]." Against one wall was a "great Cubberd." There were several chairs, including a "back chayre [probably a small chair with a back on it]"; "great chaires Fwhich may have been a type of couch]"; and "one litle buffet stoole." Two "carpet cushions" are also mentioned. There was a "Round foult [folding or folded] Table," and a table on which stood the "virginalls." The latter was the forerunner of the piano, small and rectangular, with no legs, having one wire to a note. Though it was one instrument, it was often referred to in the plural. The keys were "played" or tapped as are piano keys.  Among the accessories in the room were Stephen's "birding peece [fowling gun]," "a laver [basin] of Brasse," a "great Bible," a "second Bible," and "one litle glass keeps."

  The "parlour" was apparently the master bedroom, for in it was the "best Bedstead" with "the Featherbed bouistr blanckets, and coveriett, therupon, and all things therunto belonging." There was also "one Trundle bedstead wth a Featherbed therupon.11 Additionally, the room contained a "wicker chayre," a "Table wth a longe Forme therto belongings," a "great hutche," one "trunck," a coffer, a "hatt keepe," and the family's "third Bible."

   The "parlour chamber," the room above the parlor (we learn from Stephen's grandfather's will), accommodated a "posted bedstead with the featherbed, boulster, blancket, and Covrlett therupon, and all things therunto belonging," in addition to a "long Table wth a forme therto belonging," "one buffett stoole," "One Truncke," and a "great Boxe."

   In the "hall chamber," over the hall, was another "posted bed stead" with its "Feathrbed boulster blanckets & coverlett" and "oth er things therto belonging," and another "Trundle bedstead wth a  flocke [tufted] bedbouister, blancket and Covrlett." This room had  a third bedstead ''marked with theis letters M:A: wth a Feather bed  boulster, and covering therupon," and, like other rooms, a "long Table & forme." Here, also, stood a "great hutchell and two coffers.  Both of the coffers are called "great," meaning large, and one is  specified as "where my lyning [linen] lye." For each of the beds in  the house mention was made of two pairs of sheets, a pillow, and a  "pillowbeere [pillowcase]." In this room, the hall chamber  ' with  the coffer for the household linen, was the "best Table cloath wth  6 Table napkyns," as well as a "second board cloathell and six "Table  napkyns."

   The fifth room in the house was the "butterye," or pantry.  The only furniture Stephen listed as being in it was the "plate cub berd." Specific cookware consisted of a "biggest brasse pott," a  "biggest brasse pott saving one For second biggest pot]." and a  "biggest kettle saving one." Dishes and utensils included "2 of my biggest pewter plattrs,,, five additional pewter platters (plates to  us?), some pewter "salts [individual salt containers]," a "best  pewtr pott, " and "two pewter saucers." There were also silver  spoons, some engraved with the letters "S.A." and some with "M.A."

   After the rooms of the house Stephen mentioned the "Browene,"  and in it the "great boulting hutche." The "Browernell was named in  the will of Stephen's grandfather Robert, on the same property called Bourneys, and in Robert's will the Browerne was said to have a "sol let" over it.  A bolting hutch would have been used to sift and sep arate the various sizes of grain particles into flour and meal, so perhaps we can imagine that the Browerne was a granary, with the cellar, or storage area, above it.

   Another important building on the Aldous farm was the "Back house or Dairy." From contents Stephen names in it we get the idea  that probably the family prepared cheese and other dairy products  for sale to fellow villagefolk. There was a "great Cheespresse,"  and also a "litle cheesepresse." There were "Cheese Boards," a  "great Caldiron," a "great kettle," a "great Milketubb," a "second  milk Tub," a "biggest keener [broad shallow tub]," a "litle keeler," a "biggest skillett," thirteen I'mylk bowleg", and "all the  shelves, planks and close Boards in the said Backehowse or dairy"  with everything "therto belonging."

   In the will Stephen did not reveal the extent of his livestock  or of his outdoor implements, but did mention "milche kene [milk  cows]" and "sheepe," as well as a "Carte wth the harnis belonging,"  a "plough and plough irons therto belonging," a "plough Trayce," and "one paire of Cart Trayce."

   He gives detailed descriptions of his lands.  The messuage Bourneys, also called Peaslye, adjoined the common called Hushawe Greene, and on that common the property had grazing rights for "Sixe great Beasts [cattle,etc.] at whitsontide [or starting the seventh Sunday after Easter] & five at michallmas [season starting at the feast of St. Michael, the archangel, 29 September] accordinge to the quantitye customer" "Two closes of pasture, usuaflie occupied wth  the said Messuage," were situated "betwene the lands of Thomas Al dous called the Home close, on the pte of the Easte And the lands of  the same Thomas called Parke bridge meadowe on the pte of the west." Towards the north and east were lands of Sir Thomas Baker, knight, and of the said Thomas Aldous.  On the south was "Cheapenhall mead owe."

   Another messuage (house with outbuildings and yard), called "Cotwaynes or Babilons" had with it twenty acres of land.  It had right of commonage "upon the said common called Hushawe Greene, for  4 great beasts, or other smale beasts accordinge to the quantitye custome."

   Stephen also held "messuage lands, and meadowes, aswell Free hold as coppiehold, or customary lying and being in Wittingham hamb lett of Fresingfield."

   With background, now, of house and properties, let us return to happenings in the Aldous family.  As has been stated, Stephen and Margaret became the parents of five children, first two daughters  and then three sons.  When the youngest of the sons was but two  years old Margaret passed away.  We can suppose that she likely died  at childbirth.

   For three years Stephen lived as a widower, and then, in Octo ber of 1617, married another Margaret, a widow whose first husband  had been a Harrison.  In June of 1619, less that two years later,  she died also, and again Stephen was a widower.

   The date of Stephen's will, which he signed on each of its ten pages with "Steaphan Alldous," was 16 June 1622.  It looks as though the original will was written before his eldest daughter, Elizabeth, married.  Then, after she was wed, and received most of her share of the estate, parts of the will were interlined and new things writ ten. Among the things scratched out was the instruction that part  of his assets be used "towards the Education and bringing upp of my  Three Sonnes and two daughters." Added was, "I give unto Eliz: Aldous my daughtr ij [two] carpet cushions, one of mv great chaires in  the hall & wth the overplus if any be upo condicon that Rich: Aldous  hir husband delivr into the hands of my executor all my goods &  houshold stuffe in his custoditie And also pay the rent agreed up on. "

   Stephen's eldest son, "Stephen Aldous Jun," when he reached the age of twenty-four, was to receive Bourneys, except for the "Back house or dayrie belonging to the said messuage." Son William was to have, also at age twenty-four, Cotwaynes, and "my Backhowse, or day rie before excepted, upon condicon yt he shall wth the leave and li cence of the Lord of the mannor of whom the said prmisss bene and  are holden, Remove and take awaye the said backhouse or dairy from  the place where it now standeth, and set it, and place it upon the  said Tenemt Cotwaynes." John, at age twenty-four, was to inherit  the messuage lands and meadows in Wittingham hamlet.  The furniture  and accessories in the house, Browerne, and dairy, were divided up.  Son Stephen was to have "the horse myll & furnitur upo condico that  he suffer his brothers to grind there." At specified times John was to receive twenty pounds "of lawful Englishe money" and daughter Mary "Five pounds of lawfull English money." After the specific legacies Stephen requested that "all the rest of my pewter, brasse, and lynninge not by me given . . . The rest and surplus (if any be) of all my goods, chattells, moveables, houshold stuff, utensills, plate, jewells, readye money, debts . . . [and] funerall expencs . . . shalbe equally devided betweixt my said three sonnes and two daughters."

   Stephen had faith in God, the preamble of his will being similar to others written in his time: "I Stephen Aldous of Fresingfield in the County of Suff yeoman, being both in good health and pfect Remembraunce, (thanks be unto Allmightie God) yet knoweing that there is nothing to man in this world more certaine than death, thend of all Fleshe, yet nothing more uncertain to the knowledge of man, then the tyme when god hath appointed it, Doe make, ordaine and declare this my last Will and Testamt. . . I comend my sould into the hands of Allmighty god, my Maker, hoping assuridlie, through the only meritts of Jesus Christe, my Saviour, to be made ptaker of life everlastinge,. . . my body to the Earth wherof it was made to be buried in such Christianlike and seamely sorte as shall by my welbeloved sonnes Stephen Aldous Jun and William Aldous . . . be thought fitt and Expedient."

   These two sons were appointed executors.  Stephen nominated "James Aldous my brothr in law Supravisor of this my last will & testament giving him xxs [twenty shillings] for his paymt hoping he will have a zealous care, and a love to procure peace and quietnes betwene my foresayd children."

   Stephen Aldous lived for several years after his original will was written.  He was buried 2 January 1627/8 in the Fressingfield churchyard.

Margaret HARRISON was born about 1583 in of Fressingfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. She died on 12 Jun 1619 in Fressingfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. Margaret married Stephen ALDOUS on 9 Oct 1617 in Fressingfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

Marriage Notes:

MARRIAGE: Widower harrison

Thomas CHICKERING was born about 1505 in of Wymondham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom. Thomas married Clara BROWN in 1527 in Wymondham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom.

Clara BROWN was born about 1507 in of Wymondham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom. Clara married Thomas CHICKERING in 1527 in Wymondham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom.

They had the following children.

  M i Stephen CHICKERING was born about 1528.

William FISKE [Parents] [scrapbook] was born about 1550 in Laxfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. He died on 17 May 1620 in Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. William married Alice FISKE Mrs.

Other marriages:

WILLIAM FFISKE - Born about 1550, married firstly Anna, daughter of Walter Austye of Tibenham Long Row in Norfolk. She was buried at St. James, South Elmham on 13 February, 1600 and he married secondly Alice ?  He is said by Candler to have fled with his father for religion's sake. He was a churchwarden in the parish of St James, South Elmham in 1601. His will is dated Nov 25, 1616, his son John was appointed executor. He died on May 17, 1620; resided at St James', South Elmham, Suffolk and Ditchingham, Norfolk.

Abstract of the Will of WILLIAM FISKE of Ditchingham, Norfolk, November 25, 1616.

The testator bequeaths to the poor of Ditchingham and of Bungay [Suffolk], mentions his now wife, Alice, and gives to his eldest son, John, lands in St. James, South Elmham, and in Metfield [both in Suffolk], the said John paying to his brothers Nathaniel and Eleazar and to his sister Esther sixscore pounds. The testator also mentions his grandchildren Matthias, John and Mary Candler, his grandchildren John, Anne, Martha, Nathaniel, and Eleazar Fiske, all under twenty-one, and his daughter Anne Candler. Executor: testator's son John. Proved May 17, 1620.

Alice FISKE Mrs. Alice married William FISKE.

Walter ANSTYE was born in 1525 in Tibbenham, Long Row, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom. He died in 1600 in of Longrow, Tibbenham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom. Walter married Walter ANSTYE Mrs in Long Row, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom.

Walter ANSTYE Mrs was born about 1532 in Tibbenham, Long Row, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom. Walter married Walter ANSTYE in Long Row, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom.

They had the following children.

  F i Anna ANSTYE was born in 1568. She was buried on 13 Feb 1600.

Thomas FISKE [Parents] [scrapbook] was born in 1560 in of St James, South Elmham, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. He died on 28 Feb 1610 in Fressingfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. He was buried on 28 Feb 1610/1611. Thomas married Margery FISKE Mrs in Laxfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

THOMAS FFISKE - Born at St James, South Elmham about 1560, married Margery ? about 1587. He was a wheelwright, at the time of his death he was living and working at Fressingfield.  His will was dated Feb 20, 1610, he was buried at Fressingfield 6 days later.

The Will of THOMAS FISKE of Fresingefield [Suffolk], "whelewright", 20 February 1610.

Margerye, my wife, "shall have the occupation of the hole parcell of the tenement wherein I now dwell the holl Chamber and the Vaunce Rouffe over the same And the Twoe Butteries . . . & 2 coates wheareof the one is for Swine and the other for fowls," for life, with remainder to my son Thomas of all the term of years which I have therein. To my son Thomas my shop, the chamber over the same, and the chamber over the said two butteries, with the yards, gardens, and orchards, for the said term of years, on condition that he pay to my daughter Elizabeth £3. 6s. 8d., at Michaelmas 1619. To Phineas, my son, his executors, administrators, or assigns, £4, at Michaelmas 1621. To John, my son, £4, at Michaelmas 1624. To Mary, my daughter, £3. 6s. 8d., at Michaelmas 1627. To my wife Margery one-half of the fruit on the premises and the right to fetch water from the pond or ditch belonging to the tenement, to dry linen in the orchard, to lay wood in the yard, to plant herbs and seeds in the garden and take and use the same, and to keep her swine on the way adjoining the premises called Walslade Way and her fowls in the yards and orchards. My son John may remove to his own use, within four years, such young pear plants and apple plants which he has heretofore set or planted in the premises. My son Thomas shall keep the whole of the premises in repair. To my son Thomas all my timber and working tools. My wife Margery is to occupy all the residue of my goods, household stuff, and implements for life, and then the same are to be divided equally among my children. Executor: mv son Thomas. Witnesses: William Sancroft, Stephen Aldoes, Robert Aldoes, Thomas Fiske.
Proved the last of February 1610 by Thos. Fiske, the son.

Margery FISKE Mrs was born about 1564 in of Fressingfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. Margery married Thomas FISKE in Laxfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

They had the following children.

  F i
Mary FISKE was born about 1590 in of Fressingfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom.

George RAINSFORD [Parents] 1 was buried 2 on 27 Mar 1559 in North Weald Bassett, Essex, England, United Kingdom. George married Katherine TAVERNER.

4. GEORGE RAYNSFORD (Jo/zn, William, Henry), Gentleman, of North Weald Bassett, cc. Essex, where he was buried 27 March 1559 (parish register). He married KATHERINE TAVERNER, daughter of Walter and Mice ( ) Taverner of North Weald Bassett, almost certainly the Katherine Rainsford buried there 24 September 1558 (ibid.). Visitation pedigrees call her daughter of "[blank] Taverner of Theydon Garnon," but two Taverner wills prove her parentage.
The will of Walter Taverner of "North Wyld bassett," Gentleman, dated 23 january 1523 and proved 14 February 1524 (Archdeaconry Court of Essex. 103 Sell) requests burial in the churchyard of St. Andrew in said parish, and leaves daughter Kateryn a bullock, son John a bay colte, son Rauf four nobles, daughter Alice a calf, four shillings to Thomas Morse, four shillings to Margarett Taverner, ten shillings to my brother Andrew Taverner, three shillings four pence to daughter Jane, £10 "for an trenball of masses to be songe for my soule [my] father & mother's souls & all those soles I am bound to praye for." Property in the parish of Roxwell to be sold and its profit distributed "among my children equally to Walter, Rauf, John, Jhane, Kateryn and Alice. ... Alice my wife to have my house & my lande lying in the parish of Margaret[roothJyng during her life," with remainder to son Walter and his heirs. John Colyn of Wrettyll (Writtle) was named overseer and the

Edward Raynsford of Boston  233

will was witnessed by Thomas Wyllymson, John Dowset, and George Hynde.
The will of John Taverner of Theydon Garnon, yeoman, made 16 August 1552, no date of probate entered (ibid., 153 Boswick; copy in Calendar of State Papers: Domestic, 6:413-4) names brother Walter Taverner of Hatfield, brother Ralph Taverner of Heningham, godson John Rainsford, sister Joan Pycke, mother Wybred and "my father John Wybred of Copersall," sister Maynard, daughter Katherine, brother George Rainsford, daughter Jane and son Christopher. Should his own children die, estate to be divided among children of "my brothers and sisters," and executors to be brothers Rainsford, Glastock and Maynard, and father John Wybred.
George Raynsford made his will at North Weald Bassett, 23 March 1559, proved 7 June following (Archdeaconry Court of Essex. ref. 3/321; abstract in F. 0. Emmison, Elizabethan Life: Wills of the Essex Gentry & Yeomen [Chelmsford, 19801, 62). He requested burial "in North Weald churchyard at the altar end," and left £40 to daughter Jane at marriage or "Michaelmas come 4 years"; £20 to daughter Ursula at eighteen but "if either die before, their portion to be divided among their brethren and sister"; £20 to son Hercules in four years; £10 to son John at Michaelmas come four years, "or if he die, to Henry his brother"; £10 to son Henry at eighteen; four years lease of the farm and park to son Richard; £20 to son-in-law Andrew Larder and the farm lease after four years, also "my Dutch cloak and a coat of buff leather." Son Richard to have residue of goods and to be executor with Walter Brown of London to be overseer and to have 20 shillings "for his pains." Six shillings, eight pence to the high altar of North Weald Bassett church "for my tythes negligently forgotten." Witnessed by John Cormoth, vicar of Weald, John Sprynger, Richard Burton and John Gladwyn.

Printed from NEHG Register, Volume 139, July 1985,© New England Historic Genealogical Society & Broderbund Software, Inc., Banner Blue Division, May 22, 2001

Katherine TAVERNER [Parents] 1 was buried 2 on 24 Sep 1558 in North Weald Bassett, Essex, England, United Kingdom. Katherine married George RAINSFORD.

They had the following children.

  M i
Hercules RAINSFORD 1.
  M ii
  M iii Richard RAINSFORD was born about 1557. He died on 14 Feb 1603.
  M iv
  F v Martha RAINSFORD.
  F vi Jane RAINSFORD.
  F vii Ursula RAINSFORD.
  M viii
Marcus RAINSFORD was buried 1 on 24 Sep 1558 in North Weald Bassett, Essex, England, United Kingdom.

Thomas MEADE 1.

He had the following children.

  F i Anne MEADE was born about 1561.

Stephen KIRTON [Parents] 1, 2, 3 was born about 1510 in London, Middlesex, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 4 on 20 Aug 1553 in St Andrew Undershaft, London, Middlesex, England, United Kingdom. Stephen married Margaret OFFLEY 5.

STEPHEN KIRTON (or KYRTON), of St. Andrew Undershaft, London, and Thorpe Mandeville, Northamptonshire, merchant tailor, merchant of the Staple of Calais, master, Merchant Taylors Company, Alderman of Cheap Ward, London. He married before 1538 MARGARET OFFLEY, widow of John Nicholls, of London and Calais, and daughter of William Offley, Sheriff of the City of Chester, by his wife _____ Dorrington. They had one son, Thomas, and four daughters, Anne (wife of Thomas Withers, Knt., and Thomas Dutton), Ellen (wife of Richard White), Jane (wife of_____ Whethili), and Grissell (wife of Nicholas Woodruff) STEPHEN KJRTON was buried at St. Andrew Undershaft, London 20 August 1553, leaving a will proved in 1553 (P.C.C. 17 Tashe). His widow, Margaret, died testate (P.C.C. 22 Peter) in 1573.

Margaret OFFLEY [Parents] 1 was born about 1514 in of Gracechurch, London, London, England, United Kingdom. She died 2 in 1573 in London, Middlesex, England, United Kingdom. Margaret married Stephen KIRTON 3, 4, 5.

They had the following children.

  M i Thomas KIRTON was born about 1537. He died on 20 Apr 1601.

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