Following their marriage, Robert and Joan Cheney resided in the parish of Waltham Abbey, Essex. In his will dated 1 October in the ninth year of the reign of Elizabeth I 1567, "Robert Cheneye of Waltham holy Crosse within the Countye of Essex yeoman being sicke of bodye" requested burial "within the Churche of St. Lawrence in Waltham," giving towards the repairing of the church 20 shillings and to "xl poore howsholders dwellinge within the said parish every of theym xij d," and making bequests as follows:
I will that Johan my wiff shall have the howse wherein I dwell with the howses I bought of Mr. Bryttayne and a grone ffielde lyinge in hony lane and an other ffealde called healye fealde and a fealde nowe in the teanure of my sister Donne duringe the whole terme of fowre yeares ymedyatly after my decease upon Condicon that she paye unto my sonne John xl s. of good and lawfull money of England duringe the terme of the saide fowre yeares And also kepinge the said howses in sufficient reparacons duringe the said terme and also makinge no wilfull stripe nor waste and then after. . . unto John my sonne [to whoml Also I geve the bedde with the bedstead the hanginges the bollsters coverlettes and all tinges thereto belonginge standinge in the greate Chamber the little table with the frame in the said Chamber and the formes belonginge to yet vj quisshens that I boughte of Master Browne with all the payted clothes in the same Chamber, the table in the hail with the forme to yet the cupboard in the same halle and vi Joyned stooles the [baser?l hanginges in the halle and the little folldinge table in the same halle and also the settles in the halle [EI0] in money to be De]yvered to him within twoo yeares ymediatly after my decease Also . . . my lease and term of yeares of and in those landes lyinge in Harford Sheare [Hertfordshirel beyonde Smalynge bridge after Mr. Marshe his yeares be expired which be three yeares after the puryfacon of oure lady nexte followinge . . . which landes afforesaid I had of Mr. Tonnworth Also I geve to the said John my sonne twoo paires of shetes iiij platters iiij pewter dishes ij lattyn Candlestickes and a quarte pewter potte Item. . to Johan my wiff for the term of iij yeares ymediatly after my decease a meade that I boughte of Mr. Welche nowe in the teanure of Mr. Waterer And then after . . . unto Rawf my sonne [to whom alsol a standinge bedde with all thinges thereto perteyninge with the fetherbedd bollster blankettes curtens and coverlettes beinge and standinge in the greate Chamber nexte unto the bedd that ys geven to my sonne John the Ionge table in the neather halle with the fourme to yt twoo paire of sheets iiij platters iiij dishes bothe to be of pewter [£101. . . within fowre yeares [and1... all my other landes and tenementes as well being of the teanure of freeholde (and I copye holde unto her duringe her naturall
1995 The Ancestry of Agnes (Cheney) Heath 177
life and after her decease then I geve unto William my sonne all that my tenemente that was somtyme Raufe Johnsons with an orchard somtyme brownes and a Cotage in easte streate that Master Browne dwelleth in and ij cotage more lying [in] Este streate somtyme Mr. Cresseyes. . . . item I geve to the saide WiIlyam my sonne x ii. of good and lawfuli money of England to be delyvered to him when he cometh to the age of xxiiij yeares tandl... the standinge bedde and all thinges therto belonginge beinge and standinge in the Parlor to be delyvered to him at the daye of his maryage Item I geve to Roberte my sonne [LIO] when he cometh to the full age of xxiiij yeares Item I geve to Agnes my doughter the somme of 1f26 13s 4d1 ... when she shall accomplishe the full age of xxj yeares orrelles at the daye of her manage. item ... the leases and terme of yeares that I have of the parcelles of lande called the kirtles and Shepcotte feald to Johan my wiff John and Raufe my sonnes equally to be devided.... item I geve and bequeath to the mendinge of the highe waye in Croked Myle xl s to be delyvered to John Ellyotte and William Cooke and them to have the doinge of the same by the oversighte of William Harrison and Christofer Gouldinge item I geve and bequeath to the mendinge of the highe waye beyonde Smalling bridge xl s. .. to Mr. Stacye And that he have the doinge thereof Item I geve towards the mendinge of the Mote hail xl s whensoever they mynded to reare and putt yt uppe orells this gifte to be voide Item I geve to my neighbors of Waltham xx s to be geven to thym when they shall rate the freeholders boocke Item I geve to my feilowes Mr. Dennye his men xl s to make merye withall or to be ordered at the discression of John Bolte and John Hanford Item I geve to Anaster l3rowne my new collared Jerkin and one hole yeares rente in the howse wherin he dwelleth. ... Item I geve to my sister donne the close that she holdeth of me twoo yeares after my decease freely without any rente And after . . . duringe her naturall 11ff payinge therefore yeanlye x s. Also I will that Anaster Browne shall have his dwellinge howse duringe his luff tyme for the yearely rente of xij s. Item I will that Johan my wiff shall paye yeareiy to William my sonne xl s after he shall accomplishe the age of xxiiij yeares. . . . [If Joan die or remarry, legacies not yet distributed to be delivered to William Harrison and Christofer Goldinge, who are to distribute them at the times specified in the will.] Also I geve and bequeathe to John my sonn my potte covered with sylver and gilt and a goblet of silver.. within fowre yeares after my decease Also ... to my son Rauf my cuppe Covered with silver Item I geve to William Harrison one olde Angell Item I geve to Christofer Goldinge my Taffeta dublette Item I geve to everye one of my maydens now dwellinge with me vj s viij d. . . at the daye of there mariage... to every one of my god Children xij d.
The residue was to go to his wife Johan, she to be sole executrix, and he appointed as overseers William Harrison and Christopher Goldinge "my faithefull frendes"; witnesses were Christofer Golding, John Hanford, and Stephen Hardye. In a codicil witnessed by Henry Marshe, John Danyeil, curate, John Tanner, and William Ederech, Robert Cheyney directed that the furniture, silver, and "certayne howsholde stuffe" given to his sons The Ancestry of Agnes (Cheney) Heath
John, Rawff, and William, remain in the hands of his wife during her natural life. The will was proved 13 March 1567/8, before Master Thomas Huicke, doctor of laws, on the oath of Christopher Robinson, notary public on behalf of Joan Cheney, relict and executrix, to whom was given c administration on the estate.(14)
The widow Joan Cheney married in 1568 John Hanford, gentleman, who was mentioned in, and signed as a witness to, the will of her former husband, Robert Cheney, and later served as an overseer to the wills of her brother William Harrison, brother-in-law Christopher Goldinge, and nephew Edward Goldinge. After Joan s death in 1597, John Hanford married, second, at Waltham Abbey 12 December 1597, Alice Wicksted, with whom he had a daughter Mary, baptized there 21 September 1599. John Hanford, gentleman, was buried there 7 February 1610/11, and adniinistration granted to his widow, Alice; the inventory of his estate amounted to
£423. (15)
14. Commissary Court of London, Registered Wills, 15:296v (FHL microfilm 94,068); Probate Act Book,12:172 (FHL microfilm 94,490).
15. Commissary Court of London, Probate Act Book. 16:127 (FHL microfilm 94,492).