Richard, yeoman, not the son of Thomas of Salem. Woburn, propr. 1648. He deposed in 1658, ae. about 39 years. Bought lands of Thos Broughton in 1658. Rem, to Charleston. Bought land in 1676. He m. Oct. 18, 1651, Anna Blanchard. Ch. John b. Aug. 14, 1652, Anna b. Jan, 17, 1654, Benjamin b. Dec. 26. 1656, Henry b. Feb. 12, 1657, Esther b. Oct. 15, 1659. Ruth b. April, 1661. He gave security 5 (2) 1653, to pay £ 108 to the 2 children his wife had by her former husband.
He d. May 29, 1698, ae. 79 years. Will dated March 15, 1696-7. prob. June 6, 1698, beq. to only son Henry; to his son John: to the ch. of daus. Hannah Coddlngton, Ruth Gypson. (Ruth and Anna); daus. Hester, Abigall, Rebecca and Mehitabel; gr. sons Benjamin Johnson. son to dau. Hester, John Whitmore, son to dau. Rebecca, John Connett, son of dau. Mehitabel, Richard and Simon Thompson. sons of dau. Abigall; Maj. William Johnson and pastor, Mr. Jabez Fox. Source:"The Pioneers of Massachusetts" by Charles Henry Pope FHL book area US/CAN 974.4 D3p 1991
Richard Gardner's will:
In the Name of God, Amen
I Richard Gardner of ye Town of Charlestown in ye County of Middlesex in his Majestyes Province of ye Massachusetts Bay in New England Yeoman being stricken in years & not knowing how soon God may put an ‘end to my Dayes Willing to set mine house in order before I dye, Being at this present of perfect memory and sound minde, doe make, ordain g Constitute this writeing my last will ~ Testament, hereby Revoking and Renouncing all former wills by me made,ye which let no man alter or change______
I doe freely Resigne up my soul to God who gave it: ~ to Jesus Christ who Redeemed it,& to ye holy spirit of God my Santifyer hopeing g firmely believing yt though at death my Soule & Body being dissolve,ye worms shall destroy my Body,yet it shall be raised again, g reunited to my soule, through ye merits g Resurrection of Christ my Saviour to a full enjoyment of God to all eternity.
2. I committ my Body to ye Earth,there to be decently Buried at ye discretion of my Exectrs ~ Overseers afterward named, g after my Just Debts & funerall Charges are defrayed the Rest of my temporall estate wch God hath been pleased to bestow upon me, I give ~ Bequeath as followeth; -________(viz)
1. I give to my only sonn Henry all my farrne,ye house wherein I now live with all my outhouseing adjacent, & all ye land thereunto Belonging,within ye Bounds of Charlestowne, as also ye woodlot which by exchange I had of Samuel Blogget senr of Woburn & all my moveable estate paying such legacyes afterward in this my will,according to what shall be expressed therein.
2. I give to John Gardner sonn to my sonn Henry, all yt parcell of land which I purchased
of Mr.Broughtonn which was formerly Squaw Sachem' s gift to Mr.Increafe Nowel. ______
3. I give to the Children of my Daughter Hannah Coddington Besides what she hath Received in her lifetime forty pounds in or as mony to be payd in four yeares after my Decease by my Executors.
4. I give to the two Children of my Daughter Ruth Gypson (viz) Ruth & Anna besides what I have formerly given in a deed of gift to yr ffather as his wife's portion five pounds to be payd by my Executors & to be equally Divided between them when they come to ye full age of Eighteen years.
5. I give to my four Daughters Hester,Abigail,Rebeckah, & Mehitabell yet surviving,fourscore pounds Each of ym only what each of them have Received allready,is to be Reckened a part of the same & the Remaines to be payd to Each of them as followeth: viz:
1. To My Grandson Richard Thompson sonn of my Daughter Abigail, I give the Hithermost of my two Lotts on the Northside of Maple-Meadow R & to my Grandson Symond Thompson Brother to ye sd Richard I give the other Lott on ye North side of Maple-Meadow River, and also my lott on ye plain on this side that River.
2. To Benjamin Johnson,sonn to my Daughter Hester I give Tenn A. of Plowland in ye
Greatfield,joyning to the land of Lieut. James Converse on the South & Westside of it,as
also a Lott of Land above Breakneck hill on Bilrica Road.
3. To John Whittmore sonn to my Daughter Rebeckah I give Tenn Acres of land lying next to ye Tenn Acres above-mentioned, from the Bank down to the pond; and a lott of Land lying above Lieut Edward Johnsons to the Righthand of that highway.
4. I give to my two Grandsonns Benjamin Johnson & John Whitmore abovesd all my land and Woodland,lying on the side of Horn Pond Hill quite home to my old House plott in Woburn.
5. I give to John Connett sonn to my Daughter Mehittabel all that inclosure in Woburn where my Old house was; & my Swamp & upland at simple bridge, also my woodland at Wood bridge & a little Lott by Powell's lott.
6. I give all my meadow-land at Great meadow & Round meadow to the abesd Benjamin Johnson,John Whitmore' & John Connett to Be divided between them ___________Furthermore my will is yt-:
7. if what I have given to any of my four Daughters and their children above-mentioned, included upon a true valluation of the lands above sd amount (with what they have received) to more than ye sumxu of fourscore pounds willed you,they shall Respend so much to ye Rest who shall fall Short of ye full Sume as above & if there be not still enough in ye hands to doe it it shall be made up to them by my Executors. But if what I have given you be more than their Equall shares ye over-plus shall be equally divided amongst them.
8. I give to ye Children abovsd of my four Daughters abovsd Equal shares in my Two Woodlotts,ye one Ranging from ye Top of Turkey Hill to Cambridge line & ye other lying above John Johnson's Saw mill yt was Samuel Blogget Senr one ye westside & Lieut Mathew Johnson on ye Eastside yrof.
9. I give my Woodlott at Bulleamdow Brook to my sonn Henry & to the children of my four Daughters abovementioned to Each an Equal share thereof.
10. My will is yt ye parents of sd Children to whome I have willed sd Lands as above shall be
possessed of sd land till sd Children come of age & within two years after my decease.
11. My will is In case anyone or more of ye Children abovesd of my four daughters aforsd shall dye in their nonage yt theire share willed to him or them shall come to ye Naturall brothers & sisters born of my sd Daughters. Moreover if Benjamin possessing should incline to sell ye Tenn Acres in ye Great Field,my sonn Henry shall have the first profer of it.
12. I give unto my four Daughters Hester,Abigail,Rebeckah & Mehitabell All my Right of Title for thefe Lands called Cook's ffarme, to Each an Equall share yrin to them & their heires forever Thefe four onely thefe same ones bearing an equall share of all the charges of it hath consrd or may be for Recording the Same.Excepting only my Right in ye will which I give to my sonn Henry.
13. Moreover I doe hereby make constitute & appoynt my sonn Henry sole Executor of this my Will.
Finally, I design my Trusty & Loveing friends Major William Johnson Esq & my Reverend Pastor Mr.Jabez Fox Overfeers of this my will. To Each of whome as a Token of my love I doe give five pounds. To whome likewise if any differences should arise among any concerned in this my will About the true meaning & intent yrof I give full power to determine & issue the same wishing my children & grandchildren to be advised by you in any difficultyes & Charging you all as a Father to live in peace & love 6 in ye obedience to all God's commands that it may be well with them forever. I Bid you Farewell.
Richard Gardner
Signed sealed and acknowledged in ye presence of us
Andrew Innicum
Sarah Green
The mark of Hannah Richardson
Charlestowne June 6th 1698 Bye Honble James Russell Esqr Andrew Innicum Sarah Green Hannah Richardson Wittneffes
Subscribed personally appearing made oath yt they were personally present and saw ye subscriber Richard Gardner Deced Sign & Seal & heard him publish and Declare all ye within written Contained in ye Two pages to be his last will & Testament and yt when he so did he was of good understanding & of disposing minde.
Samll Phipps Regr J.A.Russell
" Here lyes y' body of Richard Gardner aged about 79 years died May 29 1698." Richard Gardner came from county Surrey, Eng ; settled in Woburn, and married Anna Blanchard, of Acton, Oct. 18, 1651. (Vide Sewall's History, 614, 615.)