Ancestors of Tim Farr and Descendants of Stephen Farr Sr. of Concord, Massachusetts and Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England

Nathaniel HILL was born 1 on 7 May 1676 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States. Nathaniel married 2 Hannah CONANT on 30 May 1710 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Hannah CONANT [Parents] was born 1 on 25 Jan 1683 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She was christened 2 on 14 Sep 1684 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Hannah married 3 Nathaniel HILL on 30 May 1710 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Other marriages:

Thomas KNOWLTON. Thomas married 1 Martha CONANT on 10 Mar 1711.

Martha CONANT [Parents] was born 1 on 24 Feb 1686/1687 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. She was christened 2 on 8 Jul 1687 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. Martha married 3 Thomas KNOWLTON on 10 Mar 1711.

Lot CONANT [Parents] was born 1, 2 on 27 Mar 1689 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. He was christened 3 on 20 Oct 1689. He died 4 on 6 Jun 1774 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States. Lot married 5 Deborah LOVELL on 1 Feb 1710 in Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States.

Death source: Bridewater, Mass., Vital Records
Marriage source: Barnstable Mass., Vital Records p.387 by Major Bassett

Deborah LOVELL was born about 1691. She died 1 on 26 Sep 1773 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States. Deborah married 2 Lot CONANT on 1 Feb 1710 in Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States.

Death source: Bridewater, Mass., Vital Records
Marriage source: Barnstable Mass., Vital Records p.387 by Major Bassett

Andrew LOVELL. Andrew married 1 Lydia CONANT on 10 Sep 1712 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States.

Barnstahle, Mass., Vital Records
[p.321] Decr 20th 1726 Samuel Fuller and Lydia Lovel were Married by the Reyd Mr Jonathan Russell 24th
[p.363] 1726 Decb 3d Samuel Fuller And Lydia Lovel . widow

Lydia CONANT [Parents] was born 1 on 8 Nov 1692 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States. Lydia married 2 Andrew LOVELL on 10 Sep 1712 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States.

Other marriages:
FULLER, Samuel

Mentioned in father's will.
Marriage Source: Bridgewater, Mass., Vital Records p.254

Samuel FULLER. Samuel married Lydia CONANT on 20 Dec 1727 in Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States.

Lydia CONANT [Parents] was born 1 on 8 Nov 1692 in Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States. Lydia married Samuel FULLER on 20 Dec 1727 in Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States.

Other marriages:
LOVELL, Andrew

Mentioned in father's will.
Marriage Source: Bridgewater, Mass., Vital Records p.254

Richard SNOW [scrapbook] 1, 2 was christened 3 on 21 Dec 1608 in Barnstable, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom. He died 4 on 5 May 1677 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Richard married 5 Avis BARRAT 6 in 1639 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Came to the New World on the ship "Expedition" 20 Nov. 1635. He was examined by the Minister at Gravesend, England; to be transported to Barbados (Jamaica). It was noted that "The men have taken oaths of allegeance touching their conformite to the orders and discipline of the Church of England."  Richard was 28 years old. He did not stay long in Barbados, for he is listed amoung the first taxpayers of Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts in 1645. Sometime after his 28th year, when he came alone to the sugar plantations of Barbados, he courted and married Ann, Annis or Avis - whose last name and birth place are not surely given.

Richard Snow's will was made Nov.30, 1676. It reads as follows:
" I Richard Snow of Woburn in the county of Middlesex Massachusetts Collony in New England. Although weake in body yet prefect in sences do make this my last will and testament to dispose of the little estate the lord has bestowed on mee; I do make my beloved wife, Avis Snow and my youngest son Zachary Snow to be my executors. I do bequeath to my eldest son, John Snow one parcell of land that his house now standest on and one parcell of meddow that he hath now in his possession;
It; to my son James Snow I do bequeath one parcell of land in hungry plain field halfe my land there is to say halfe broke up land, from the end of the broke up land to run straight line to the swampe and halfe my lott at the cedar swampe; and one parcell of meddow called hart hole; and one parcell of meddow from a point of upland in the meddow with a straight line to the river; and a third part of my division of timber and a third part of what is to be layed out:
It; to my son Samuel Snow I do bequeath halfe my land joining to my house and halfe the swampe with all the conviences; and two akers of meddow on the other side of mapple meddow river; and a third of my division of timber and a third part of what is to be layed out; and halfe my meddow at steprocke: and the rest of my land at hungry plain to be equally divided between my son Samuel and my son Zachary.
It; I do reguire that my sons equally do pay to my beloved wife twenty (20) bushells of corne yearly as followeth: five (5) bushells of wheat and five (5) ry: and five (5) bushells of barley; and five (5) bushells of indian corne; and keeping of two cows summer and winter yearly; and four cords of wood yearly and after my funerall and legacyes thus bestowed; I make my beloved wife Avis and my youngest son Zachary my executers this 30th. Of the eleventh month 1676: unto which we set our hands:
Richard Snow
Witness our hands
Francis Wyman          Allen Convers             Zachariah Convers
Sworn in court by Francis Wyman and Allen Convers
J R C as attest commanwealth of
The estate of Richard Snow: Middlesex ss. Registry of probate.
A tru copy.
This is typed the same as the copy I have. D.V.S.. an inventory of the estate of Richard Snow; deceased, 5th. May 1677.

Imp: dwelling house, barn, orchard, ten acres of land
Item:     nine acres of meddow
It:          seventy acres of woodland
It:          eleven acres of remote land
It:          thirteen acres of plow-land within fence
It:          one pair oxen
It:          one cow and hefier
It:          swine and fowles
It:          yoake, shovel, ax, chains, and forks
It:          two beds with, the furniture belonging
It:          table-cloths and napkins
It:          wearing cloaths
It;          one chest and a box
It:          pot-hooks, tramel, frying pan, tongs
It:          warmingpan, fireshovel, gridiron
It:          pewter and tin ware
It:          earthen ware
It;          dishes, spoons, and mil trays
It:          beer-barrells tubs pails and wooden ware
It:          two bibles and sermon books
It:          churn, fan, hogshead, meat tub
It:          bag sieves, meal trough and a wheel
It:          chair tables hamer pinchers
It:          sword and gun
It:          bells, siths, tackling
It:          in indian and rie both corn and meal
It:          in meat

Witness heerof
Joseph Wright         Samuel Carter
Sworn in court by Zach:               Snow June 19 1677 jr. Cl.
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Middlesex ss. Registry of probate
A true copy
Attest, w. e. rogers    register

Richard Snow and his wife Avis left four sons at their death. They had five sons but Daniel died at the age of one. Richard and Avis Snow's sons are listed below in birth order. The information about their total families cannot be listed here because there would be in the 1000's!
In the rest of the book I will list those from whom we get our lineage. There will be places that because of a interesting happening or some other story I will list all the information I have so that in the future if others use this book as a guide they will have the information. Without old family books written by other people it would be impossible for me to pass along our heritage.
D.V. S.

Source: JSMB US/CAN 929.273 Sn61sd

Avis BARRAT 1 was born in 1616 in England, United Kingdom. She died in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Avis married 2 Richard SNOW 3, 4 in 1639 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

They had the following children.

  M i John SNOW was born in 1640. He died on 25 Nov 1706.
  M ii James SNOW was born in 1642. He died on 28 Jan 1708/1709.
  M iii
Daniel SNOW 1 was born 2, 3 on 4 Feb 1644/1645 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. He died 4, 5 on 18 Jul 1646 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.
  M iv Samuel SNOW was born on 28 May 1647. He died on 28 Nov 1717.
  M v
Zachariah SNOW 1 was born 2, 3 on 29 Mar 1649 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. He died 4, 5 on 14 Apr 1711 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

William GREEN 1, 2, 3 was born on 16 Oct 1591 in Great Wilbraham, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom. He died 4, 5 on 7 Jan 1653/1654 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. William married 6, 7 Hannah CARTER on 1 Mar 1642 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.

William had a will 8 on 6 Jan 1653/1654 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. His will was probated 9 on 4 Apr 1654 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

WILLIAM  GREENE came to New England on an unknown vessel at an unknown date, but by or before 1640, for in ‘that year, he was recorded as an inhabitant of Charlestown.  In May, 1640, that town had asked the General Court³ for additional land '' accommodate such useful men as might settle here, and form ‘a village for the improvement of such remote lands as are already laid out. " Consequently, grants. were made  in May, 1640, and again in October on condition of their being built upon within two years.  A committee of Charlestown men was appointed in September to explore the territory and suggest a plan for the town, and during the winter a number of trips were made toward that end. We are told  that "The committee was obliged to spend nights without shelter ‘whilst Frain and snow did bedew their rocky beds." During one exploratory expedition some of the company had sheltered themselves "under the body of a large tree, which lay at a distance from the ground, no sooner was the last of them come from under it, at break of day, than to their amazement it fell; and they were obliged to dig out their provisions, their united strength being insufficient to move it."  Some of the men who had been intending removal to this prospective settlement became discouraged "the way being so plain backward that divers never went forward again."

But even before the survey was completed, some thirty-one men, mostly residents of Charlestown, met on December 18, 1640, at the home of Thomas¹ Graves and agreed upon and signed a series of "Town Orders" which were to apply to the new village or settlement and one of these signers* was WILLIAM  GREENE. Their preamble was similar to the earlier part of the "General Laws and Liberties", including such phrases  as "The free fruition of such liberties and privileges as humanity, civility and christianity calls for as due to every man.. ." and "... the tranquility and stability of Christian Commonwealths. . . ." But the practical gist of the matter was that each signer agreed²º to pay six pence per acre for tracts then laid out, twelve pence per acre for land surveyed later; agreed that all who did not build within fifteen months must give up their lots and none were to sell without permission of the group. All orchards and garden plots were to be well enclosed; and "‘no manner of person  should entertain ‘inmates either married or other , more than three days without the consent of ‘four of the Selectmen  under a penalty of six pence for each day's offence; and, finally none were to cut young oak timber ‘under eight inches square  under penalty of five shillings for

*Other men who signed these orders  were FRANCIS  KENDALL, JOHN Turn, JOHUA CARTER (THOMASI), Edward  Converse (who called John¹ Parker "kinsman") and James¹ Parker, later of Groton of whom the last two named were brothers of Our JACOB¹  PARKER.³


each offense. Small things, some may think, to follow so high sounding.a preamble. But let them not be despised; for such are the fibres of our national tree."³
In June, 1641, the General Court extended substantial help to this new group by granting two years immunity³  from public rates (colony taxes) to Charlestown Village  which is the name the settlement bore until September 8, 1642, whenil it was incorporated and given the name of Woburn.  After this it was, in a civil way, co-equal with its parent town. But even when it was surveyed, built and~ incorporated it "was still but half founded", for, as Edward Johnson said, it would be "as unnatural for a right New England man to live without an able ministry, as for a smith to work his iron without a fire."  However, these villagers were not hasty, for they continued their membership in the Charlestown church for a couple of years and WILLIAM  GREENE even acquired membership at Charlestown¼ as late as November 9, 1643. But "after much agitation" (deliberation] and, we are told,19   after the erection of a meeting house and parsonage, they had invited the neighboring churches to meet and help them organize a church³,19  on August 14, 1642, a month prior to the incorporation of the town. Three months later, in November, 1642, their minister, the Rev. Thomas Carter was ordained. In view of the trouble which came to Malden Church (see Call, pp. 134-7) as a result of their. lay ordination of their own pastor in 1649, it is interesting to note that in Woburn just seven years earlier, a lay ordination had occurred,19  as there had earlier still at Salem in 1629, at Charlestown in 1630, at Boston and at Newtowne in 1633. In other, words, up to 1642 it had been approved Congregational usage.19  And here at Woburn we are told" that the situation had been discussed in advance as differing opinions were arising, and the Woburn church was firm in maintaining the right of lay ordination, "fearing the tendency to ‘a dependency of churches and so a presbytery  and they would not allow it.³"  So, though at least one of the magistrates as well as ministers and elders from neighboring churches were present, two of the Woburn members laid their hands upon the candidate's head and said, "We Ordain thee Thomas Carter to be Pastor unto this Church of Christ."19 Then they asked a visiting elder to lead in prayer.19 So it was accomplished "without the [official] presence or permission of hierarchy, Protestant or Catholic."³,18 But evidence is seen in this case of the odd situation of a government made up of church members which in turn attempted to exert civil limitations upon the church. The increasing tendency of civil powers to dominate the church is further seen in the fact that Gov. Winthrop was displeased with this ceremony of ordination, for he ‘held that Woburn had no "members fit to Solemnize such an ordinance" and that it was performed "not so well and orderly as it aught"."18 This becomes especially significant in view of the greatly increased disapproval accorded the Malden church a few years later (see Call, pp. 134-7) because they performed the lay ordination 18 of Rev. Marmaduke Matthews.
Capt. Edward Johnson, a contemporary neighbor and personal friend of WILLIAM  GREENE, in his "Wonderworking Providence of New England" tells at length19 and intimately of the conditions under which our GREENE, CARTER, SNOW and KENDALL ancestors lived. The people of the seacoast settlements spoke of Woburn as a "remote  land". It was a "watery swamp" difficult to travel through and covered with "an unknown woods". Johnson wrote that "Every one who could lift a hoe to strike it into the earth aided in raising the first crop; but they had to


stand stoutly to their labors and tear up the roots and bushes  which abounded, the first year bearing them, in useful vegetables, a very thin crop" so thin indeed "that they were forced to cut their bread very thin for a long season", though fish which abounded in the streams helped greatly.15,19  In February, 1640, the first bridge was laid over the Aberjona River* and was for years called "Could Bridge" probably because of its being built during severe weather.15

There was a considerable delay in establishing the boundaries between Charles-town and Woburn, which were under discussion at least by 1643 and onward. In March, 1646, Woburn decided "to send to the selectman of Charlestown the following admirable letter, a model of directness of purpose and of Christian courtesy:

"Much Respected and Aintient ffreinds:
Wee are Bould to interupt your present presious Implyments [employments] with Request for Issue [decision] of those things which sartaine of our Beloued Brethren amoung you were chosen unto, now out humble Request is that they may End it forth with, if other wise they cannot so doe our further Request is that sume others unintrested in the things may put a ffreindly Isue to the same, our last Request is that if nether of these will doe then in a brotherly and ffreindly way to petistion to the generall court that wee may not bequeth mattor of diferanc to our posteryty, thus with hope of a presant answer in writting to our soe Resanabl Request Wee Remain yours to be commanded in all sarius of loue in Christ our Lord."19

In March, 1649, the matter of boundaries was still pending and "four of the selectmen of Woburn were chosen to speak with their ‘brethern of Charlestown  about ‘settling the bounds' ", which finally in January, 1651, was accomplished after at least eight years delay.³  In this connection, mention was made of an outlying tract, now Wilmington (see map, p.255) lying between present day Reading and Billerica, which was called the "Land of Nod". It is believed³  that its remoteness from the existing church was the cause of its receiving that odd name, in memory of Cain when he went "from the presence of the Lord."

In the successive divisions of common lands, tracts were frequently named from peculiarities of their terrain,15 as Waterfield, Rockfield, Linefield, etc. As has been shown, Charlestown Village became Woburn, and its outlying "Waterfield" became Winchester, among whose original owners were Seth Sweetsir, second husband of our ELIZABETH (___) HAYWARD, THOMAS  CALL, and Daniel  Shepardson (DANIEL ).15

At an unknown date, but by 1643, WILLIAM  GREENE married, probably at Charlestown, HANNAH CARTER (see Carter, p. 145). She had become a member of Charlestown Church4 on September 2, 1639, and WILLIAM  was admitted to that organization, 1,4 on November 9, 1643, and was made a freeman on May29, 1644. His father-in-law THOMAS  CARTER, senior, of Charlestown had received a grant of one lot in what became Woburn, and had purchased an adjacent equal amount ___ the whole tract totaling one hundred and thirty-five acres. On March 30, 1647, CARTER acknowledged a deed of gift which transferred one half of this tract to WILLIAM  GREENE and he presently deeded the other half to his son Capt. JOHN CARTER, the latter transfer being unfortunately reported as bearing dates of

*A stream running through the center of Winchester and on into the Mystic River. The Indians of this section were called Aberginny men, 9 a common derivation no doubt.


April 6, 1648, May 3, 1648, and January 20, 1649-50. The land of .WILLIAM  GREENE lay to the northwest of, and adjoining that of his brother-in-law CARTER.1,11,14 After the death of THOMAS CARTER in 1652, (his will having made bequests to his widow, his children and to four of his grandsons)  his widow MARY and her sons Samuel  and Joseph asked the advice of the General Court11,17 concerning the handling of these legacies to the grandsons. On September io, 1653, the Court approved of their suggested plan of turning over the £10 bequests to the parents of each of these four minor Iegatees, plus the acre of ground for each (or the proportionate price for which it sold) __the respective parents binding themselves to meet certain rights of the widow MARY as well as to safely keep the gifts for their children.17

Within three or four months of this action, WILLIAM  GREENE was attacked by his final illness and he, calling himself of Woburn, "being sick of Boddy, yet in good & perfect memory" made his will"16 on January 6, 1653-4, the day before his death.5,6 The will specified that his wife HANNAH should have one third of all his movable goods, also one third of the house and land during her life, and made her his executrix to dispose of the remainder of the estate to their children as they became twenty-one or married. It required, however, that if HANNAH should marry again the named overseers, the testator's brother-in-law, JOHN  CARTER, and his friend, Capt. Edward  Johnson should have the power "to disspose of my Children & there portions according to there discression." It gave to John , the eldest son, a double share and referred also to the £10 bequest which the grand _ father, THOMAS  CARTER, had made to John  Greene. The testator divided his remaining estate equally among his other children "as well sons as daughters".  The named overseers were also witnesses to the document and helped to take the inventory of the estate on January 28, 1653-4. On April 4, 1654, Ens. JOHN  CARTER made a deposition when he proved the will."  From this time on JOHN  CARTER and his brothers, Thomas , Samuel  and Joseph  maintained a careful oversight, trusteeship and probably legal guardianship over these five nieces and nephews." Their mother HANNAH was married again,  to a Thomas Brown of Charlestown who was born about 1628 (aged thirty in 1658) and she died¹ presumably at Charlestown in 1658; MARY  GREENE and her brothers and sister very likely lived subsequently with their Carter relatives. On April 4, 1671, when they were all grown, JOHN CARTER distributed¹¹ "their inheritance among them and John  Greene acknowledged receipt from his "much respected uncle JOHN CARTER, Senior, of Woburn" of all the estate willed him by his ‘father and also of a part of the estate due to his brother Ebenezer , which he agreed to pass on. Thomas Kndwlton of Ipswich. receipted for the share due to his wife, Hannah  Greene, daughter of WILLIAM , and JOHN  SNOW of Woburn gave a receipt "as of the full of" his wife s portion from "her father WILLIAM GREENE".¹¹,27

A most eloquent item" is recorded as of a Woburn family, and though it is of a ; much later date it is too rare to omit. It evidently pertains to the habit of arranging for food and shelter for the aged and indigent and shows that Woburn was debtor , to,Daniel Reed, jr.

"to boarding Sally priest nine weeks at z sihillings] per week ending ye 5th of March"
totaling eighteen shillings. Then is added,


"to her bringing the itch into my family I leave to your generosity, but money should not hire me to have it."

And the town responded by paying him the eighteen shilling account and also "allowed for the Itch £1-0-0".15

Some writers8 erroneously claim that JOHN  SNOW married a Hannah Greene, carelessly giving our MARY  her mother's name."Hannah  Greene (WILLIAM ) is by some compilations" confused with Hannah  (Thomas  of Maiden) and is made to marry Joseph  Richardson (Richardson Memorial, J. A. Vinton, 1876, pp. 186-7, Vinton Memorial, p. 381, 395). The fact that Thomas Knowlton receipted for her share¹¹ of her father's estate is conclusive.

1. Genealogies and Estates of Charlcstown, Mass., T. B. Wyman, 1879, pp. 137, 186-7, 438, 441.
2. Vinton Memorial, J. A. Vinton, 1858, p. 394.
3. History of Charlestown, Mass., R. Frothingham, 1845, pp.105-11.
4. History of the First Church, Charlestown, Mass., W. I. Budington, 1845, pp. 247-8.
5. Vital Records of Woburn, Mass., I, 110, 243; II, 83; III, 116.
6 .History of Woburn, Mass., S. Sewall, 1868, pp. 74-5, 114, 598, 615-6. 619,634,640-1.
7. Genealogy of the RICHARD SNOW Family, G. W. Snow, Long Beach, Calif., Mss. deposited at Newberry Library, Chicago, Ill., p. 11.
8. History of Lexington, Mass., C. Hudson, 1913, II, 143, 251-2.
9. Savage II 307; New England Register III, 190; Records of Massachusetts Bay Colony, II, 293.
10. New England Register, III, 190.
11. Woburn Historic Sites and Old Houses, W. R. Cutter, 1892, pp. 28, 36-7, 39.
12. Vital Records of Ipswich, Mass., II, 265; Savage II, 42-3
13. Felch Family, W. F. Felch, I881, p. 9.
14. Boston Record Commissioners  Report, III, 95, 111-2.
15. 250th Anniversary of Winchester, Mass., 1890, pp. 6-13; The Winchester Record, Winchester Historical and Genealogical Society, II, frontispiece, pp. 5, 12, 15,196.
16. New England Register XVI, 74.
17. Records of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, III, 329; IV, 176, 404; History of Middlesex County, Mass., D. H. Hurd, 1890, I, 349, 379.
18. Budington's History of Charlestown Church, pp. 15, 21, 197-8; Frothingham's Charlestown, pp. 67-8, 110, 123-30; History of Malden, Mass., D. P. Corey, 1899, pp. 126-64
19. Wonder-Working Providence E. Johnson with Introduction by W. F. Poole, 1867, lixxii-viii, xci-vi.
20. Winchester Record, I, 261-2.
21. Sewall's Woburn, pp. 61, 126-8; Cantabrigiensis; Parkhurst Genealogy, G. H. Parkhurst, 1897, pp. 10-1.
22. Search of Middlesex Co. Records by Miss E. L. Moffatt, Allston, Mass., Court Records I, 196, 210.
23. Planters of the Commonwealth, C. E. Banks, 1930, p.141
24. New England Register, XIV, 358; LXI, 65.
25. Hurd's Middlesex Co., Mass., 1, 349,379,383.
26. "Some Ancestral Lines . . ." R. M.Tingley, 1935, p. 191; Vital Records of Norwich, Conn., I, 31.
27. The Snow-Estes Ancestry, N. E. Snow, comp. by M. M. Jillson, 1939, I, 5, 54-7, 339-40.

Hannah CARTER [Parents] was born about 1625. She died 1 on 20 Sep 1657 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Hannah married 2, 3 William GREEN 4, 5, 6 on 1 Mar 1642 in Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States.

Other marriages:
BROWNE, Thomas

They had the following children.

  F i Mary GREEN was born on 20 Jan 1644. She died about 1712.
  F ii Hannah GREEN was born on 7 Feb 1646/1647. She died on 24 Oct 1708.
  M iii John GREEN was born on 11 Oct 1649.
  M iv William GREEN was born on 22 Oct 1651. He died on 1 Dec 1717.
  M v
Ebenezer GREEN was born 1 in 1653 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. He died 2 on 24 Nov 1675.

John SNOW [Parents] was born 1, 2 on 13 May 1668 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 21 Mar 1735 in Dunstable, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. He was buried in Mar 1735. John married 3, 4 Sarah STEVENS on 13 Feb 1693 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Sarah STEVENS. Sarah married 1, 2 John SNOW on 13 Feb 1693 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Timothy SNOW [Parents] was born 1 on 16 Feb 1674/1675 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. He died 2, 3 on 4 Mar 1748 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Timothy married 4, 5, 6 Lydia PIERCE on 16 Jan 1706 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

DEATH: "Here Lyes Buried y Body of M'r Timothy Snow Who Departed this Life March 11'th 1747 in y 74'th Year of His Age."
Timothy Snow, born Feb. 16, 1(574-75 ; son of John Snow; grandson (?) of Richard Snow, the earliest of the name in Woburn, married Lydia Peirce (epitaph 197). ( Vide Sewall's Woburn, 641.)

Lydia PIERCE died 1, 2 on 27 Apr 1764 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Lydia married 3, 4, 5 Timothy SNOW on 16 Jan 1706 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

DEATH: " Here lies y Body of M'rs Lydia Snow widow to M'r Timothy Snow Who departed this Life April y 27'th 1764 Aged 81 Years."
Lydia (Peirce) Snow, widow of Timothy Snow (epitaph 132), married Jan. 16, 1705-6; daughter of Samuel and Lydia (Bacon) Peirce, born May 25, 1683 ; and grand-daughter of Sergt. Thomas Peirce, of Woburn, 1643, died Nov. 6, 1683

John CUTLER [Parents] was born 1 on 14 Apr 1675 in Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. John married 2, 3 Hannah SNOW on 6 Feb 1700/1701 in Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

Hannah SNOW [Parents] was born 1 on 6 Jun 1677 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. Hannah married 2, 3 John CUTLER on 6 Feb 1700/1701 in Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States.

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