Ancestors of Tim Farr and Descendants of Stephen Farr Sr. of Concord, Massachusetts and Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England

James BARLOW was born in 1572 in Turton, Lancashire, England. He was christened 1 on 1 Oct 1572 in Eccles, Lancashire, England.


He had the following children.

  M i James BARLOWE was christened on 25 Sep 1597. He died in 1629.

James PEMBERTON 1 was born in 1607 in England. He died 2 on 5 Feb 1662 in Malden, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. James married 3, 4 Margaret 5 about 1653.

James had a will 6 on 23 Mar 1659/1660 in Malden, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. His will was probated 7 on 1 Apr 1662 in Malden, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Other marriages:
, Alice


ORIGIN:  Unknown
REMOVES:  Malden

FREEMAN:  Requested 19 October 1630 [MBCR 1:80].
EDUCATION:  He made his mark to his will.
ESTATE:  Granted two acres of planting ground at Charlestown, 10 January 1634/5 [ChTR 12].  Had hay ground allotment of one in 1635, which was increased to two [ChTR 19, 20].  Had five acres of land Mystic Side, 1637 [ChTR 27].  Had 2½ cow commons, 1637 [ChTR].  In Mystic Side allotments of 23 April 1638 received five shares as his first proprotion [ChTR 36 (second and third proportions illegible)]. In cow commons on stinted common had 2½, 30 December 1638 [ChTR 42].

In the 1638 Charlestown Book of Possessions James Pemberton held eight parcels: half a rood of ground; two acres arable land in East Field; two acres arable land in Line Field; two and a half cow commons; five acres woodland in Mystic Field; one acre meadow in Mystic Field; five acres woodland in Mystic Field; and thirty-two acres of land in Water Field [ChBOP 14].

On 12 May 1648 James Pemberton acknowledged that he had sold one stinted cow common to Robert Hale of Charlestown [ChBOP 104].

In his will, dated 23 March 1659/60 and proved 1 April 1662, "James Pemberton of Maldon ... being weak in body" bequeathed to "my son Edward Barlow all that my upland ground he now is resident upon containing four acres and to my daughter Mary his wife and to the heirs of their two bodies for ever"; to "my son Edward Barlow, his wife, my daughter, and their children aforesaid, my orchard plot and the fresh meadow thereunto adjoining containing one acre ... only one half part of the grass for hay for my wife during her life"; to "my daughter Sara £10"; "my dwelling house with all the land belonging to it being ten acres more or less, five acres of land in the great swamp, all my salt marsh ... with all other my estate whatsoever not before particularly disposed of I give one half part unto my son John ... the other half part I give unto my beloved wife Margit Pemberton during her life, and after her decease to my son John and his heirs"; "my wife and my son John executors"; "my friend Joseph Hills Sr." overseer [MPR Case #17117].

The inventory of the estate of James Pemberton was taken 5 February 1661[/2] and totalled £84 12s. including £72 in real estate: "one dwelling house," £12; "ten acres of upland, and five of swamp," £30; "four acres of upland more and one acre of orchard & meadow," £18; and "four acres of meadow more," £12 [MPR Case #17117].

BIRTH:  By about 1608 based on estimated date of marriage.
DEATH:  Malden 5 February 1661/2.
MARRIAGE:  (1) By 1633 Alice _____; "Alice Pemberton" was admitted to Charlestown church 31 August 1633 [ChChR 8]; she died after 1642 and before 1653.
(2) By 1653 Margaret _____, named in his will.  She deposed on 15 December 1662 aged about fifty years [Pope, citing Middlesex Files].

COMMENTS:  James Pemberton was admitted as an inhabitant of Charlestown in December 1633, and was in the lists of inhabitants of 9 January 1633/4 and January 1635/6 [ChTR 9, 10, 15].  He signed the town agreement establishing the office of selectman, 10 February 1634/5 [ChTR 12].

There is no record of this James Pemberton in New England between his request for freemanship in September 1630 and his reappearance in Charlestown in 1633.  This gap, and especially the fact that he was not made a freeman in May of 1631, suggests that he returned to England for some portion of these years.  There is even the possibility that the 1630 man is not the same as the one who appeared in 1633 in Charlestown.

About 1640, James Pemberton, Prudence Wilkinson, and others petitioned that having been inhabitants of Charlestown and now planters on Mystick side, found that the town meeting had passed very prejudicial and unreasonable rules to the detriment of the planters and they sought redress from the court [Lechford 365].

Savage notes that this James Pemberton "perhaps removed to Hull for a short time, about 1647" [Savage 3:387].  Savage is off by a decade, and it is not certain that these records apply to James Pemberton of Charlestown.  12 March 1637/8: "James Pemberton is referred to the committee of the next Court about the ground which he had at Nantascot" [MBCR 1:226].  2 May 1638: "There is ten acres of land granted to James Pemberton, part of it the land formerly planted by him, & the rest joining to it at Nantascot" [MBCR 1:229].

On 19 October 1652 the court judged that the island claimed by James Pemberton, and called by his name, did belong to him [MBCR 3:291].

Margaret 1. Margaret married 2, 3 James PEMBERTON about 1653.

Samuel GIBSON was born 1 on 28 Oct 1644 in of Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Samuel married 2, 3, 4 Sarah PEMBERTON on 30 Oct 1668 in Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Other marriages:
STEDMAN, Elizabeth

Son of John Gibson:

ORIGIN: Unknown.

CHURCH MEMBERSHIP: Admission to Cambridge church prior to 17 May 1637 implied by freemanship. In the list of Cambridge church members compiled in January 1658/9 are "John Gibson & Rebecca his wife both members in full communion. Their children: Rebeccah, now joined in full communion with the church at Watertowne, Mary, Martha, John, Samuel," the last four listed as "baptized in this church" [CaChR 14].
FREEMAN: 17 May 1637 [MBCR 1:373].
OFFICES: Cambridge fenceviewer, 9 March 1662/3, 26 March 1666 [CaTR 143, 161]. Field driver, 15 March 1676/7, 11 March 1677/8 [CaTR 233, 239].
EDUCATION: Signed his deeds.
ESTATE: On 4 August 1634, "John Gibson" was granted six acres in the West End in Cambridge [CaTR 9]. Received a proportional share of one in the undivided meadow, 20 August 1635 [CaTR 13]. In the 8 February 1635/6 list of "those men who have houses in the town at this present, " "John Gibson" is credited with one house in the West End [CaTR 19].

In the Cambridge land inventory on 10 October 1635, "John Gibson" held one parcel: "in West End one house with planting ground about six acres" [CaBOP 35]. In the 1639 land inventory, "John Gibson" held one parcel: "in the new lots next Manotomie three acres of planting ground," and had bought of Edward Elmer "in the West End three acres of land" [CaBOP 55, 62]. In the 6 September 1642 land inventory, "John Gibson" held two parcels: "in West End one dwelling house with nine acres land"; and "in the Fresh Pond Meadow five acres" [CaBOP 95].

By 1642, John Gibson had sold to Nathaniel Sparrowhawk five acres in the Fresh Pond Meadow [CaBOP 124].

In 1648, "Jno. Gibson" was granted sixty acres "on the rocks on the north side the river," and, by 9 October 1648, had sold this land to Thomas Danforth [CaBOP 135, 138]. In the Shawsheen grant of 4 June 1652, "John Gibson" received Lot #52, eighty acres [CaTR 98].

On 30 November 1668, "John Gibson Senior of Cambridge" deeded to "John Gibson Junior his son the westerly end of or part of his now dwelling house with the chimney thereto appertaining ..., also three acres of land being part of the lot adjoining thereto," provided the father and son work in equal partnership all the land of the father, "and at the decease of the said John Gibson Senior all the said lands with all the houses & buildings thereon to be & remain to the said John Gibson Junior," with further provisions for maintenance if the grantor's wife outlives him [MLR 3:330].

On 26 May 1679, "John Gibson Senior of Cambridge ..., yeoman," sold to "Edm[ond] Angier of the same place, woollendraper, ... one parcel of land" in Cambridge "on the south side of Charles River, & containeth by estimation three acres"; acknowledged by "Joanna my wife" [MLR 7:352]. On 15 April 1687, "John Gibson of Cambridge" sold to "Deacon Walter Hastin of the aforesaid town ..., tanner, ... a small parcel of land containing one acre & a half ... in Cambridge West Field in the Great Swamp" [MLR 10:68].

BIRTH: about 1601 (deposed in 1688 "aged about 87" [Hutchinson 1:312]).
DEATH: In or after 1688 [Hutchinson 1:312]. (Secondary sources say he died in 1694, but the evidence for this has not been found.)
MARRIAGE: (1) By about 1634 Rebecca _____. She died at Roxbury on 1 December 1661 [RChR 177].
(2) Cambridge 24 July 1662 Joanna (_____) Prentice, widow of Henry Prentice [Wyman 773].
With first wife
i  REBECCA GIBSON, b. say 1634; m. Cambridge 22 June 1654 Charles Stearns.
ii  MARY GIBSON, b. Cambridge [blank] March 1637 [NEHGR 4:56]; m. Roxbury 3 April 1655 John Ruggles.
iii  MARTHA GIBSON, b. Cambridge [blank] April 1639 [NEHGR 4:56]; m. Roxbury 3 November 1657 Jacob Newell.
iv  JOHN GIBSON, b. about 1641 (d. Cambridge 15 October 1679 aged 48 years) [sic]; m. Cambridge 9 December 1668 Rebecca Errington.
v  SAMUEL GIBSON, b. 28 October 1644; m. (1) Cambridge 30 October 1668 Sarah Pemberton; m. (2) Cambridge 14 June 1679 Elizabeth Stedman.

COMMENTS: On 8 May 1637, it was "agreed with John Gibson to keep 100 cows at our direction all this summer" [CaTR 28]. On 11 December 1648, it was "granted by the townsmen to John Gibson the use and profit of the weir and weir land for two years ensuing, upon condition, that he serve the town with fish, at ninepence per thousand, and if he afford help for loading them to be allowed ten pence per 1000" [CaTR 78].

The year of birth of son John would be about 1631 based on the age at death on his tombstone as published, but this must be incorrect. The list of church members of January 1658/9, when describing a family, enters the children in birth order, and for this family John is placed between Martha and Samuel, strongly suggesting that the age at death has been misread, and should be 38 rather than 48. This is consistent with his date of marriage.

In 1659 various members of the family of John Gibson accused Winifred and Mary Holman, wife and daughter of WILLIAM HOLMAN , of witchcraft, but there is no record of a trial resulting from these charges. Early in 1660, Winifred and Mary charged John Gibson Senior and his wife, Rebecca (Gibson) Stearns, and John Gibson Junior with defamation. Winifred was unsuccessful in her suits against the first three, but Mary Holman won her suit against John Gibson Junior. This defamation suit generated many documents, some of them long and detailed, which are very revealing about the characters involved and about daily life in Cambridge at the time [Parker-Ruggles 237-54; Witchhunting 134-46].

BIBLIOGRAPHIC NOTE: In 1900 Mehitable Calef Coppenhagen Wilson compiled a genealogy of John Gibson and his descendants [Gibson Gen 1-11, 19-23].

Sarah PEMBERTON [Parents] 1 was christened 2, 3 on 30 Dec 1638 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She died 4 on 10 Oct 1676 in Cambridge, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Sarah married 5, 6, 7 Samuel GIBSON on 30 Oct 1668 in Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

John PEMBERTON [Parents] was christened 1, 2 on 24 Apr 1642 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He died in 1691. John married 3 Deborah HILLS OR BLAKE about 1668 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Deborah HILLS OR BLAKE was born about 1644. Deborah married 1 John PEMBERTON about 1668 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Surname may be Blake

William FARWELL [scrapbook] 1 was born in 1582 in Boston, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom. He died on 5 Sep 1637 in Boston, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 2 on 5 Sep 1637 in Boston, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom. William married William FARWELL Mrs about 1604 in Boston, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom.

William had a will 3 on 1 Sep 1637 in Boston, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom.

Other marriages:
COLE, Joane

William FARWELL Mrs was born in 1585 in of Boston, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom. She died 1 before Jul 1617. William married William FARWELL 2 about 1604 in Boston, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom.

They had the following children.

  M i Deacon Henry FARWELL was born about 1605. He died on 1 Aug 1670.
  F ii Sarah FARWELL was born about 1607.
  F iii Rebecca FARWELL was born about 1609.
  F iv Mary FARWELL was born about 1612.

Richard WELBY [Parents] [scrapbook] 1, 2, 3, 4 was born on 1 Jan 1564 in Moulton, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom. He was christened 5, 6, 7, 8 on 7 Feb 1564 in Moulton, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 9 on 15 May 1620 in Moulton, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom. Richard married 10, 11, 12 Frances BULKELEY 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 on 4 Jun 1595 in Whaplode, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom.

RICHARD WELBY, of Moulton, Lincolnshire, 2nd son, baptized at Moulton, Lincolnsbire 7 Feb. 1564. He married at Whaplode, Lincolnsbire 4 June 1595 FRANCES BULKELEY, daughter of Rev. Edward Bulkeley, Rector of Odell, Bedfordshire (descendant of King Henry II), by Olive, daughter of John Irby, Gent., of Leighthorpe (in Cawthorpe), Lincolnshire [see BULKELEY 16 for her ancestry]. She was born about 1568. They had three sons, Thomas, Anthony, and Edward, and two daughters, Ann and Olive. His wife, Frances, was buried at Moulton, Lincolnshire 7 June 1610.
AS. Larken & AR. Maddison Lincolnshire Pods. 2 (H.S.P. 51) (1903): 541-543 (Irby pedigree); 4 (H.S.P. 55) (1906): 1313-1315 (Welby pedigree). J.H. Abbott & L.M. Wilson Farwell Fam. (1929): 1-34. D.L.Jacobus Bulkeley Con. (1933): 14-17,22-23.

On FHL film #183548 Heir Indexes, Richard shows as a relative of Heber J. Grant. Parents show in the IGI as Thomas Welby and Elizabeth Thimbleby

Frances BULKELEY [Parents] [scrapbook] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 was born on 1 Jan 1568 in Moulton, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom. She was christened 8 in 1568 in Moulton, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom. She was buried 9, 10, 11 on 7 Jan 1610 in Moulton, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom. Frances married 12, 13, 14 Richard WELBY 15, 16, 17, 18 on 4 Jun 1595 in Whaplode, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom.

CHRISTENING: Listed as issue of Edward Bulkeley in the Shrewsbury Corporation Record, Burgess Roll, 1580 as age 12.

They had the following children.

  M i Thomas WELBY was christened on 1 Jan 1597.
  F ii
Ann WELBY was christened 1, 2, 3 on 6 Jan 1600 in Moulton, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M iii
Anthony WELBY was christened 1 on 3 Dec 1602 in Whaplode, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 2, 3, 4 on 28 Jan 1603 in Whaplode, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F iv Olive WELBY was christened on 17 Jun 1604. She died on 1 Mar 1692.
  M v
Edward WELBY 1, 2 was christened 3 on 22 Dec 1608 in Moulton, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom.

Joseph WILBORE was christened 1 on 28 Feb 1629/1630 in Sible Hedingham, Essex, England, United Kingdom. He died 2 on 27 Aug 1691 in Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States. Joseph married 3 Elizabeth FARWELL about 1651.

Elizabeth FARWELL [Parents] was born 1 on 27 May 1630 in Boston, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom. She was christened 2 on 27 May 1630 in Boston, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom. She died on 9 Nov 1670 in Taunton, Bristol, Massachusetts, United States. Elizabeth married 3 Joseph WILBORE about 1651.

John FARWELL [Parents] was born 1 on 25 Oct 1635 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. He was christened 2 on 25 Oct 1635 in Boston, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom. He died 3 in 1686 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. John married 4 Sarah WHEELER on 4 Nov 1658 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Other marriages:
FISKE, Sarah

Sarah WHEELER died 1 on 23 May 1662 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Sarah married 2 John FARWELL on 4 Nov 1658 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

John FARWELL [Parents] was born 1 on 25 Oct 1635 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. He was christened 2 on 25 Oct 1635 in Boston, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom. He died 3 in 1686 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. John married Sarah FISKE on 23 May 1662.

Other marriages:

Sarah FISKE [Parents] was born 1 on 26 Jul 1640 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. Sarah married John FARWELL on 23 May 1662.

John BATES was born 1 on 9 Jan 1641 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States. He died in Apr 1722. John married 2 Mary FARWELL on 22 Dec 1665 in Chelmsford, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Mary FARWELL [Parents] was born 1 on 26 Dec 1640 in Concord, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 7 Mar 1713/1714 in Chelmsford, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Mary married 2 John BATES on 22 Dec 1665 in Chelmsford, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Children of JOHN BATES and MARY FARWELL are:
i. MARY4 BATES, b. May 08, 1667, Chelmsford, Middlesex, MA.
ii. JOHN BATES, b. Dec 22, 1668.
iii. ELIZABETH BATES, b. Dec 22, 1671, Chelmsford, Middlesex, MA.
iv. LYDIA BATES, b. Feb 25, 1671/72, Chelmsford, Middlesex, MA.
v. REBECKAH BATES, b. Abt. 1675, Chelmsford, Middlesex, MA.
vi. SARAH BATES, b. Abt. 1677, Chelmsford, Middlesex, MA; d. Apr 25, 1735; m. (1)
BENJAMIN BUTTERFIELD, Feb 16, 1696/97; m. (2) DAVID CARVER, Jan 14, 1720/21; m. (3)

1. Colonial Families of the United States of America, Date of Import: Aug 28, 1998.
2. Colonial Families of the United States of America.

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