Ancestors of Tim Farr and Descendants of Stephen Farr Sr. of Concord, Massachusetts and Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England

Thomas FARR [Parents] [scrapbook] was christened 1 on 18 Jul 1784 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 2 on 11 Sep 1830 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. Thomas married 3 Elizabeth REDMAN on 2 Jul 1805 in Ampthill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

CHRISTENING: Record says "son of John & Elizabeth". In checking all other possibilities in Bedfordshire, this is the only possible match.

BURIAL: Age 47 in burial record.

Elizabeth REDMAN was born 1 in Jan 1783 in Houghton Conquest, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. She was christened 2 on 30 Nov 1787 in Houghton Conquest, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. Elizabeth married 3 Thomas FARR on 2 Jul 1805 in Ampthill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

John Redman Will of Houghton, Conquest Bedfordshire
Signed & Sealed April 2, 1802
Proved February 26, 1803
Film #1066867 (a better copy)
Transcribed by Pam Bott

In the name of God Amen I John Redman of Houghton Conquest in the county of Bedford Farmer being of sound and disposing Mind, Memory, and understanding Praises be god for the Same Do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say First I direct all my just debts & funeral Expenses and Costs and Charges of Proving this my will to be paid and discharged by my Executor herein after named. Also I give and Bequeath unto my son William Redman all and every my Household goods, Furniture. Implements of Household, Platt Linen, Wearing apparel, Stock in my Business both alive and dead money, Securities for money and all other My Personal Estate and Effects Whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature kind or demonination soever which I shall be possessed of at the time of my decease. To hold the same unto my said Son William Redman his Executors, Administrators and assigns for his and their own Sole absolute use and benefit But subject nevertheless to and chargeable with the Payment of the Several Legacies and Weekly Payments herein after mentioned, that is to say, to my Eldest Son James Redman and my daughter Mary the Wife of William Base of Asterwood in the county of Bucks the Legacy or Sum of Five pounds apiece only of lawful Money of Great Britain within three months next after my decease. Also to my Daughter Elizabeth Redman the sum of Twenty Pounds only, having heretofore Provided for my said Children in such manner as I have thought necessary, of like lawful money within Six Months after my decease. Also to my Grand Son William Dyer Son of my Daughter Sarah Stapleton by a former Husband, the Sum of Twenty Pounds of like lawful money and I direct the same to be paid to him when and so soon as he shall attain the age of Twenty one years. Also to my Grand Daughter Sarah Dyer sister of the above named William Dyer and to my Grand Daughter Mary Rains the Daughter of my said Daughter Sarah Stapleton by Thomas Rains former Husband, the sum of Twenty Pounds apiece of the like lawful money and I direct the same to be paid to them as follows to the said Sarah Dyer when and so soon as she shall attain to the age of Twenty one years and to the said Mary Rains within three months next after my decease. All which said Legacies I do hereby give and bequeath to them my said Children and Grand Children accordingly and direct the same to be paid unto them by my Executor hereinafter named when and as they shall severally and respectively become due and payable as aforesaid Also I give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Stapleton the sum of Four Shillings Weekly and ever week for and during the Term of her Natural Life. Also I give and Bequeath unto my Housekeeper Elizabeth Litchfield in consideration of her good Services to me the Sum of Six Shillings weekly and every week for and during the Term of her Natural Life free and clear of all Taxes, Charges and deductions Whatsoever and I direct the same weekly payments to be paid to them the said Sarah Stapleton and Elizabeth Litchfield by my Executor herein after named on every Monday in each week the first payment thereof to begin and be made on the first and next Monday after my decease But Subject to the Provisa herein after contained for making Void the same Weekly Payments that is to say Provided always nevertheless that if my said Daughter Sarah Stapleton or the said Elizabeth Litchfield or either of them shall at any time hereafter Marry again then and in such case it is my will and desire that the said Weekly payments to her or them so marrying shall from thenceforth cease and be no longer paid anything hereintofore contained to the contrary thereof in any wise not with standing. And Lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint My said Son William Redman Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all and every other Will and Wills by me at any time heretofore Made. I do declare this to be my last Will And Testament In Witness whereof I the said John Redman the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained in two sheets of Paper affixed Togheter and the Top with a Seal Set my hand and Seal * Videlicit to the first sheet thereof my hand only and to this Second and last Sheet my hand and Seal Second day of April in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight hundred and two.

Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the Said John Redman the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us, the same being first read over to him. Who have at his request in his Presence in the Presence of each other Subscribed our names as Witnesses to the same.

E. Eagles
William Griffin his Clerk

John Redman

February 26th 1803 This Will was proved on the Oath of William Redman sole Executor herein named who was sworn duly to seecute the same & that the effects of the Testator did not amount to the sum of Six Hundred pounds Value before we Thomas, John, Mo (?) Cave, Surrogate

James Redman Will of Houghton, Conquest Bedfordshire
Signed Oct. 5, 1811
Proved Dec. 19, 1811
Film #88069
Transcribed by Pam Bott

This is the last will & Testament of me James Redman of Houghton Conquest in the county of Bedford, * Victuallar, which I make & ordain in manner following/that is to say/I give & bequeath unto my brother William Redman of Houghton Conquest aforesaid fanner all & every my Goods, Chattles, household furniture, stock in trade, ready money & all & every other my personal estate & effects whatsoever, wheresoever & of what nature or kind solves which I shall die seized or possessed of subject nevertheless to the payment thereout of the several Legacies or sums of Ten pounds apiece to my three Sisters Sarah Stapleton Widow, Mary Bass Widow & Elizabeth Redman spinster & also of the like Sum of Ten Pounds apiece unto Mary Seins, William Dyer & Sarah Dyer, children of my said sister Sarah Stapleton & also of the like sum of Ten pounds unto Ann Wood wife of John Wood of Ampthill in the said county of Bedford Collarmaker & also of the Legacy or Sum of one hundred & two pounds unto my housekeeper Lucy Farr all which said several legacies or Sums of money I do hereby give & bequeath to them accordingly& direct the same to be paid by my said brother William Redman within three months next after my decease & make subject to the payment of my just Debts, funeral & testamentary expenses. And Lastly I do herein nominate, constitute & appoint my said brother William Redman & John Armstrong of Houghton Conquest aforesaid fanner joint Executors of this my last Will & Testament hereby revoking & making void all former other Wills by me at anytime herefore made & executed. In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & seal the fifth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & eleven James Redman.

LS + The mark & seal of the aforesaid James Redman the Testator. Signed sealed published & declared by the said James Redman the testator on & for his last Will & Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request in the sight & presence of each other have witnessed the same. Geo. King, clerk to Mr. Eagles, Ampthill, James Kurt, schoolmaster Houghton Conquest Beds, Dec. 19, 1811. Proved on the Oath of William Redman an Executor herein named before George Condric (?) clerk M.A. Surrogate.

Collated by Thobius (?) Abbot D.B.

Victualer is “One who furnishes provisions i.e. food, one who keeps a house of entertainments” from 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary

They had the following children.

  M i James FURR was born in 1805/1806.
  M ii
Thomas FURR was born 1 on 6 Apr 1806 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. He was christened 2 on 4 Jun 1806 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F iii
Sarah FURR was christened 1 on 4 Oct 1807 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M iv George FURR (twin) was christened on 23 Aug 1812. He was buried on 22 Jan 1885.
  F v
Hannah FURR (twin) [scrapbook] was christened 1 on 23 Aug 1812 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M vi
Edward FURR was born 1 on 12 Apr 1817 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. He was christened 2 on 4 Dec 1817 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 3 on 10 Dec 1817 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

John MASSEY. John married Mary.

John worked.

Mary. Mary married John MASSEY.

Mary worked.

They had the following children.

  F i Sarah (Sally) MASSEY was christened on 18 Oct 1817.

James FURR [Parents] was christened 1 on 7 May 1837 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. James married Sarah about 1864 in of Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

Sarah was born about 1840 in of Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. Sarah married James FURR about 1864 in of Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

They had the following children.

  F i
Mary Ann FURR was born 1 on 28 Aug 1865 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. She was christened 2 on 20 May 1866 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M ii
Frederick FURR was born 1 on 6 Jul 1867 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. He was christened 2 on 1 Jun 1873 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F iii
Louisa FURR was born 1 on 2 Jul 1870 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. She was christened 2 on 1 Jun 1873 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F iv
Caroline FURR was born 1 on 19 Jun 1872 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. She was christened 2 on 1 Jun 1873 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F v
Emma Jane FURR was born 1 on 17 Sep 1875 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. She was christened 2 on 2 Dec 1877 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F vi
Ellen FURR was born 1 on 28 Sep 1877 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. She was christened 2 on 2 Dec 1877 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

David FURR [Parents] was born on 8 Jul 1846 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. He was christened 1 on 6 Sep 1846 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. David married Mrs. Mary Ann FURR about 1879 in Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom.

David resided 2 in 1861 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

Could be the same David Farr who married Sarah Mason in 1870?


Mrs. Mary Ann FURR was born 1 in 1847 in Whalley, Derby, England, United Kingdom. Mrs. married David FURR about 1879 in Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom.

They had the following children.

  F i
Mary Ann FURR was born 1 in 1880 in Cobriggs, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom.

Mary resided 2 in 1881 in Hasland, Derby, England, United Kingdom.

Richard GEAL was born 1 on 10 Oct 1861 in Redhill, Surrey, England, United Kingdom. He was christened on 3 May 1863 in St. John, Redhill, Surrey, England, United Kingdom. Richard married 2 Louisa FURR "Lucy" on 5 May 1877 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

Louisa "Lucy" FURR [Parents] was christened 1 on 21 Sep 1851 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. Lucy married 2 Richard GEAL on 5 May 1877 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

Lucy was also known as Lucy. She resided 3 in 1861 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.


Marriage Notes:

MARRIAGE: Richard's last name is spelled 'Jeal' in the marriage record.

John FARR [Parents] [scrapbook] was christened 1 on 20 Jun 1756 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 2 on 15 Dec 1829 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. John married 3 Elizabeth BUTCHER on 5 Feb 1778 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

CHRISTENING: Record says son of Law & Elizabeth. The only possibility for parents in the records are Lawrence who married Eliz. Pierce in 1733. The other Lawrence in the records marries too late.

Elizabeth BUTCHER was born about 1757 in of, Clophill, Bedforshired, England, United Kingdom. Elizabeth married 1 John FARR on 5 Feb 1778 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

They had the following children.

  M i
Henry FARR was christened 1 in 31 NOV 1778 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 2 on 23 Mar 1849 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M ii
James FARR was christened 1 on 18 Jun 1780 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 2 on 20 Jul 1797 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M iii
William FARR was christened 1 on 19 Aug 1782 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M iv Thomas FARR was christened on 18 Jul 1784. He was buried on 11 Sep 1830.
  M v Law FARR was christened on 1 Apr 1787. He was buried on 10 Aug 1827.
  F vi
Elizabeth FARR was christened 1 on 29 Jun 1788 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. She was buried 2 on 25 Apr 1807 in Old Buckenham, Norfolk, England, United Kingdom.
  M vii
John FARR was christened 1 on 26 Feb 1790 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F viii
Sarah FURR was born about 1792 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. She was buried 1 on 26 Jun 1793 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F ix
Mary FURR was christened 1 on 23 Jun 1793 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

Law FARR [Parents] was christened 1 on 1 Apr 1787 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 2 on 10 Aug 1827 in Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. Law married 3 Esther PETTIT on 13 Oct 1813 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

Law was also known as Laurence Furr.

Esther PETTIT. Esther married 1 Law FARR on 13 Oct 1813 in Old Warden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

They had the following children.

  F i
Hannah FURR was christened 1 on 24 May 1818 in Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. She died on 8 Jun 1819.
  F ii
Hannah FURR was christened 1 on 18 Jun 1820 in Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F iii
Esther FURR was christened 1 on 12 Oct 1823 in Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

Lawrence FURR [Parents] [scrapbook] was christened 1 on 15 Aug 1709 in Cardington, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 2 on 8 Mar 1785 in Clifton, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. Lawrence married 3 Elizabeth PIERCE on 5 Feb 1733 in Maulden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

The following parish records are the only records that point to a Law or Lawrence Farr  in Bedfordshire:

Farr Lawrence, Chr 1745 3 Nov, s. Law & Elzabeth, Clophill, FHL Q942.565 B4e v. 21
Farr Low (Lawe-T), Chr 1787 1 Apr, s. John & Elizabeth, labr., Clophill, FHL Q942.565 B4e v. 21
Furr Law, Chr 1709 15 Aug, s. Thos & Joan, Cardington, FHL Q942.565 B4e v. 8
FURR Law, Mar 1813 13 Oct, Esther PETTIT, Old Warden, FHL British Film 1279194
Farr Lawr, Mar 1733 5 Feb, Lawr (Clophill), husbdn., Eliz Pierce, (of M.) Maulden, FHL Q942.565 B4e v. 22

CHRISTENING: Record says "s. of Thos & Joan"

Elizabeth PIERCE was christened 1 on 19 Jul 1707 in Maulden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. She was buried 2, 3 on 10 Aug 1761 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. Elizabeth married 4 Lawrence FURR on 5 Feb 1733 in Maulden, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

Daughter of John and Elizabeth Pearse.

Richard Pearse Will signed by him August 20, 1721
Proved April 1722
Film # 88059 327
Transcribed by Pam Bott

In the name of God Amen, I Richard Pearse Sr. of Mauldon in the County of Bedford Labouror being infirm in body but of perfect memory praised be God Do make this my last Will and Testament in mannor & form following Imp. (es) ~ I commend my sould into the Hands of Almighty God my Creator assured by believing that I shall Receive full pardon & free Remission of all my sins & be saved by the precious death & merits of my Blessed Saviour & Redeemer Jesus Christ. And my body to the earth to be decently buried at the durection of my Executor hereafter named And as to the Worldly Estate which the Lord hath lent me I give & bequeath to my Grandaughter Elizabeth Pearse one acre of Meadow ground lying & being in Lowsy Mead in the s(d) (said) Parish of Mauldon now in my own occupation to her & her heirs forever but in case she dies without issue I then give & bequeath this same acre of Meadow Ground to my Grandaughter Mn Pearse & her heirs forever. Item my Will & mind is that my said Grandaughter Elizabeth Pearse shall pay out of the s(d) (said) acre of Meadow ground the sum of Five punds of Lawful Money of Great Britain to her sister Ann Pearse so soon as she the said Ann shall attain to the age of eighteen years. Item I give and bequeath unto my Grandaughters Susan Pearse Mary Pearse and Sarah Pearse the sums of Forty Shillings apiece to each of them to be paid to them so soon as each of them shall attain to the age of Eighteen years by my Executor hereafter named in case any or either of them shall die before they attain totheir s(d) (said) their part to go to the Survivours & Survivor of them to be parted Equally between them. Item I give and bequeath unto my Grandchildren Elizabeth Simpson William Simpson Liddy Simpson & Mary Simpson forty Shillings apiece to be paid to each of them by my Executor so soon as each of them Shall attain to the age of Eighteen yeares Then & in such case the part of him or so dying shall go to the Survivors & Survivor of them Item my will & mind is that my executor Shall be allowed all reasonable charges in acting upon the behalfs of all my s(d) Grandchildren Item my will and mind is that John Charles Jun®. Of Mauldon Afores(d) (aforesaid) Shall be Guardian for all my said Grandchildren during their minorityese and Lastly I give unto the s(d) John Charles half a Crown to buy him a pair of Gloves and I also nominate & appoint the s(d) John Charles full & sole Executor of this my last Will & Testament and I do Revoke all former Wills by me made ratifying & confirming this & no other to be my last Will & Testament In Witness Whereof I the s(d) Richard Pearse have hereunto set my hand & Seal the one & twentieth day of August Anno Dom(ini) 1721 The Mark of Richard Pearse Sen® (Sr.) Signed Sealed Published Declared by the s(d) Richard Pearse for & as his last Will & Testament in the presence of us who have also set our hand as Witnesses in the presence of the s(d) Testator Thomas Underwood Richard Colby J. Balls (could be Bolls) Jn(r).

(I went to the original film of this will to look up some of these dark areas & what they said & for these concluding names as witnesses. The prolatum is in Latin I cannot read except for proved in April____1722.

Imprinis means: In the first place; first in order

They had the following children.

  M i
John FURR was christened 1 on 7 Oct 1734 in Houghton Conquest, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 2 on 17 Dec 1754 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M ii
Thomas FARR was christened 1 on 2 Jan 1736 in Wilshamstead, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F iii
Frances May FARR was christened 1 on 17 Dec 1737 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M iv
James FARR was christened 1 on 9 Dec 1739 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F v
Elizabeth FARR was christened 1 on 24 Jan 1742 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M vi
Rogart FARR was christened 1 on 8 Jan 1744 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M vii
Lawrence FARR was christened 1 on 3 Nov 1745 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M viii
Benjamin FARR was christened 1 on 22 Apr 1750 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M ix
William FARR was born 1 on 19 Jan 1752 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F x
Sarah FARR was christened 1 on 22 Jul 1753 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M xi John FARR was christened on 20 Jun 1756. He was buried on 15 Dec 1829.

Thomas FURR [Parents] [scrapbook] was christened 1 on 25 Jan 1680 in Haynes, Bedfordshire, England. He was buried 2 on 14 Feb 1725 in Haynes, Bedfordshire, England, Great Britain. Thomas married 3 Joan LAW on 1 Jul 1705 in Campton, Bedfordshire, England.

Lucas Archive
Deeds of Gravenhurst
Ref. L6/216
Deed to lead to use of Fine: 5/-
(1) Th.Farr of Cardington, Dairyman, and
wife Joan, a sister and coheir of Jn.Law.

(2) Jn. Pennington of Bedford, gent.
(1) acknowledge fine to be levied by end of
current term:
Property as in 6/215.
To use of Francis Brace of Bedford for 500
year; to be void on payment of 7.10. by
(1) to F.B. Then to use of (1).
Witnesses: Wm. ? Pugh, Wm. Goodall.
Endorsed: Receipt of 7.10. by (1) from F.B.
6 - 7 - 1709

Lucas Archive
Deeds of Gravenhurst
Ref. L6/217
Mortgage: 12.10.0.
(1) Th. Farr of Cardington, Dairyman & wife
Joan & sister & coheir of late Jn.Law of
Cardington, yeoman.
(2) Francis Brace, jnr. of Bedford, gent.
(Recites 6/216 & fine)
Property as in 6/215.
Repay 20.12.0. by next 10th March.
Witnesses: Wm.Haulker; Wm.Goodall.

Lucas Archive
Deeds of Gravenhurst
Ref. L6/218&219
Conveyance (L & R) 45.16. : 22.4.0.
(1) Th. Farr & Joan his wife, Cardington, Yeo.
Francis Brace, jnr. Bedford, gent.
(2) Hy. D. of K.
(Recites 6 /216 & 6/217)
(2) pays 45.16.0. to T.F. & 22.4.0. to F.B.
Property as 6/215.
Witnesses : J. Field, Wm. Goodall.

Listed in father's will and Grandfather's will. Thomas' older brother William is mentioned in his grandfather Robert Billington's will.

The following are parish records of Cardington:
Furr Ann, Chr 1706 15 Sep, d. Thos & Joan, dairyman, Cardington, FHL Q942.565 B4e v. 8
Furr Cath, Chr 1707 5 Oct, d. Thos & Joan, dairyman, Cardington, FHL Q942.565 B4e v. 8
Furr Law, Chr 1709 15 Aug, s. Thos & Joan, Cardington, FHL Q942.565 B4e v. 8
Furr Mary, Chr 1711 27 May, d. Thos & Joan, Cardington, FHL Q942.565 B4e v. 8 Fur Eliz, Chr 1712 27 Aug, d. Thos & Joan, dairyman, Cardington, FHL Q942.565 B4e v. 8
Firr Mary, Chr 1713 21 Mar, d. Thos & Joan, Cardington, FHL Q942.565 B4e v. 8

The following are parish records of Clophill:
Firr Thomas, Chr 1716 30 May, s. Thomas & Joan, Clophill, FHL Q942.565 B4e v. 21
Farr John, Chr 1717 14 Jul, s. Thomas & Joan, grazier (only in Bishop's Transcripts), Clophill FHL Q942.565 B4e v. 21
Farr Elizabeth, Chr 1719 5 May, d. Thomas & Joanna, husbandman, Clophill, FHL Q942.565 B4e v. 21
Faur John, Chr 1721 23 Sep, s. Thomas & Joan, dairyman, Clophill, FHL Q942.565 B4e v. 21

CHRISTENING: Used in conjunction with the father's will and Grandfather's will.

BURIAL: Burial record states the he is a dairyman from Clophill. His last four children were born in Clophill.

Joan LAW was christened 1 on 22 Mar 1685 in Campton, Bedfordshire, England. She was buried in 1769. Joan married 2 Thomas FURR on 1 Jul 1705 in Campton, Bedfordshire, England.

Lucas Archive
Deeds of Gravenhurst
Ref. L6/215

Quit Claim 11.5.0.
(1) Katherine Law of Cardington, Spinster,
(sis. & co-heiress of Jn. Law late of
Campton, yeo)
(2) Joan, wife of Th. Farr, sister of (1)

cottage in 6/211 in occ. Geo. Row.
Witnesses: Wm. Cateman, Wm.Osbourn, Jn.Street.
Endorsed: Receipt of sum above.
Acknowledgment of receipt by
Katherine & (new husband) W.Osbourn,
above sum. N.D.
Witness: Wm.Haulker, Wm.Goodhall.
4 - 7 - 1709

John Law (father) Will 1692 Film # 88052 #48
Transcribed by Pam Bott

(I looked this will up on the microfilm to read the dark areas)

In the name of God Amen the tenth of March in the yeare of our Lord God 1691 and in the yeare of the Reign of our Souveraigne Lord William and Mary by the grace of God of England, Scotland, France and Ireland defender of the faith & I John Law of Canton (Tim- on the film it looked like Carlton. There is a parish Canton in Bedford. I forgot to look to see how close it was to Compton where his son John Law was from. It was hard to read and possibly could have been Compton.) in the county of Bedford yeoman being sick in body but of good and perfect Remembrance thanks be to God thereof do make and ordain this my Last Will and testament In manor and forme following that Is to say first I bequeath my soule in to the hands of god my only maker and Redeemer hoping that my Sins are freely forgiven and my body to be buried
First I bequeath and give to my son John Lawe the sum of forty pounds to be payed by my executor at the day of marriage or when he corn (comes) to the full age of twenty one yeres of age. Iteme I give unto my dather (daughter) payed by my executors at y(e) (the) day of marriage or eth (crossed out) else when she comes to the age of twenty one yeares of age iteme I give unto my dather Katherine the sum of forty pounds & to be payed by my executors at y(e) day of marriage or des (else) when she comes to the age of one and twenty yeares
Iteme I give unto my wife all the reste of my goods whom I make wife my whole and only ____ (can't read) executor and ale (all) or (also?) the money in my pures (purse) where unto I doo here sett my hand and sele (seal) the daye above s(d) (said) Ritten (written) Sealed and delivered in the presence of us
Richard Harris the mark Henry Congley Joseph Cooker

John Law (son of John Law) Will 1704 Film #88057
Transcribed by Pam Bott

In the name of God amen I John Law of Compton in the country of Bedford, * Batchelor being of perfect memory & remembrance praised be God do make & ordain this my last Will & Testament in manor & forme following*. (viz(t)) First I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my Maker hoping that through the * meritorious Death & passion of ye (the) just Christ my only Saviour & Redeemer to receive free pardon & Forgiveness of all my sins & to Inherritt Everlasting Life and My Body I comitt to ye Earth at the discreion (probably discretion) of My Executor hereafter named Item I give & bequeath unto my eldest Sister Joane Lawe My Lands lying in Upper Gravenhurst w(th) (wife) ye * appurtences (appurtenances) hereunto belonging. It (item) I give & bequeath unto My youngest Sister Katherine Lawe Thirty pounds to be p(d) (paid) within six months after my decease. It (item) I give unto Isaiah Carter twenty schillings. It (item) I make my Father in Law John Storey whole and Sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testam(t) (testament) In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seal this second day of December in the yeare of our Lord God one Thousand Seven hundred & Four John Law sealed & delivered in the presence of Ja (James) Stewart, William Reddings (or Woddings?) Thomas Massin

Notes by Pam Bott:
I have an 1828 Noah Webster American Dictionary of The English Language that I get the meaning of these words from.

Viz(t) is a contraction of videlicet which means: that is, namely

Appurtenances means: such buildings, rights, and improvements, as belong to land, i.e. small buildings are the appurtenances of a mansion.

Meritorious (spelled with one r) means: deserving of reward or of notice, regard, fame or happiness.

Bachelor - I couldn't figure out why he would list himself as a 'Batchelor” and then list a father in law. In the 1828 dictionary another meaning for this word is given also as “a title to such as take the first degree in divinity, law or physic, in certain European universities.” Or he could have a liberal arts or science degree? Not sure on that.

They had the following children.

  F i
Anne FURR was christened 1 on 15 Sep 1706 in Cardington, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F ii Cathrine FURR was christened on 5 Oct 1707.
  M iii Lawrence FURR was christened on 15 Aug 1709. He was buried on 8 Mar 1785.
  F iv
Mary FURR was christened 1 on 27 May 1711 in Cardington, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom. She died before 21 Mar 1714 in Cardington, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F v
Elizabeth FUR was christened 1 on 27 Aug 1712 in Cardington, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F vi Mary FIRR was christened on 21 Mar 1714.
  M vii
Thomas FIRR was christened 1 on 30 May 1716 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M viii
John FARR was christened 1 on 14 Jul 1717 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  F ix
Elizabeth FARR was christened 1 on 5 May 1719 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.
  M x
John FAUR was christened 1 on 23 Sep 1721 in Clophill, Bedfordshire, England, United Kingdom.

Thomas FARR [Parents] [scrapbook] 1 was born about 1637 in Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England. He died 2, 3 on 22 Jun 1687 in Haynes, Bedfordshire, England. Thomas married 4 Ann BILLINGTON 5 on 11 May 1676 in Pulloxhill, Bedfordshire, England.

Thomas was also known as Thos Fare. He had a will 6 on 15 Jun 1687 in Haynes, Bedfordshire, England.

Connection to father is from father's will used in conjunction with his own will and the parish records. The children and grandchildren listed in the wills were the key to putting this family together.

Family from will and the following parish records of Haynes. The will gives the names of the missing son and daughter of Thomas, and the parish records give the dates. Thomas' father mentions all the grandchildren in his will that were born by his death date.

From the parish records of Haynes(FHL British Film 908072 and FHL British Book 942.565/H1 V26h):
Farr      William, Chr      1677  12  Aug,    s. Thomas
Farr      ????,    Chr      1679  25  Jan,    d. Thomas
Farr      ????,    Chr       1680  25  Jan,    s. Thomas
Farr      Faith,    Bur       1683  29  Dec,
Farr      Wm,     Bur       1683  10  Jan,
Farr      Benj,    Chr       1684  11  Mar,    s. Thomas
Farr      Mary,   Chr       1686  10  Jul,     d. Thomas

It is clear from the wills of Thomas and William that the above un-named son and daughter of Thomas in the vitals were Ann and Thomas.

Archdeaconry of Bedford - Will
Thomas Farr of Haynes - Yeoman
1687/34 - Films 0088050 and 1066823
In the Name of God Amen, This 15th Day of June 1687 I Thomas ffarr of Haines in the county of Bedeford Item Being Sick of Body but of good and perfect Remembrance thanks be unto almighty god and Calleing To Remembrance the uncertainty of this ----- ----- of Life Doe make and ordaine this my Last will and Testament in manner and forme following Imprimis I Committ my Soule into the hands of Almighty god hoping Through the only mirrith of Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour To Inthrest everlasteinge Life and my Body I committ to the earth To be Decently Buried at the Desecration of my executrix heare after named and as To those worldly goods it hath pleased almighty god To Lend me in this Life I give and Bequeath Them in manner following. Item I give an Bequeath unto my eldest Sonn William ffarr the sum of Twenty pounds, Item I give and bequeath unto the rest of my Children Ann ffarr Thomas ffarr Benjamin ffarr and Mary ffarr the sume of Twenty poundes a peec all which said fourth sums my will is that be paid unto each of them when they shall attaine the age of one and Twenty years all the Rest of my Goods and Chattles what soever, Item I give and bequeathe unto my Loving wife Ann ffarr whom I make Sole executrix of this my Last will and Testament I witness whare of I have heare unto sett my hands and seals the Day and Year aforesaid.
Signed Sealed and Published
In the Presence of
John Carter Tho: ffarr
Tho: Goate
Samuele Carter

The DNA that descends from this Thomas matches the DNA that descends from Stephen. This along with other records prove that Stephen is Thomas' brother and both are sons of William. Stephen disappears from the English records and is the only Stephen that can't be accounted for. This is the Stephen that shows up in Concord, MA., and is why he shows in the parish records as a son to William but not mentioned in William's will. The DNA results between our Farrs and our English cousin are as follows:

#14723(David Jackson Farr)-----13 23 14 10 11 12 12 12 12 14 13 30 18 9 10 11 11 24 15 19 29 15 16 17 17 11 10 19 23 17 15 17 17 36 38 12 12
#15659(Steven Timothy Farr)----13 23 14 11 11 12 12 12 12 14 13 30 18 9 10 11 11 24 15 19 29 15 16 17 17 11 10 19 23 17 15 17 17 36 38 13 12

The above results show a two-marker one-step mutation. The following two paragraphs explain why this is not a problem:

When you compare a 12 Marker result to another 12 marker result of someone with the SAME surname, and the results match 12/12, there is a 99% probability that you two are related within the time frame included in the MRCA tables. If the match is 11/12, there's still a high probability that you are related IF the 11/12 match is within the same surname. If you compare a 25 Marker result to another 25 marker result for the SAME surname, and the results match 24/25, then there is also a 99% confidence that the two individuals are related…and at a much closer time interval than with the 12 marker test.

Our bodies work as copy machines when it comes to the Y-DNA. You can have a copy machine doing 1,000 copies without a problem, and then, the 1,001 copy may have an "o" that looks more like an "e". And when we use this copy to make additional ones, all the new ones will now have an "e" instead of an "o". This is a simple way to explain how mutations occur in our Y-DNA when it's transferred (copied) from father to son. Mutations don't happen frequently, on the contrary, very seldom, but they can happen randomly in time, which means that I could be one mutation off of my father. That is why all those matches or close matches on 12 markers will in most of the cases go away when they happen between different surnames, and we increased the number of markers that are compared: more mutations showing up, which means way back in time when the common ancestor lived.

Ann BILLINGTON 1 was christened 2, 3 on 16 Dec 1646 in Barton In the Clay, Bedford, England. She was buried 4 on 1 Jul 1793 in Woburn, Bedfordshire, England. Ann married 5 Thomas FARR 6 on 11 May 1676 in Pulloxhill, Bedfordshire, England.

Robert Billington Will
4 April 1679
Film #88046
Pulloxhill, Bedfordshire, England
Transcribed by Pam Bott

In the name of God amen the fourth day of April in the year of our Lord God one and six hundred and seaventy nine and in the one and thirtieth year of the reign of our most gracious sovergane lord Charles the second King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland defender of the faith.  I Robert Bilington of Pullexhill in the county of Bedford dariman being in good and perfectt health thanks be given to God doo make and ordain in this my last will and Testament in manor and forme following.  I give and bequeath my soull to almighty God my creator and to Jesus Christ my Saviour by whose merits death and pation I hope assuredly to have Everlasting life and as for my body I desire it may be decently buried by the discression of my Executrix hereafter named and as for that worldly goods that it has pleased God to bestow upon me I give and bequeth it in manor and forme following.  Imprinuis I give and bequeath to Susan * Feeles my Eldest Daughter now wife of Richard Feeles one shilling of lawful money of England.  Item I give and bequeth to Robert Feels sonne of the aforesaid Richard Feills my grand child the sume of six shillings and eight pense of good and lawful mony of England. Item  I give and bequeth to John Feels sonne of the aforesaid Richard Feels my grandchild the like sume of six shillings and eight pense of like lawffull mony of England  Item  I give and bequeth to Ann Farr now wife of Thomas Farr my second daughter the sume of one shilling.  Item   I give and bequeth to William Farr my Grandchild the sume of six shillings and eight pense of like lawffull money of England.  Item   I give and bequeth unto Mary Langester now wife of Henry Langester my third daughter one shilling of like lawffull mony of England.  All the rest and besides of my moveable goods households and cattell and chattels whatsoever unbequethed I give and bequeth to Susan Billington my now wife whome I make and ordaine to bee my full and sole executrix of this my last will and testament she paying my debts and legacies and discharging my funeral expenses.  The word Robert was **interlined in the twelvth line before seallinge of the present will.  In witnesse whereof to this my last will and testament I the said Robert Billington have put to my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written.  Robert Billington     (his mark)

Sealled and Subscribed unto in the presents of
William Fillee     (or Hillee or Filler or Hiller?  I think it is Fillee.)
Robert Woodward
Joseph Burr

Notes by Pam Bott
*   He keeps spelling this surname differently.  I think it is Feeles but I wrote the others as he spelled them.

**   interlined means it is written between the lines.  However in this will I think they spelled it interlinged?  The name Robert was written between the 12th line of this will on top of the name Richard crossed out.

They had the following children.

  M i William FARR was christened on 12 Aug 1677. He was buried on 14 Apr 1754.
  F ii Ann FARR was christened on 25 Jan 1679/1680.
  M iii Thomas FURR was christened on 25 Jan 1680. He was buried on 14 Feb 1725.
  M iv Benjamin FARR was born on 11 Mar 1684. He was buried on 8 Jan 1763.
  F v
Mary FARR was born 1 on 10 Jul 1686 in Haynes, Bedfordshire, England. She was christened 2 on 10 Jul 1686 in Haynes, Bedfordshire, England.

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