Ancestors of Tim Farr and Descendants of Stephen Farr Sr. of Concord, Massachusetts and Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England

Willis V. FARR [Parents] 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5, 6 on 5 Nov 1866 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, United States. He died 7 on 18 Nov 1945 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, United States. Willis married 8 Ethel May RUGG on 24 Jun 1896 in Fairfax, Franklin, Vermont, United States.

The following is from "The Family of Willis Vernon Farr" by Jayne E. Bickford:

There is a bridge between Westminster, Vermont, and Walpole, New Hampshire, over the Connecticut River. I find in my mothers papers, originally belonging to her father, Willis Vernon, newspaper Items concerning this bridge, and I quote them here for your interest. It would appear that an article was printed in the Brattleboro Phoenix in 1910 with which Willis disagreed, so he wrote an article for publication.

“Historical Fects About the Old Bridge
“Some facts of historical interest concerning the Walpole and Westminster bridge which was burned a few days ago are given herewith: After the second loss in the destruction of the eastern section of the bridge the Walpole and Westminster Bridge cor­poration, which had owned and controlled the toll bridge many years, became anxious to give it up and offered to sell it for a small sum. The town of Walpole, having held a town meeting and having voted to pay two-thirds of' the expense of building a new bridge and of buying the corporate interest in the old one. this town, at its annual town meeting, March 1, 1870, voted to appropriate the sum of $1500 and instructed its selectmen to unite with the selectmen of Walpole in buying the interests lin the old bridge corporation. At a speclal town meeting held April 23, 1870, it was voted to approtpiate an additional sum of $700 to carry out an agreement which had been signed by the selectmen of both towns and had been accepted and ratified at this special meeting, which read as follows:

"Whereas the Walpole and Westminster bridge corporation and the stockholders of said corporation have signified their desire to give up said corporate prorerty for a nominal sum in consideration of having a public highway laid and built over said franchise, and cer­tain Individuals in Walpole having pledged themselves to pay two thousand dollars, Cheshire railroad to furnish one thousand dollars in material and labor and individuals in Westrninster and Rockingham one thousand dollars for the purpose of having, and maintaining said public highway, therefore, we, the selectmen of the respective towns aforesaid, agree to the following arrangement, to wit: The selectmen of Walpole, New Hampshire, to survey and lay out upon the line of the late bridge belonging to said cor­poration a public highway to the west line of New Hampshire: and the selectmen of Westminster, Vermont, to survey and lay out a public highway to the line of said bridge to the east line of Vermont: and further In behalf of said towns do hereby agree to build and maintain a public highway or free bridge over said route in the proportion of two-thirds of the expense to be borne by the said town of Walpole and one-third by the said town of Westminster, said agreement to be in force and virtue until either of said towns shall vote to discontinue said highway and they further agree that the necessary measures shall be taken by said towns to secure acts or laws by the legislature of their respective states legal­izing this agreement (if not so now) and making such laws as shall be necessary to regulate the care and maintenance of said bridge hereafter as a public highway in the foregoing proportions.

"Given under our hands at Walpole and Westminster this 23d day of April, A. D. 1870. Charles Fisk Frederick Watkins, Neheatab Royce, selectmen of Walpole; Henry C. Lane, D. C. Gorham, Nathan Fisher, selectmen of Westminster.

“At a special town meeting June 20, following, called for the purpose of appropriating a further sum for the above purpose, the town voted to interest its selectmen to do nothing further about the matter and refused to aprropriate any more money toward building the bride. This action caused considerable feeling, culminating in the calling of the third town meeting held on July 8, following, which resulted In rescinding the action taken at the former meeting, and the select­men were authorized and instructed to carry out the provisions of the above agreement and draw their orders on the treasury for a sufficient sum for the same. The bridge was built and opened for travel in the fall of 1870 with a grand celebra­tion, and at the time of its destruction it had nearly reached Its 40th birthday anniversary.

“The Westminster-Walpole Bridge.
“Editor of the Phoenix:

“I read with interest the article in your issue of the 15th inst. entitled 'HIstorical Facts about the old bridge. ' The article fails to give all the facts and for that reason I ask for space in your paper to add other facts to the history of the 'Old Bridge. I have in my possession a copy of the original survey of the bridge road, so called, through the land of Ezra T. Cone in Westminster, Vt.:

“Beginning on the east side of the main street at the south bar-post leading into Ezra T. Cone's meadow, from thence South 69 degrees, east 74 rods to the southwest corner of the bridge which is contemplated to be built across the Connecticut river between Walpole and Westminster. Said road is laid three rods wide lying on the northerly side of said line. Surveyed April 25th, 1806, by Nicanor Townsley, Aaron Hitchcock, Nathaniel McNeil, selectmen.

“Hence you see that the Westminster survey referred to amounted to a few feet from the south­west corner of the bridge to low water mark.

“In the allusion to the old bridge company your article of the 15th carries the idea that the company was seeking to profit by a sale of their rights to the towns without telling what actually was done. My parents were stockholders in that bridge company and as soon as my father, the late John Vernon Farr, could get to Walpole after two- thirds of the toll bridge had gone down stream he called on the late Herbert Bellows, who was the owner of the largest block of stock in the bridge, and offered to donate his stock and as much more in money towards establishIng a free bridge between the two towns If Mr. Bellows would do likewise. Mr. Bellows replied that he put his money into the bridge as an Investment and he was 'going to have it out.' My father replied: 'You are worth dollars to me cents, but I have traveled 16 years and appreciate the benefIts of a free bridge. Father went home discouraged for he knew that with the largest stock-holder against him he had an up-hill task to secure a free bridge. But his parting words had the desired effect. The following morning Mr. Bellows drove around via Bellows Falls to return my father's call. As he drove into the yard he accosted father with the remark, Well, Farr, I have thought better of your proposition and am ready to do your bidding.

'Hence they agreed to each start a paper in their respective towns heading them with their own subscrip­tion of stock and cash. Through the efforts of the two men not only was the stock in the toll bridge donated, but a large amount of money was secured toward constructing a free bridge. These contributions were turned over to the towns of Walpole and Westminster on condition that a free bridge be constructed and maintained between them. The offer was accepted and not only has a free bridge been enjoyed by Walpole and Westminster nearly 40 years, but it has been enjoyed also by tour­ists on their way from Boston to the Champlain Valley or from New York to the White mountains.

“Trusting that what I have written will add to, rather than detract from, the interest of your readers in the first free bridge to span the Connecticut river between Cheshire county, New Hampshire, and Windham County, Vermont, I am Yours for the public good,
Burlington, Vt., April 25, 1910”

And another item concerning the bridge which appeared in the Bellows Falls Times of 12 May 1910:

“We have read with interest the letter in a recent issue of the TIMES by W. V. Farr. The facts given in the historical sketch also publIshed in this paper are correct as can be shown by the town records and by consulting with the older resi­dents of the town. The survey of the highway referred to in Mr. Farr's letter was superceded by another made by the late M. W. Davis July 22, 1870, and immediately following the closing of the contract for the building of the bridge which was recently burned. The survey was made to the west abutment of the Walpole and Westminster bridge and the select­men laid out and opened the same for travel at once in accordance with the survey then made. There were many others besides those named in Mr. Farr's communication who did valiant service in the work of rebuilding the brIdge. We could name more than two score who gave freely of their time and money for the enterprise. Nearly all of these have passed on and joined the great majority and only a very few are now living who were in active life at that time. The years that have come and gone since the stirring events which took place before the bridge could be built show now that they builded well, even far better than they anticipated and it is for the resent generation to maintain the same standard.

The following is also from "The Family of Willis Vernon Farr" by Jayne E. Bickford:

Among my mother's papers I find a license for Willis V. Farr to teach any Common School in Westminster, Vt. until 1 Jun 1885, and I understand he did teach for a short time. This license is headed “State of Vermont” and is signed by John B. Morse, Town Superintendent. The license was issued as the result of Willis having taken an oral and written examination, at Fayetteville on the “1st day of April last, “ and the license is dated 7 Nov 1884 (when Willis would have been 18 years of age). The results of the written examination are shown:

Per Cent
Arithmetic          100
Geography           70
Grammar              95
Us. & C. Gov       90
Physiology            65
General Average   82

It obviously was Willis' lack of knowledge of physiology which pulled his general average down.

After my father's death when I lacked twelve days of being one year old, my mother and I lived with my Farr grandparents (Willis and Ethel). Before my father's death, he and my mother lived in a small apartment on the second floor of my grandparents borne at 83 North Union Street, Burlington, Vermont, and I was, in fact, born in my grandfather's first floor bedroom in the same house. When my grandparents began going to Florida winters, my mother and I went with them. Growing up with ny grand­parents brought me In contact with many family members, family outings and recollections which in all probability would not have been mine had my father lived, for I understand my father was about to buy a store and move to Ludlow, Vermont.

The first few years of my grandparents' married life were filled with frequent relocations. You will note that my mother, Vina, the first child, was born at Fairfax, Vermont. At this time her parents were living with Ethel's parents. The next child, John, was born on Champlain Street, Burlington, which Ethel's parents gave to her and her husband for a wedding present. By the time the third child, Mary Delphine, was born, Ethel and Willis were living in Westminster (I think in the home of John Vernon Farr). By 1904 they had returned to Fairfax to care for Ethel 's father, her mother having died, and their son Robert was born there. In 1905 they were back in Westminster (this time in the house now owned by John E. Farr) and Nattie was born there.

Subsequently Willis and Ethel bought a house at 77 Buell Street, Burlington, and in 1910 daughter Thelma's birth blessed the household. In 1912 daughter Alma was born in the sane house. Then Willis and Ethel sold the Buell Street house and bought the house at 83 North Union Street, a sixteen-room, four story building, with plenty of room for their large family. Frank was born there in 1914. The Farrs continued to live in this house until 1936 when they sold it and moved their belongings to their summer place at Hinesburg. Until World War II and gas rationing kept them in Florida, they wintered in Florida and summered at Hinesburg. Until December of 1943 when their daughter Delphine and her husband died two days apart, they were content with this arrangement, although they missed not seeing their children in the North more. But soon after these tragic deaths, my grandparents sold their Florida property and bought a house at 376 South Winooski Avenue, Burlington. They also sold the Hinesburg property. And this house at 376 South Winooski Avenue was where Willis Vernon Farr died about a month after it had become necessary to amputate one of his legs. I had gone to Washington, D. C. to work in 1942 so I was not with my mother and my grandparents when they made this relocation. After my grandfather's death, my grandmother sold the Winooski Avenue house and moved into one-halt of her son John's home at Westminster, Vermont.

In 1936 when the Farrs sold their North Union Street home, the following item appeared in the Burlington Free Press with a picture of my grandfather, Willis Vernon Farr:

“HINESBURG, Sept. 1.--When Willis V. Farr moved here this week from Burlington he lacked only five months of completing half a century of residence in the Queen City. Closing their home at 83 North Union Street, in which they have lived for more than two decades, Mr. and Mrs. Farr have transferred their furniture and personal belongings to their summer home 'Few Acres,' here where they expect to remain until next week when they plan to go to Florida for the winter.
“Along with Mr. and Mrs. Farr, Hinesburg has gained a choice collection of antique furniture and historical curios. Most of the items in the Farr collection have a Vermont history, having been gathered by Mr. Farr during his travels about the State as subscription solicator and office represent­ative of the Free Press. Besides several Boston rockers, Windsor chairs and maple tables, the items include a leg-stand safe of curly birch from Starksboro, a half dozen fiddle-back chairs from Brandon, an old-fashioned high office desk, a cane-bottom chair from the Chester Arthur home in Fairfield, a cabinetmaker's bench said to have belonged to Gov. Thomas Chittenden, a large copper kettle used for making soap in Westminster, a mortar and pestle from the Gov. Chittenden home, a Federal license to butcher issued to Elbridge Rugg in 1866, several Currier & Ives prints, a 'Walton's Vermont Register and Farmer's Almanack' of 1824 and a draft of the first school in Huntington dated 1821.

“Coming to Burlington from his home in Westminster in January, 1888, at the age of 21, Mr. Farr, during that same year, entered the employ of the Free Press, securing subscriptions for the weekly edition of the paper. His first subscription was secured in Shelburne from the late Henry Saxton and since then he has secured hundreds of subscriptions in all parts of northern and central Vermont. Travelling by train, by horse and by foot, and in later days by automobile, Mr. Farr has covered thousands of miles in the State and interviewed thousands of Vermonters. In 1808 while travelling over Lincoln mountain by foot, he was caught in a blizzard and had a narrow escape from serious injury.

''When I first went to Grand Isle county,' he said, 'the sand bar bridge was passable only during low water. There were no other bridges connecting the islands with the mainland and the only train was from the north. Grand Isle was the first town In the State, as I remember, to have a rural free delivery service. Brad Jackson and Fred Martell were the carriers. After that South Burlington got R.F.D. service and then other towns.

Delivered Sunday Edition
“'During the Spanish-American war, when the Free Press put out several Sunday editions to serve the public with spot news, I delivered the first Sunday papers that were ever brought into Vergennes on the day of publication, with a pair of grey horses from Smith's livery in Burlington. I was met at the Stevens House by Ramie Martin of Bristol and Charley Rich of Middlebury, who then circulated the papers over Addison county. The following Sunday, after Admiral Dewey's victory, I went to St. Altans with Douglas S. Danforth's horse 'Vanderbilt' met the sleeper and took the Sunday Free Press to Enosburg Falls where I was met by the news agents from Richford and Montgomery Center. I drove back through Bakersfield and was stopped at West Enosburg by the mInister who wanted a copy of the Free Press to take into the pulpit with him for his sermon.

“'During the freshet of 1927 I was the last man to drive a car across the Winooski bridge before it went down. Following the flood I carried the first mail into several isolated villages and continued to serve the communities as far south as Orwell each week day morning until train servIce was restored. I have visited every session of the Legislature since 1888, with the exception of the last session,• when I was out of the State.

“Recalling his first visit to Burlington, Mr. Farr said: 'I first came to Burlington with my father and sister on an excursion.

I am inclined to think Douglas S. Danforth referred to above is a printing error, and that the reference is to Willis' brother-in-law George Douglas Danforth, usually known as Douglas or Doug Danforth. The Danforths lived at Fairfax not far distant from St. Albans, and Douglas was married to Erneline Rugg, sister to Willis' wife. Recent research reveals that Willis and Douglas were also fifth cousins once removed, both having descended from Nicholas Danforth as follows:

                                     Nicholas Danforth
           Jonathan Danforth
           Jonathan Danforth
           Jacob Danforth        Brothers      Jonathan Danforth
           Jacob Danforth     1st cousins     Benjamin Danforth
           Jesse Danforth     2nd cousins     Samuel Danforth
           John Danforth      3rd cousins     Cyrus Danforth
           Nancy Danforth   4th cousins      Hiram Danforth
           John Vernon Farr 5th cousins     George Douglas Danforth
           Willis Vernon Farr

At about the same time the above item concerning the Farrs' removal to Hinesburg appeared in the newspaper, the following item was also printed:

“This week marks the completion of 40 years of continuous service of one of the most widely known members of the Free Press staff, Willis V. Farr. During that time Mr. Farr has travelled a distance several tImes around the globe on all types of Vermont roads in the interests of Free Press circulation sales and service. He has seen Vermont rural life enriched with the coming of the rural routes, the telephone, the automobile and mechanical and electrical aids and conven­iences. He has played a large part in demonstra­ting the value of daily newspaper reading to Vermont citizens on farms, in villages, in cities. In his time Free Press circulation has grown from 3,200 to 14,900. We take this occasion to hail one of our co-workers and to wish him many years of con­tinued health and useful service.”

The 40 years referred to in this article is obviously a printing error, for I have heard my mother say that my grandfather worked for the Free Press for over 50 years, and the account which appeared at the tIme of my grand­father's death states that he was with the Free Press Circulation Department over half a century.

My grandfather did not keep all the items he collected. Some he sold and some he gave to his children. One such item is now at the Bennington, Vermont, museum. When I was there in 1974 I inquired concerning a drum used in the Battle of Bennington which I had heard my grandfather had owned and placed at the museum. I was able to see the drum. The museum records concerning the drum read:

Drum, with sticks, used in the Battle of Bennington. Owned for many years by Major Haines French, of Maidstone, Vt. It descended from him to Mrs. Warner French, of Jericho, Vt. who had it for many years. At her decease it was acquired by purchase by W. V. Farr of Burlington, Vt., who had known the drum and its story for more than thirty years. It was pur­cased from Mr. Farr by John Spargo. Gift of Mr. John Spargo (curator) given to Museum 8-14-1929.”

I am sure this drum had particular significance for my grandfather, for he joined the Sons of the American Revolution through his ancestor, Daniel Farr, who was at the Battle of Bennington.

The item which appeared in the Free Press following my grandfather's death was headed “Was in Free Press Circulation Dept. Over Half Century,” and it read:

Willis V. Farr of 376 South Winooski Ave., for more than 50 years a representative of the Free Press circulation department, died at his home last night, at the age of 79. He was born in Westminster Station Nov. 5, 1866, the son of John and Mary (Watkins) Farr. In 1888 he came to Burlington and started taking subscriptions for the weekly edition of the Free Press. Traveling by train, by horse, by foot and in later days by automobile, Mr. Farr covered thousands of miles, interviewed thousands of Vermonters, and as a - hobby collected many choice antiques and historical curios, most of which have a Vennont history.

“Mr. Farr was a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, and a 35-year member of Green Mountain Lodge, lOOP. He attended the Methodist Church.

“He is survived by his widow, Ethel Rugg Farr; three daughters, Mrs. Vina Harrington, Burlington; Mrs. Mattie Hernmingway, Sheldon, and Mrs. Alma Hyer, Roseland, N. 3., a son, John E., Westminster Station; nine grandchildren, Jane and Ethel Harrington, Washington, D. C.; Harriet and Donald Hemmthgway, Jr., Sheldon; John and David Hyer, Roseland, N. J.; Jeanne Farr, Westminster Station; Alice May Brown, Sheldon; Robert Farr Brown, West­minster Station, and Dorothy Deiphine Brown, Roseland, N. J.; two sisters, Miss Harriet N. Farr, Westminster Station, and Mrs. Gertrude M. Hale, Athol, Mass.

“Four other children died several years ago, Thelma Farr and Delphine Farr Brown, Frank Vernon Farr and Robert Hartland Farr.

“Funeral services will be held Wednesday Morning at 11 in the Gurney funeral home, 79 Spruce st. Interment will be in the family lot, Lake View cemetery, T. W. Gurney, Inc. in charge.”

For the sake of accuracy, may I point out that “Hernmingway” is correctly spelled “Hemenway.” “Jane and Ethel Harrington” should have been “Jayne Ethel Harrington.” And “Robert Hartland” should have been “Robert Harlan.”

A few years ago the Free Press printed a receipt made by Willis V. Farr for monies received from Herbert Day for a subscription to the Free Press. The caption under the receipt stated: “Free Press circulation representative, Edmund Miller, recently picked up receipt from Free Press Middlebury area subscriber. It dates back to 1889 when weekly Free Press cost 25¢ for three months or 13 issues. It was signed by if. W. F. V. Farr who traveled rural roads by horse and buggy seeking Free Press Subscribers.”

My grandfather was, a dedicated Free Press employee, and he was deeply interested in the newspaper. I can remember him coming home from a week's work (he didn't always come home every night) muddy, tired and dirty. Vermont roads were not all paved when I was a child, and many times my grandfather's car became stuck in the mud, and he had to work with shovel and sometimes get a horse to get the car out of the mud. Snow, of course, brought a different kind of problem.

If someone wanted a subscription to the newspaper and didn't have the money, Willis would stay in their spare upper chamber (sometimes a cold one in the winter) in exchange for the price of the Subscription, turning his expense money in to pay for the paper, or take a hen which he brought home for Sunday dinner or sold, giving the money to the Free Press for the desired subscriptIon.

My grandfather was also a dedicated family man, anxious to have his family happy and well cared for. I have a letter written by him and postmarked St. Albans January 12, 1902. The envelope is address to “John, Delphine and Vina Farr at Westminster Sta., Vt. It reads:

“Son and dauthters
“I am way up North of Grandpa's but have not seen him. We are having a blizzard here and I don't know whether the train will be able to get through with this letter to you or not. I hope you are well and taking good care of each other and your poor ma ma. Keep in out of the storm and not get sick. Can't you print a nice letter to papa and send up to me when ma is writing some time. Remember Papa thinks of you many times a day wishes he could step in and give you a kiss and hug. Kiss Mama for Papa and save lots for yourselves.
From your loving Father'

“North of Grandpa's” refers to Willis' father-in-law, Elbridge Gerry Rugg, who lived at Fairfax.

Ethel May RUGG 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 28 Jan 1874 in Fairfax, Franklin, Vermont, United States. She died 5 on 9 Feb 1955 in Bellows Falls, Windham, Vermont, United States. Ethel married 6 Willis V. FARR on 24 Jun 1896 in Fairfax, Franklin, Vermont, United States.

The following is from "The Family of Willis Vernon Farr" by Jayne E. Bickford:

“Mn. Willis Farr,
“Westminster Station widow Dies; Funeral to Be Saturday
“WESTMINSTER -- Mrs. Ethel Mae (Rugg) Farr, 81, of Westminster Station, widow of Willis V. Farr, died this morning at Rockingham Memorial Hospital, Bellows Falls, after an illness of six weeks.

“She was born in Fairfax Jan. 28, 1874 a daughter of the late Elbridge G. and Delphine (Fisk-Rugg, and lived in Burlington until the death of her husband, who was associated for 50 years with the Burlington Free Press, in November 1945. Then she moved to Westminster Station. She was a member of the Burlington Methodist Church and of the Dorcas King's Daughters of Burlington.

“Mrs. Farr leaves a son, John E. Farr of Westminster Station, proprietor of Farr's garage in Bellows Falls; three daughters, Mrs. Vina Berry of Bowdoinham, Me., Mrs. Mattie Hemenway of Waterbury and Mrs. Alma Hyer of Roseland, N. J.; nine grandchildren and two great­grandchildren. Four other children of Mrs. Farr have died.

“The funeral will be held Saturday at 10 a.m. at the Fenton & Hennessey Funeral Home in Bellows Falls with Rev. W. Leroy Haven officIating. Burial will be in Lakeview Cemetery, Burlington, Saturday at 2:30 p.m.”

They had the following children.

  F i Vina Lucretia FARR was born on 3 May 1897. She died on 10 Apr 1974 from of cancer.
  M ii John Elbridge FARR was born on 8 Jul 1898.
  F iii Mary Delphine FARR was born on 29 Mar 1901. She died on 20 Dec 1943.
  M iv
Robert H. FARR 1 was born 2 on 26 Apr 1904 in Fairfax, Franklin, Vermont, United States. He died 3 on 7 Mar 1927 in Davenport, Scott, Iowa, United States.

Robert resided 4 in 1920 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, United States.

The following is from "The Family of Willis Vernon Farr" by Jayne E. Bickford:

At the time of his death, Robert was studying at the Palmer School of Chiropractry, Davenport, Iowa. He would have graduated the June following his death. He played the drums in a dance band, was generous of nature, loved people and enjoyed a good joke.

DEATH: Unmarried.
  F v Mattie W. FARR was born on 6 May 1905. She died on 26 Sep 1988.
  F vi
Thelma Rugg FARR was born 1 on 10 Jan 1910 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, United States. She died 2 on 2 Aug 1911 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, United States from probably from a run away horse accident.

The following is from "The Family of Willis Vernon Farr" by Jayne E. Bickford:

Birth record shows this date; grave marker, Lakeview Cem., Burlington, Vt. shows 15 Jan 1910. Thelma's death record shows date of birth as 15 Jan 1910. The cause of death on the death record is “Gastro Enteritis Acute, “ and a registered nurse tells me that she can see no connection between this and the run-away horse accident.
  F vii Alma Mae FARR was born on 18 Apr 1912.
  M viii
Frank Vernon FARR was born 1 on 6 Jul 1914 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, United States. He died 2 on 20 Nov 1916 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, United States from of polio.

Edgar Clayton HARRINGTON died 1 on 16 Feb 1925 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, United States. Edgar married 2 Vina Lucretia FARR on 28 Jun 1922 in Vermont, United States.

Vina Lucretia FARR [Parents] was born 1 on 3 May 1897 in Fairfax, Franklin, Vermont, United States. She died 2 on 10 Apr 1974 in Lisbon Falls, Androscoggin, Maine, United States from of cancer. Vina married 3 Edgar Clayton HARRINGTON on 28 Jun 1922 in Vermont, United States.

Vina resided 4 in 1920 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, United States.

Other marriages:
BERRY, Charles Robert

Charles Robert BERRY 1 was born 2 on 30 Sep 1893 in Bowdoinham, Sagadahoc, Maine, United States. He died 3 on 22 Sep 1946 in Lisbon Falls, Androscoggin, Maine, United States. Charles married 4 Vina Lucretia FARR on 15 Sep 1946 in Brunswick, Cumberland, Maine, United States.

Vina Lucretia FARR [Parents] was born 1 on 3 May 1897 in Fairfax, Franklin, Vermont, United States. She died 2 on 10 Apr 1974 in Lisbon Falls, Androscoggin, Maine, United States from of cancer. Vina married 3 Charles Robert BERRY on 15 Sep 1946 in Brunswick, Cumberland, Maine, United States.

Vina resided 4 in 1920 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, United States.

Other marriages:
HARRINGTON, Edgar Clayton

John Elbridge FARR [Parents] was born 1 on 8 Jul 1898 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, United States. John married 2 Marion Scott HYER on 28 Oct 1927 in Roseland, Essex, New Jersey, United States.

John resided 3 in 1920 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, United States.

The following is from "The Family of Willis Vernon Farr" by Jayne E. Bickford:

Mr. and Mrs. Farr have given generously of their time in helping with the care of children who were in need. When Marion's brother Jack lost hIs wife and he was left with a small daughter, the Farrs cared for her until Jack married Mr. Farr's sister, Alma. After Mr. Farr's sister Delphine and her husband died two days apart in 1943, the Farrs took the three Brown children into their home, and Mr. Farr became their guardian. Later Dorothy went to live with her Aunt Alma in New Jersey, and Alice lived first with her Aunt Mattie Hemenway and later with her father's sister, Mrs. Barrett.

Marion Scott HYER. Marion married 1 John Elbridge FARR on 28 Oct 1927 in Roseland, Essex, New Jersey, United States.

They had the following children.

  F i Jeanne Lois FARR.

Chester Addison BROWN was born 1 on 5 Feb 1897 in Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire, United States. He died 2 on 22 Dec 1943 in Brattleboro, Windham, Vermont, United States. Chester married 3 Mary Delphine FARR on 10 Aug 1926 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, United States.

Mary Delphine FARR [Parents] was born on 29 Mar 1901 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, United States. She died 1 on 20 Dec 1943 in Vernon, Windham, Vermont, United States. Mary married 2 Chester Addison BROWN on 10 Aug 1926 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, United States.

Mary resided 3 in 1920 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont, United States.

The following is from "The Family of Willis Vernon Farr" by Jayne E. Bickford:

There follows a copy of the newspaper account of the marriage of Delphine (as she was called) and Chester:

See the History of Chesterfield by Oran E..Randall, pages 460 - 462 for family of Lenna Streeter(this account shows her as Sarah Lenna).

“Miss Delphine Farr Bride of C. A. Brown “In the floral-decorated living room of her
home, °3 North Union Street, Miss M. Delphine Farr, daughter of Willis V. and Ethel M. Farr, became the bride of Chester Addison Brown of Vernon yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Addison M. Brown of Chesterfield, N. H. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mark Kelley in the presence of many relatives and friends.

Miss Mattie W. Farr, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and R. Harlan Farr, a brother, was best man. To the strains of the bridal chorus from Lohengrin, which was played by Miss Alma Mae Farr, another sister, the bridal party walked down a gladiolus-banked stairway to the living room, which was also enhanced by a profusion of flowers and ferns.

“The bride's dress was of white georgette over white satin. She wore a picture hat to match, and carried white bridal roses. The maid of honor was attired in green georgette with a black picture hat, and carried rink and white sweet peas.

“Including a $1,000 check from her father, the bride's gifts comprised a large collection of linen, cut-glass, silver and electrical appliances. She gave her maid of honor a snake chain and bracelet, and her sister, who played the wedding march, a brace­let set with rhine stones. A five-dollar gold piece was the bridegroom's gift to the best man.

“FoIlowing the ceremony, dinner was served to 45 relatives and friends on the spacious lawn in the rear of the Farr residence. Mrs. Lillian D. Smith of Addison, assisted by Mrs. Ida Gates of this city, catered. The waitresses were Alma Tyler of Essex, and Grace Williams and Evelyn Trudeau, both of this city.

"About 4:30 o'clock, the couple left on a honey­moon journey to the White Mountains. In two weeks, they will be at home in Vernon.

“The bride was graduated from the Burlington High School and from the UnIversity of Vermont in the class of 1922. She has taught for a year and a half in Grand Isle, for a year in Vernon and during the last school year In Sharon, Conn. The bridegroom Is em­ployed by the New England Power Coupany as an electrician.

“Those from away who witnessed the ceremony in­cluded Mr. and Mrs. Addison Brown of Chesterfield, N. H., Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barrett of Hinsdale, N. H.,
George Brown of Brattleboro, Mr and Mrs. Charles Hale of Vernon, Mr. and It's. Nelson Forsythe and Robert and Jeannette Forsythe of North Tonawanda,
N. Y., Mrs. Erwin L. Hale and daughter Elizabeth of Athol, Mass., Miss Harriet N. Farr of Westminster, Mr. and Mrs. Harry King of Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Danforth and Allen Danforth, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. King and Mr.and Mrs. Rupert King of Fairfax, Mrs. Glenn Parish of Westford and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Benson and Beula Belland of Rutland.”

Delphine and Chester's marriage was a happy one. They were an ambitious and thrifty couple. For a number of years they lived in a house in Vernon, Vermont, owned by the company for which Chester worked, but later they bought a borne in Vernon. Uncle Chester always had a fine garden, and Aunt Delphine diligently canned the produce.

The marriage ended tragically when the couple died two days apart in 1943.

“Sudden Death of Chester Brown Follows
Wife's by Only 52 Hours
“Chester Borwn, 46, chief switch inspector at the Vernon dam, died about 9 o'clock Wednes­day night at Memorial hospital only 52 hours after the death of his wife.

“Mr. Brown became seriously ill with pneu­monia Tuesday night and was brought to the hospital from his Vernon home Wednesday morning. His wife, the former Mary D. Farr, died unexpectedly at her home Monday afternoon after a day's illness.

"Double funeral services for the couple were to be held at Vernon Union church this afternoon at 2 o'clock, the hour originally set for Mrs. Brown's funeral. Rev. E. E. Jones will officiate.

“He was born in Chesterfield, N. H., Feb. 5, 1897, a son of Addison and Lenna (Streeter) Brown. lie attended Brattleboro high school two years. His marriage took place in Burlington Aug. 10, 1926. The couple leave three children, Dorothy, student in Brattlebopo high school, and Robert and Alice, pupils at North school, Vernon. Mr. Brown leaves one sister, Mrs. Herbert Barrett of Hinsdale, N. H., and several nieces and nephews.

“Self trained as an electrical engineer, Mr. Brown diligently pursued his studies during his 25 years of service with the New England Power Co. He had risen to the rank of chief switch inspector. Employed at the Vernon plant the past 21 years, he previously worked for the system at Shelburne Falls, Mass.”

And another newspaper item concerning these untimely deaths:


“Funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Brown Held in Union Church

(Special to the Reformer)
“VERNON -- Double funeral services were held at Union church Thursday afternoon for Mr. and Mrs. Chester Brown whose deaths occurred Wednesday and Monday, respectively. The church was filled with neighbors, friends and relatives and there were great quantities of floral tributes. Rev. E. E. Jones officiated. A. L. Miller, organist, played favorite hymns of Mr. and Mrs. Brown.

“Mrs. Brown died at her home Monday after a day's illness and her husband died in Brattleboro Memorial hospital Wednesday after a brief illness.

“Relatives and friends were present front Hinsdale, Chesterfield, Keene and Goffstown, N. H., Roseland, N. J., Shelburne Falls, Mass., Brattleboro and Westrninster. Fellow employees of Mr. Brown at Vernon dam attended in a body.

“The bodies were taken to West Chesterfield ceme­tery for burial in the Brown family lot.

“Bearers were Karl Sweet, Dwight Johnson, Wallace Whitaker and Charles Hale, men who were chosen by Mr. Brown to serve as bearers at his wife's funeral.

“Mrs. Brown's nother, Mrs. Willis Farr, of Bradenton, Fla. was unable to attend the services because of illness.”

The last sentence, of course, should have referred to both Mrs. Brown's mother and father, for they were both living in Florida and unable to attend the funeral.

Quoting obituaries and other newspaper accounts in this book add to its length, but I possess a number of such items and they are becoming ragged and torn and yellowed with age. Reproducing them here will insure their preserva­tion for future generations.

Ivah Newton FARR [Parents] [scrapbook] was born 1, 2 on 3 Aug 1805 in Windham, Windham, Vermont, United States. He died 3 on 2 Nov 1896 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, United States. Ivah married 4 Nancy DANFORTH on 28 Feb 1827 in Grafton, Windham, Vermont, United States.

Ivah resided 5 in 1860 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, United States. He resided 6 in 1870 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, United States. He resided 7 in 1880 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, United States. His will was probated in 1897 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, United States.

Other marriages:

The following is from "The Family of Willis Vernon Farr" by Jayne E. Bickford:


The obituary for Ivah Newton Farr reads:

"Ivah Newton Farr died at his late residence Monday morning, aged 92 years, 4 months. He was born in Chesterfield, N. H., and was one of the fifth generation from John Farr an early settler of Massachusetts. He has held many positions of trust and took an active part in public affairs keeping well posted in political matters and was deeply interested in the silver campaign. He had been a member of the Congregational Church for more than sixty years, and always contributed liberally to its support. His funeral was held Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. Mr. Farr was the last of many children of Joseph Farr and raised a large family all but one of whom survive him, namely:
Sylvester N. Farr of Evona, Mo., Henry Farr of Swanzey, N. H., Harlan P. Farr and Mrs. Norman Whitney of Putney, Vt., Robert D. Farr, Mrs. Wm. B.Clay, and Mrs. Edwin Fenton of Westminster."

Obituaries are very helpful to the genealogist, and it is most satisfying when vital statistics bear out the statements found in them. Such is not the case in the above obituary. I have visited Ivah Newton Farr's grave in the Court House Hill Cemetery, Westminster, Vermont, and his stone bears the following inscription:

Died Nov 2, 1896
AE. 91 yrs. 3 mos."

A copy of page 118 of a Westminster book of vital statistics headed "for the year ending December 31, A. D. 1896," which I obtained by writing to the town clerk at Westminster, indicates as item No. 15 that Ivah N. Farr died 2 Nov of that year at 91 years, 2 mos. and 21 days, that he was a widower and died of "old age." The entry also shows Ivah Newton Farr to have been born at Westmoreland, N. H., the son of Joseph and Hannah (Reed) Farr.

As to having descended fifth generation from John Farr, an early settler of Massachusetts, this does not appear to be true. As stated in early pages of this book, the best evidence available is that Ivah Newton Farr was fifth generation from Samuel Farr.

However, regardless of these inconsistencies, Ivah Newton Farr lived and died and became the ancestor of a number of people living today, some of whom bear the name of Farr, and many of whom I have been in contact with during the compiling of this book.

The fact that tvah Newton Farr was associated with the Westminster Congregatonai church is attested to by a stained glass window which is still there and which bears the name "FARR," and by a note in the handwriting of his granddaughter, Harriet Nancy Farr, which indicates that the window was given by Ivah N. Farr and his children, John V. Farr, Robert Farr, Harlan Farr, Semira (Farr) Clay, Whitman. Harriet adds: "I think these were all that gave. There were Henry Farr, Swanzey, N. H., Sarah Farr Fenton, N. Dakota, and Sylvester Farr, Missouri."

It is interesting to note that many years after Ivah Newton Farr died, his great, great granddaughter, Jeanne Lois Farr (daughter of John Elbridge and Marion Scott (Hyer) Farr) chose this Congregational church as the place for her marriage to William Semonite on 11 July 1953. I attended that wedding and I can also remember going to at least one church service at the Westminster church with my great aunt, Harriet Nancy Farr.

And making Ivah Newton Farr more human than mere vital statistics can do, there is an envelope which has come to me on which is written "I. N. Farr's Hair." Inside the envelope is a lock of some very soft white hair.

When I was a child there were yearly reunions of the descendants of Ivah Newton Farr. Some of these I attended. I remember one with particular vividness. That one was held at Vilas Pool, Alstead, New Hampshire. These are no longer held, and it is a pity that they ceased, but Ivah Newton's descendants are now spread throughout New England and stretch to California and Washington State and into Kansas and Missouri, New Jersey and Virginia. It would be difficult for these people to gather at a central place annually.

Ivah Newton Farr married his first wife at Grafton, Vermont, and later after her death and the raising of a large family being left a widower, Ivah Newton married his first wife's sister.

Ivab Newton Farr and both of his wives are buried at the Court House Hill Cemetery, Westrnirtter. All three names are on one stone, one name each on each of three sides. The inscriptions for Nancy and Mary Ann read:

wife of
Ivah N. Farr
Died A9. 30, 1867
Aged 61"


wife of
Ivah N. Farr
Died Nov. 10, 1884
Aged 76"

Another item concerning the death of I. N. Farr:
“The venerable Ivah N. Farr, next to the oldest person in town, died Monday morning. His birthplace was in the town of Chesterfield, N. H., where he was born over 91 years ago. After living in various places in this state and New Hampshire he removed to this place 54 years ago with his family where he has continued to live until his death. He was the last of a family of 11 children, nine of whom lived to mature years. Mr. Farr is survived by seven children as follows: Harlan P. and Mrs. Norman Whitney of Putney, Robert D., Mrs. N. S. Clay and Mrs. E. L. Finton of this place, Sylvester who resides in the west and Henry who lives in New Hampshire. He has held a number of town offices and been a prominent member of the Congregational church in this place for many years. Although a cripple for a long time he has taken a lively interest in all matters of public interest. He will be greatly missed in the family circle. The funeral will be attended at his home this afternoon.”

1850 Census of Westminster, Vt. lists: Ivah Newton Farr (b. NH, age 45, Farmer), Nancy D. (b. Mass, age 44), Harvey (b. Vt. age 21), Sylvester (b. Vt. age 19, peddler.

1880 census of Westminster, Vt. lists: Ivah Farr (b. NH, age 74, farmer), Mary A. Farr (b. Vt. age 71, wife), Lemira (b. Vt., age 47, daughter, father born NH, mother born Mass.)

RESIDENCE: Lists Nancy 54, John 26, Robert 19 and Sarah 15.

RESIDENCE: Lists J. N. Farr 65, Mary A. 60, Samira 37, Ellen M. 27 and Sarah A. 24.

Nancy DANFORTH was born 1 on 1 May 1806 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, United States. She died 2 on 30 Aug 1867 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, United States. Nancy married 3 Ivah Newton FARR on 28 Feb 1827 in Grafton, Windham, Vermont, United States.

They had the following children.

  M i Henry Ivah FARR was born on 26 Jan 1829. He died on 7 Jun 1898.
  M ii Sylvester Newton FARR was born on 8 Nov 1830. He died in 1905.
  F iii Nancy Semira FARR was born on 25 Jul 1832. She died on 8 Jan 1908.
  M iv John Vernon FARR was born on 1 Jul 1834. He died on 14 Aug 1895.
  M v Harlan Page "Harley" FARR was born on 10 Apr 1836. He died on 3 Apr 1916.
  M vi Robert Danforth FARR was born on 29 Dec 1840. He died on 26 May 1920.
  F vii Ellen May FARR was born on 25 Oct 1842. She died on 16 Oct 1922.
  F viii Sarah Marilla Ann FARR was born on 2 Oct 1845.

Erwin Leland HALE was born 1 on 21 Sep 1875 in Marlboro, Windham, Vermont, United States. He died 2 on 4 Apr 1928 in Athol, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States. Erwin married 3 Gertrude May FARR 4 on 31 Aug 1910 in Vermont, United States.

BIRTH: Birth date calculated.

Gertrude May FARR [Parents] 1 was born 2, 3 on 2 May 1872 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, United States. She died 4 on 13 Jul 1956 in Athol, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States. Gertrude married 5 Erwin Leland HALE on 31 Aug 1910 in Vermont, United States.

The following is from "The Family of Willis Vernon Farr" by Jayne E. Bickford:

An account of the death of Gertrude (Farr) Hale follows:

“Gertrude Farr Hale
“Gertrude Farr Hale, daughter of John V. and Mary L. (Watkins) Farr was born In Westminster May 6, 1872. Educated in the schools of Westminster, Cushing Academy, Ashburnham, Massachusetts and the Sadler-Roe Business college of Baltimore, Md., Mrs. Hale taught for five years at Cushing Academy. In 1897 she came to Athol High school where she founded the commercial department, acting as its head until her marriage to the late Erwin L. Hale. After Mr. Hale's death, in 1929 she again became a member of the high school faculty until her retirement in 1942. Mrs. Hale was a member of the Athol Congregational church, a charter member of the Athol Women's Club and a former member of the Massachusetts Teachers Association and the National Education Association.

“Surviving are a daughter, Elizabeth F. Hale, instructor at the State Teachers college at Castleton, a sister, Harriet N. Farr of Westminster and Athol, a nephew, John E. Farr of WestmInster, and three nieces, Mrs. Vina F. Berry of Bowdoinham, Me., Mrs. Mattie Hemenway of Bellows Falls, Mrs. Alma F. Hyer of Roseland, N. J.”

Winfred Roland FARR [Parents] [scrapbook] 1 was born 2, 3 on 4 Jun 1878 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, United States. He died 4 on 24 May 1906 in Charlotte, Chittenden, Vermont, United States. Winfred married 5, 6 Mary YALE 7 on 30 Jun 1903 in Vermont, United States.

The following is from "The Family of Willis Vernon Farr" by Jayne E. Bickford:

After the death of Winfred Roland Farr on 24 May 1906, his widow and son moved out west. I regret deeply that I am unable to contact any possible descendants of Yale Farr for inclusion ifl this book.

Set forth below are copies of two newspaper items attesting to the tragic early death of Winfred Roland Farr.

“The public was greatly shocked by the tragic death of Winfred R. Farr of this place, who committed suicide Thursday afternoon about five or six o'clock, cutting his throat with a razor. During the afternoon he went into a field some distance from the house of W. S. Yale to work in a garden he had there. Failing to return at the usual time search was made and his dead body was found in a clump of bushes near the garden. He had been in poor health for some time, being despondent, and his friends had been apprehensive of some tragedy. Mr. Farr was a native of Westminster in this State. He was 32 years old and three years ago married Mary Yale, only child of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Yale, who, with a little son, survives him. He was a man of fine character and was respected by all our people. He possessed fine business ability and an unusual amount of energy; but he was not physically strong. He owned real estate in Westnjjnster. There will be a prayer service at his late home Saturday morning at 7:30 o'clock. The body will be taken to Westminster Station for inter­ment and funeral services there at 2:30.” -

The second item is headed “WESTMINSTER” and reads as follows:

“The funeral of the late Winfred Roland Farr of Charlotte was held here at his old home at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. The services were conducted by the Rev. Gulick of Charlotte, assisted by the Rev. DeBevoies, his former pastor. The great floral tribute and the many friends bore evidence of the high esteem in which the young nan was held. Among those who were in attendance from out of town were John I. Farr of Stockton, Kans., Mrs. W. R. Farr, W. S. Yale, Wm. Gulick of Charlotte, Mary Farr of Johnson, Charles Cook of Rutland, Gertrude M. Farr of Athol, Mass., Harriet N. Farr of Bernardston, Mass., sisters of the deceased, H. F. Farr, Alice Farr, Norman Whitney, Harlie Whitney and Ida Whitney of Putney, Winslow Barnett and John Proctor of Walpole, N. H. The deceased was buried in the family lot in the old cemetery.”

It is to be noted that Winfred's brother, Willis V. Farr, is not listed as attending from out-of-town. Willis daughter Mattie was born at Westminster in 1905, and it is assumed that Willis was living at Westminster when his brother committed suicide.

Mary YALE 1 was born about 1880 in Vermont, United States. Mary married 2, 3 Winfred Roland FARR 4 on 30 Jun 1903 in Vermont, United States.

They had the following children.

  M i
Yale Watkins FARR 1 was born 2 in May 1904 in Charlotte, Chittenden, Vermont, United States.

Joseph W. FARR [Parents] was born 1, 2, 3 on 21 Feb 1775 in Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire, United States. He died 4 on 20 Mar 1824. He was buried after 20 Mar 1824 in Windham, Windham, Vermont, United States. Joseph married 5 Hannah (Rugg) READ on 17 Nov 1796 in Westmoreland, Cheshire, New Hampshire, United States.

For those of you who would like to visit the graves of Joseph and Hannah Farr, take route 30 from Townsend, Vermont. Turn sharp right to Windham. Go 5.8 miles. The cemetery is the second one on the right beside the road from Townsend to Windham Four Corners. This is a beautiful section of Vermont, and you will enjoy the magnificent countryside.

Hannah (Rugg) READ [scrapbook] 1 was born 2 on 18 Jun 1777 in Westmoreland, Cheshire, New Hampshire, United States. She died on 15 Nov 1843 in Windham, Windham, Vermont, United States. Hannah married 3 Joseph W. FARR on 17 Nov 1796 in Westmoreland, Cheshire, New Hampshire, United States.

They had the following children.

  F i
Mercy R. FARR was born 1 in Sep 1797 in Chesterfield, Cheshire, New Hampshire, United States. She died 2 in 1801.
  M ii Deacon Daniel FARR was born on 19 May 1799. He died on 24 Jan 1868.
  M iii Micah Read FARR was born on 17 Mar 1801. He died on 4 Jul 1861.
  M iv Joseph FARR Jr. was born on 13 Jul 1803. He died on 27 Jan 1855.
  M v Ivah Newton FARR was born on 3 Aug 1805. He died on 2 Nov 1896.
  M vi Elisha FARR was born on 29 Sep 1807. He died after 1 Jun 1880.
  F vii Eliza Parker FARR was born on 19 Oct 1809. She died on 13 Jul 1871.
  F viii Nancy FARR was born on 1 Oct 1812. She died on 24 Feb 1865.
  F ix Emily FARR was born on 14 Jun 1815. She died on 11 Apr 1882.
  M x Elijah FARR was born on 14 Jul 1818.

Ivah Newton FARR [Parents] [scrapbook] was born 1, 2 on 3 Aug 1805 in Windham, Windham, Vermont, United States. He died 3 on 2 Nov 1896 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, United States. Ivah married 4 Mary A. DANFORTH 5 on 23 Dec 1869 in Rockingham, Windham, Vermont, United States.

Ivah resided 6 in 1860 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, United States. He resided 7 in 1870 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, United States. He resided 8 in 1880 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, United States. His will was probated in 1897 in Westminster, Windham, Vermont, United States.

Other marriages:

The following is from "The Family of Willis Vernon Farr" by Jayne E. Bickford:


The obituary for Ivah Newton Farr reads:

"Ivah Newton Farr died at his late residence Monday morning, aged 92 years, 4 months. He was born in Chesterfield, N. H., and was one of the fifth generation from John Farr an early settler of Massachusetts. He has held many positions of trust and took an active part in public affairs keeping well posted in political matters and was deeply interested in the silver campaign. He had been a member of the Congregational Church for more than sixty years, and always contributed liberally to its support. His funeral was held Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. Mr. Farr was the last of many children of Joseph Farr and raised a large family all but one of whom survive him, namely:
Sylvester N. Farr of Evona, Mo., Henry Farr of Swanzey, N. H., Harlan P. Farr and Mrs. Norman Whitney of Putney, Vt., Robert D. Farr, Mrs. Wm. B.Clay, and Mrs. Edwin Fenton of Westminster."

Obituaries are very helpful to the genealogist, and it is most satisfying when vital statistics bear out the statements found in them. Such is not the case in the above obituary. I have visited Ivah Newton Farr's grave in the Court House Hill Cemetery, Westminster, Vermont, and his stone bears the following inscription:

Died Nov 2, 1896
AE. 91 yrs. 3 mos."

A copy of page 118 of a Westminster book of vital statistics headed "for the year ending December 31, A. D. 1896," which I obtained by writing to the town clerk at Westminster, indicates as item No. 15 that Ivah N. Farr died 2 Nov of that year at 91 years, 2 mos. and 21 days, that he was a widower and died of "old age." The entry also shows Ivah Newton Farr to have been born at Westmoreland, N. H., the son of Joseph and Hannah (Reed) Farr.

As to having descended fifth generation from John Farr, an early settler of Massachusetts, this does not appear to be true. As stated in early pages of this book, the best evidence available is that Ivah Newton Farr was fifth generation from Samuel Farr.

However, regardless of these inconsistencies, Ivah Newton Farr lived and died and became the ancestor of a number of people living today, some of whom bear the name of Farr, and many of whom I have been in contact with during the compiling of this book.

The fact that tvah Newton Farr was associated with the Westminster Congregatonai church is attested to by a stained glass window which is still there and which bears the name "FARR," and by a note in the handwriting of his granddaughter, Harriet Nancy Farr, which indicates that the window was given by Ivah N. Farr and his children, John V. Farr, Robert Farr, Harlan Farr, Semira (Farr) Clay, Whitman. Harriet adds: "I think these were all that gave. There were Henry Farr, Swanzey, N. H., Sarah Farr Fenton, N. Dakota, and Sylvester Farr, Missouri."

It is interesting to note that many years after Ivah Newton Farr died, his great, great granddaughter, Jeanne Lois Farr (daughter of John Elbridge and Marion Scott (Hyer) Farr) chose this Congregational church as the place for her marriage to William Semonite on 11 July 1953. I attended that wedding and I can also remember going to at least one church service at the Westminster church with my great aunt, Harriet Nancy Farr.

And making Ivah Newton Farr more human than mere vital statistics can do, there is an envelope which has come to me on which is written "I. N. Farr's Hair." Inside the envelope is a lock of some very soft white hair.

When I was a child there were yearly reunions of the descendants of Ivah Newton Farr. Some of these I attended. I remember one with particular vividness. That one was held at Vilas Pool, Alstead, New Hampshire. These are no longer held, and it is a pity that they ceased, but Ivah Newton's descendants are now spread throughout New England and stretch to California and Washington State and into Kansas and Missouri, New Jersey and Virginia. It would be difficult for these people to gather at a central place annually.

Ivah Newton Farr married his first wife at Grafton, Vermont, and later after her death and the raising of a large family being left a widower, Ivah Newton married his first wife's sister.

Ivab Newton Farr and both of his wives are buried at the Court House Hill Cemetery, Westrnirtter. All three names are on one stone, one name each on each of three sides. The inscriptions for Nancy and Mary Ann read:

wife of
Ivah N. Farr
Died A9. 30, 1867
Aged 61"


wife of
Ivah N. Farr
Died Nov. 10, 1884
Aged 76"

Another item concerning the death of I. N. Farr:
“The venerable Ivah N. Farr, next to the oldest person in town, died Monday morning. His birthplace was in the town of Chesterfield, N. H., where he was born over 91 years ago. After living in various places in this state and New Hampshire he removed to this place 54 years ago with his family where he has continued to live until his death. He was the last of a family of 11 children, nine of whom lived to mature years. Mr. Farr is survived by seven children as follows: Harlan P. and Mrs. Norman Whitney of Putney, Robert D., Mrs. N. S. Clay and Mrs. E. L. Finton of this place, Sylvester who resides in the west and Henry who lives in New Hampshire. He has held a number of town offices and been a prominent member of the Congregational church in this place for many years. Although a cripple for a long time he has taken a lively interest in all matters of public interest. He will be greatly missed in the family circle. The funeral will be attended at his home this afternoon.”

1850 Census of Westminster, Vt. lists: Ivah Newton Farr (b. NH, age 45, Farmer), Nancy D. (b. Mass, age 44), Harvey (b. Vt. age 21), Sylvester (b. Vt. age 19, peddler.

1880 census of Westminster, Vt. lists: Ivah Farr (b. NH, age 74, farmer), Mary A. Farr (b. Vt. age 71, wife), Lemira (b. Vt., age 47, daughter, father born NH, mother born Mass.)

RESIDENCE: Lists Nancy 54, John 26, Robert 19 and Sarah 15.

RESIDENCE: Lists J. N. Farr 65, Mary A. 60, Samira 37, Ellen M. 27 and Sarah A. 24.

Mary A. DANFORTH 1 was born 2 in 1809 in Vermont, United States. Mary married 3 Ivah Newton FARR on 23 Dec 1869 in Rockingham, Windham, Vermont, United States.

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