Ancestors of Tim Farr and Descendants of Stephen Farr Sr. of Concord, Massachusetts and Lidlington, Bedfordshire, England

John PRESBURY was born in 1615 in England, United Kingdom. He died before 19 May 1648 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He was buried 1 on 19 May 1648 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. John married 2 Catherine in Dec 1639 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Death date from Plymouth Colony Vital Records, Sandwich Register for Marriages and Burials.
The ancestor of the Vineyard family of this name was JOHN PRESBURY, an early settler of Sandwich (1643), who d. May 1648. His wid. CATHERINE m. (2) RICHARD CHADWELL 22 July 1649. They had issue:

10. JOHN, b. (1640).
11. MARY, b. 10 May 1644; m. LODOVIC HOXIE.

Catherine 1 was born in 1618 in of Marthas Vineyard, Dukes, Massachusetts, United States. She was buried 2 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America. Catherine married 3 John PRESBURY in Dec 1639 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Other marriages:

Possibly married Richard Chadwell on July 22, 1649.
Source; Plymouth Colony Vital Records, Sandwich Register for Marriages and Burials.

Plymouth Colony Vital Records
[p.9] Richard Chadwell Married to Katheren Presberry July the 22cond

Printed from Mayflower Descendant Legacy CD-ROM - All rights reserved. Copyright © 1996 - 1998 by Search & ReSearch Publishing Corp., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Marriage Notes:

MARRIAGE: Ship record says that he came to North America in 1643, so I doubt that he married Dec 1639 in Sandwich, MA.

They had the following children.

  M i John PRESBURY was born in 1640. He died in Apr 1679.
  F ii
Mercy PRESBURY was born 1, 2 on 10 May 1641 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.
  F iii Mary PRESBURY was born on 10 Mar 1644.

Simon FISKE [Parents] [scrapbook] was born about 1399 in Stadhaugh, Laxfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. He died after 22 Dec 1463 in Laxfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. Simon married Susannah SMYTH.

Other marriages:
CRISPE, Katherine

In addition to the children in this file, Simon's will mentions another three unmarried daughters, probably born 1434-7. No other details known.

In the name of God Amen. The year of our Lord one thousand four hundred and sixty-four twenty-second day of December.I Simon Fisk in my last agony in sound mind and good memory make in words my testament in this manner. First I commend my soul to Almighty god the Blessed Mary and all the saints my body to be buried decently in the cemetery of the parish church of Laxfield. Item I leave to the altar of the aforesaid church 3s. 4d for ten year of my dues/tithes. item I give 6s. 4d annually for ten years towards the upkeep/decoration of the chapel of the guild of the Blessed Mary. Item I desire my heirs and successors to have a mass said for the repose of my soul once a year in the church of Laxfield at the discretion of my executors. Item I leave 30s for three "TRIGINTULA" [ this was a series of thirty Requiem masses all said on one day for the repose of the soul of the departed ] as soon as it can be arranged after my death. Item I give 30s to the community of Laxfield aforesaid. [ this probably went to the poor ]. Item I give Katherine my wife my household utensils, my house and moveable goods therein. Item I leave to my three brothers an annuity of ten pounds to be paid to them within a year of my decease and if any one of my said brothers depart this life before this time his portion is to be returned to my executors for disposal. Item I leave to my son William forty shillings, Item I leave to my son Geoffrey forty shillings, and to my eldest son John forty shillings. Leave to Margaret Doesing my daughter forty shillings. Item I leave to my son Edmund forty shillings, to ensure this is not a source of temptation he is to remain in my house in Laxfield aforesaid. For their work as my executors I give also forty shillings. The residue of my goods not bequested I give to Katherine my wife Joh....[ there is a break in the text but Simon probably names his eldest son John ] my son James, John Noleth and Nicholas Noleth, my brothers and faithful executors who I desire to honour my wishes and pay my debts fully and faithfully. The residue of my goods to be disposed of to the pleasure of Almighty God the good of my soul and all Christian souls. In conformation of this my will I make my mark / affix my seal / sign my name. date and day as written above.

Susannah SMYTH. Susannah married Simon FISKE.

They had the following children.

  M i Jeffrey FISKE was born in BET 1420 AND 1425. He died on 3 May 1504.
  M ii William FISKE was born in BET 1420 AND 1425. He died before 15 Jul 1504.
  M iii John FISKE was born about 1428. He died in 1488.
  M iv
John FISKE was born about 1440 in Laxfield, Suffolk, England, United Kingdom. He died on 5 Feb 1512.

JOHN, the younger - Born at Laxfield about 1440, married ? there. In a charter dated September 8th, 1500 he was granted land in Laxfield, along with Thomas(7). His Will dated Jan 18, 1507, proved Feb 5, 1512, mentions his sons Sir John Ffyske, chaplain, and Sir Robert Ffyske, canon of Leiston, Suffolk. To "Jone", daughter of Robert, he gives six and eightpence.

The Will of JOHN FISKE of Laxfeld, being in good mind, 18 January 1512.

My soul to God, and my body to be buried in the churchyard there [Laxfield]. To the high altar there, for tithes forgotten, 6s. 8d. To the "pathing of Mowbillston in sd. Church 20 marks." To Jone Fiske, daughter of Robert Fiske, 6s. 8d. To each of the four orders of friars "Gadryng in the town of Lawfield" [Laxfield] 10s. To the repair of Brusierd [Bruisyard] Abbey 6s. 8d. To three friars in the same place 12d. To each of the nuns of Brusierd Abbey 4d. To the Abbot there 12d. John Fiske, chaplain, my son, is to sing for my soul for two years and is to have 20 marks, and to the said Sir John 10 marks. To Sir Robert, my son, 10 marks a year. To the canons in Leyston [Leiston] Abbey 6s. 8d. To the repair of the same place 6s. 8d. To Nicholas, my son, £4. and all the debts besides such as he oweth me. To the Gild of our Lady 6s. 8d. To the making of the gild house 10s. To the Church of St. Peter of Thorp [Thorpe, Norfolk] 3s. 4d. To Jone Downe 6s. 8d. To each godchild 4d. To Rose Payn 12d. To repairs of Laxfield church and the chapel to each 5 marks, "to be paid as yt may growe of the sale of Falys house according to such surrender & gift as I have made heretofore by my lyff." The residue of my goods are to be at the disposition of Sir John Fiske, priest, my son, Robt. Rowse of Laxfield, and Sir Robt. Fiske canon of Leiston, whom I make my executors, for the benefit of my soul "as yt may be payabill & grow of the sale of my place which I have sold to Robert, my son, of Suthwold [Southwold, Suffolk] for the Sum ot £110, to be paid £10 at Easter 1514 & so by £10 each Easter till paid.
Proved 5 February 1512 by John, the son, with power reserved etc.
  M v Edmund FISKE was born about 1430. He died on 7 Aug 1494.
  F vi
Margaret FISKE was born about 1432.
  M vii
Simon FISKE.

SIMON - Mentioned in Diss, Norfolk, in 1478.

Anthony SNOW 1, 2 was born in 1619 in England, United Kingdom. He died 3, 4 in Aug 1692 in Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Anthony married 5, 6, 7 Abigail WARREN on 8 Nov 1639 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America.

The following is from the GenForum:
I have two Anthony's on my database. One is the brother of Nicholas whose parents were Nicholas b.1578 & Mary Wivelscombe.

Anthony Snow was first recorded 7 May 1638 when he requested three acres of land from the court. (Plymouth Court Records). Of Plymouth. Shortly after his marriage, he removed to Marshfield, where he became one of the leading citizens of the town; was surveyor of highways in 1651, constable 1652, representative to the General Court of Plymouth Colony in 1656 and twenty years following, selectman in 1668, and member of the Plymouth Council-of-War for Plymouth Colony in 1675. Some time before his death, he gave to the town a piece of land near the meeting house for a graveyard, where he was buried and which is still in use. His will, dated 28 December 1685, with codicil of 8 August 1692, named wife Abigail, and children. Inventory of his estate was taken 12 November 1692.

From the Commemorative Biographical Record it has:
Nicholas, Anthony and William Snow came over to New England early. Anthony Snow married Abigail Warren, and lived in  Plymouth and Marshfield. He had one son, Josiah, and several daughters. Nicholas, Anthony and William Snow are supposed to have been related. Richard Snow was the earliest of that name living in Woburn. He was taxed there in 1645. Nicholas Snow came to New Eng. in the ship "Ann" in 1623.

[Vol.1, p.12]   birthes Deaths
Anthony Snow Deceased August 1692


Literally Transcribed,

ANTHONY SNOW died at Marshfield in August, 1692, according to the town records.* Since the codicil to his will was dated 8 August, 1692, his death must have occurred between the eighth and the thirty-first days of that month. His wife was Abigail2 Warren (Richard1), who survived him. His will is now in possession of the Connecticut Historical Society at Hartford, Conn. They have had it for many years and do not know from whom they received it. Permission to photograph it was secured through the courtesy of their Librarian, Mr. Albert Carlos Bates. It is written on the first two pages of a four-page folio seven and five-eighths by twelve and one-fourth inches in size, and is in very good condition.

The will and inventory are recorded in the Plymouth County Probate Records, Volume 1, pages 156 - 158. The copy of the will here given was made from the original document; the copy of the inventory was made from the probate records as the original has disappeared from the files. The mustration shows the first page of the will.

I Anthony Snow of Marshfeild being weake of body, but of Sound mind & memory Prased be God Doe make this my last Will & Testament in maner & form following that is to say. I Connnitt my Soule into the hands of God my Savior & my body

* Mayflower Descendant, III:187.

Anthony Snow's Will and Inventory:

to Desent buriall when god shall please to Call me home & for the disposall of my outward Estate which God hath graciously given me my mind & will is it shall be Disposed as followeth

Imprimis I give & bequeath unto my welbeloved wife Abigall the house wherin I now live with my Barn outhouseing & orchyard & all the land lying next to the sd housing soe far as the Cart way leading from the Causaw to Boums fence & one third. of all my meadow lying at the South River. to be enjoyed by her dureing the Term of her naturall Life. Item I give to my sd wife two oxen & 4 Cows which she shall Chuse out of my Cattle & also I Give her my Indian maid sevant: Item I give to my sd wife all my land at Namasket to her her heirs & assigns for ever; Item I give & bequeath unto my sd wife my best bed best Rug best Coverlid one pair of blankets a boulster & Pillows & Pillowberes & two pair of sheets at her owne dispose.

Item I Give & bequeath unto my Granson Jams ford all my land at Mattakeset. threescore acres more or less To him & his heirs for ever

Item I Give & bequeath unto my son Josias Snow all my other lands whatsoever & the Remainder of the lands hereby given to his mother for her life To have & to hold to him & his heires for Ever

Item I give & bequeath unto my Daughters Lidia Sarah & alis & to my Dater Abigalls Children all the Rest of my neat Cattle To be Equally devided into four parts & each sister to have one part & Abigalls Children to have one part only Jams ford to have noe part with ye Rest of Abigalls Children. Item I give to my wife twenty pounds in money & to my son Josias ten pounds in money & to my Daughter Lidia ten pounds in money & to my Daughter Sarah ten pounds in mony & to my Daughter Alce ten pounds in money & to my Daughter Abigalls Children nine pounds in money to be Equally devided amongst them exsept Jams ford who shall have noe part thereof Item I give to my Daughter in law my son Josiass wife twenty shillings, & to my &andchildren Hanall & Abigall ford twenty shillings a peice in money. Item I give & bequeath to my loveing wife my mare & sheep & swine & all my houshold goods & othere estate not hereby disposed of whom I appoint to be sole Executrix of this my last Will & testament & my will is that what of the sd houshold goods shall be remaining at my wivs discease shall be equally devided amongt all my Children & I desire my brother Joseph Warren & my Loveing frend Capt Nathaniel Thomas to be Overseers of this my last Will & Testament hereby makeing null & void all other & former Wills by me made In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the Eaight & twentieth day of Desember Anno. Dom. 1685 This Instrumt was Signed & sealed by the abovesd Anthony Snow & Declared by him to be his last Will & Testament In the prsence of us Nathaniell winslow
Anthony Snow (seal)
faith Winslow
Nathaniel Thomas

Capt Nathll Thomas & mrs ffaith Winslow two of the witnesses herein named appeared January 3d: 1692/3 before William Bradford Esqr judge &C & made oath that they were present & Saw & heard Anthony Snow above named Signe Seal & declare ye above written Instrument to be his last will & Testament and that to Ye best of their judgment he was of Sound mind and memory when he did ye same

Attest Saml Sprague Registr

[On the second page.]

Memomorandum that I the within Named Anthony Snow on the 8th day of August 1692 being of sound mind & Memory Praised be God Doe Rattifie & Confirm the within written Will by me formerly made & Declare the same to be my last Will & Testamt And doe flirther add thereunto at this time as follows That is to say that what money I shall leave more then is disposed by the within Will shall be disposed & I doe hereby dispose one forth part thereof to my Dear & loveing wife, & the other three parts therof to be devided amongst my Children & grandchildren in such maner as is by the will within written ordered for the deviding my money therein given

And I doe further declare my mind & Will That what my wife hath already given to three of my Daujhtr Abigalls Children shall be Recond as part of their Portion which I have given them by the within written Will And flirther my will is that what money or goods my wife has as her own I doe hereby give her to her dispose as she sees meet In Witness wherof I have hereunto set my hand & seale the day abovesd only first I add that my Daughter Sarah Portion wt what shee hath already had shall be made Equall wt my other daughters with what they have already had Signed scald & Declared by the abovsd Anthony Snow to be his last Will & Testamt In presence of Us
Nathaniel Thomas Deborah Thomas
Anthony Snow (seal)

January ye 3d 1692 appeared Capt Nathll Thomas one of ye witnesses here named & made oath before William Bradford Esqr judge yt he was present & Saw & heard Anthony Snow above named Sign Seal & declare the above written Codicil to be his last will & Testament and that he saw Deborah his wife Subscribe with him as a witness to Ye Same and that to Ye best of his judgment ye sd Testator was of disposing mind & memory when he did ye same

Attest Saml Sprague Registr

[On a sheet pasted on below the codicil]

William Bradford Esqr Commissionated by his Excellency Sr W Phips Knt Captain Generall and Governr in Chief in and over their Maties Province of the Massachusets Bay in New England with the advice and Consent of the Councill, for the Granting Probate of Wills and Letters of Administration within the County of Plimouth &c. To all to whome these presents Shall Come or may Concern Greeting. Know yee that on the third day of January 1692/3. Before me at marshfield the will of Anthony Snow Late of Marshfield aforesaid to these Presents anexed was Proved approved and allowed. who having while he lived and at the time of his Death Goods Chattels Rights and Credits The Said deceased and his will in any maner Concerning was Comitted unto Abigall his Wife Executrix in the same will named Well and truly to Administer the same and to make a true and Perfect Inventory of all and Singular the Goods Chattels Rights and Credits of the said Decasd and the Same to Exhibit into the Registers Office of the said County according  Law Also to Render a true and Plain account of her said Administration upon Oath.

In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of the said Office.

William Bradford

Dated at Marshfield the third day of January 1692/3   Saml Sprague Regis~

Governor Bradford's Letter Book

Recorded in ye 156 and 157th pages of Plimouth Counties Book of Records for wills. &c

[Plym. Co. Prob. Rcds., 1: 158]

An Inventory of ye Goods and Chattels of Anthony Snow Late of Marshfield Deceased Apprized by us under written ye 12th day of Novr 1692

Imprs his Purse Books and Apparrell   114 17 0
Item 4 Beds & furniture belonging to them 232 00 0 Item by Pewter tinn Brass & kon & Copper 011 24 0
Item by tables fourms Settle Stooles Cubberd Chairs & Chests 028 24 0 It By armes horse flirniture & divers sorts of Lumber It. By neat Caffel Sheep & swine & mare  04110 0 It By houshold Linnen and homespun Cloth 024 0O 0 Item By wooll & flax about 70 pound and corn and flax unbraked 028 00 0  Stephen Skeff Michael ffoord
Joseph Waterman
Robert Barker

Abigail Snow Relict and Widdow of Anthony Snow Late of Marshfield deceased appeared on ye 3d day of january 1692/3 Before William Bradford Esqr judge & Solemnly affirmed that ye above written is a true Inventory of ye Goods & Chattels of ye Said deceased (except Ye money Given her in ye Will of sd deceased Called her own money) So far as She yet knoweth

Attest Saml Sprague Registr

Printed from Mayflower Descendant Legacy CD-ROM- All rights reserved.
Copyright © 1996- 1998 by Search & ReSearch Publishing Corp, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

Abigail WARREN [Parents] 1, 2 was born 3 in 1618 in England, United Kingdom. She died 4 on 3 Jan 1692 in Marshfield, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Abigail married 5, 6, 7 Anthony SNOW on 8 Nov 1639 in Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America.

Abigail immigrated in Jun 1623 to Plymouth, British Colonial America.

Abigail's linage to Richard and her spouse are confirmed by The General Society Of Mayflower Descendants and listed in their book "Mayflower Index" FHL Book Area US/CAN 973 D2m 1960 V. 1-2.

They had the following children.

  F i Lydia SNOW was born in 1640. She died on 17 Mar 1711.
  F ii Abigail SNOW was born about 1642. She died on 26 Jun 1682.
  M iii Josiah SNOW was born in 1644. He died in Aug 1692.
  F iv Sarah SNOW was born in Jun 1651. She died on 11 Dec 1741.
  M v
Sonne SNOW was born 1, 2 on 25 Mar 1655 in Marshfield, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America. He died 3 on 25 Mar 1655 in Marshfield, Plymouth Colony, British Colonial America.
  F vi Alice SNOW was born on 18 Jan 1656/1657.

Shubal SMITH [scrapbook] was born 1, 2 on 13 Mar 1653 in Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He died 3, 4 on 4 Apr 1734 in Chilmark, Dukes, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Shubal married 5 Abigail SKIFF on 3 Dec 1684 in Chilmark, Dukes, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

2nd marriage.
Shubael Smith son of Rev. John Smith (b. March 2, 1613/14, Powerstock, Dorset, Eng, d. October 2, 1710, Sandwich, Barnstable, MA) m. June 13, 1643, Susanna Hinckley (b. November 6, 1625, Tenterden, Kent, Eng, d. November 6, 1675, Sandwich, Barnstable, MA)

Abigail SKIFF [Parents] [scrapbook] was born 1, 2 on 2 May 1666 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She died 3 on 7 Jun 1718 in Chatham, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British colonial America. Abigail married 4 Shubal SMITH on 3 Dec 1684 in Chilmark, Dukes, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Stephen SKIFF [Parents] was born 1 on 4 Feb 1685 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony. British Colonial America. He died 2, 3 on 4 Oct 1756 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony. British Colonial America. He was buried 4 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony. British Colonial America. Stephen married 5, 6 Sarah LOTHROP about 1701 in Dukes, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Stephen had a will on 31 Aug 1756. His will was probated on 2 Nov 1756.

Other marriages:
GOHAM, Thankful

Sandwich Vital Records p. 507

Sarah LOTHROP 1 was born 2 about 1681. She died 3 on 14 May 1749 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She was buried in 1749 in Old Town Cemetery, Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States. Sarah married 4, 5 Stephen SKIFF about 1701 in Dukes, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Stephen SKIFF [Parents] was born 1 on 4 Feb 1685 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony. British Colonial America. He died 2, 3 on 4 Oct 1756 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony. British Colonial America. He was buried 4 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony. British Colonial America. Stephen married 5 Thankful GOHAM on 27 Jul 1749 in Yarmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Stephen had a will on 31 Aug 1756. His will was probated on 2 Nov 1756.

Other marriages:

Sandwich Vital Records p. 507

Thankful GOHAM was born 1, 2 on 25 May 1711 in Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She was christened on 25 May 1711 in Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She died on 8 Dec 1801 in Yarmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts, United States. Thankful married 3 Stephen SKIFF on 27 Jul 1749 in Yarmouth, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

John CHIPMAN was born 1 on 3 Mar 1670 in Barnstable, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He died 2 on 4 Jan 1756 in Newport, Rhode Island, Massachusetts Bay Colony, Brittish Colonial America. John married 3, 4, 5 Marcy SKIFF in 1691 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony. British Colonial America.

Marcy SKIFF [Parents] was born 1, 2 on 13 Nov 1671 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony. British Colonial America. She died 3, 4 on 12 Mar 1711. Marcy married 5, 6, 7 John CHIPMAN in 1691 in Sandwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts Bay Colony. British Colonial America.

Marcy was also known as Mary Mercy Skiffe.

Sandwich Vital Records p. 507
Given name is possibly Mary

Capt. Edward JOHNSON [Parents] [scrapbook] 1 was christened 2, 3, 4 on 16 Sep 1598 in Saint George The Martyr, Canterbury, Kent, England, United Kingdom. He died 5, 6, 7 on 23 Apr 1672 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Edward married 8, 9, 10 Susan MUNTTER about 1618 in Kent, England, United Kingdom.

Edward worked 11 as joiner.


1. Capt. Edward  Johnson. author of the celebrated history of New Enaland, called the "Wonderworking Providence,"** was baptized in Canterbury, County Kent. England, Sept. 10 or 17, 1598, and died in Woburn, Apr. 23, 1672. His father was William Johnson.t
He was a man of mutch influence in the colony at large, held many offices, and no citizen of Woburn of his time was better known. At the first meeting of the commissioners for the settlement of the new town, He presented a plot or plan of the territory to be included within its limits, and was chosens the first recorder or town clerk,he was also active in founding the first church, and commanded the first military company of Woburn. He was the author of some unique lines at the beginning of the first volume of the Woburn town records. His verse-making, when corn-pared with the work of other writers of his time in this country, was no better, or no worse, than theirs. No fuller account of the origin and settlement of a town of equal age in New England has been given than that by him of Woburn in his "Wonderworking Providence."

He came to Charlestown with the first immigrants, and soon returned to England; and on his second voyage to New England, about 1636 or 1637, brought the members of his family, consisting of a wife, seven children, and three servants. He was famous as a surveyor and an early explorer of the forest territory of New England. and the eminent antiquary, John Farmer, in an article about him, published on June 16, 1819, in the " Columbian Centinel," and reproduced in Farmer and Moore's New Hampshire Collections, in 1822, says, "The fathers of New England are among the first entitled to our grateful recollections. To them belongs the honor of first exploring our country, and preparing it for the abodes of civilized life." Capt. Edward Johnson was appointed, in 1665, by the General Court, to make a map of the Colony, in conjunction with William Stevens. In 1672, after his death, the General Court passed an order regarding a chronicle of the early history of the Colony, which reads substantially as follows: "The Court considering how many ways the providence of God hath mercifully appeared in behalf of his people in these parts, since their coming into this wilderness; and us of this colony in particular, do judge it our duty to endeavor that a register or chronicle be made of tile several passages of God s providence, protecting of and saving from many eminent dangers, as well in transportation, as in our abode here, making provision beyond what could, in reason, have been expected, and preventing our fears many a time; that so our posterity and the generation that shall survive, taking a view of the kindness of God to their fathers, it may remain as an obligation upon them to serve the Lord their God with all their hearts and souls." The Court., therefore, appointed a committee "to make diligent inquiry in the several parts of this jurisdiction concerning anything of moment that has passed, and in particular of what has been collected by Mr. John Winthrop, Sen., Mr. Thomas Dudley. Mr. John Wilson, Sen., Capt. Edward Johnson, or any other; that so, matter being prepared, some meet person may be appointed by this court to put the same into form; that so, after perusal of the same, it may be put to press."* His will, dated the 15th of the 3d month, 1671, names wife Susan; eldest son Edward; sons George, William, Matthew, and John sons-in-law, James Prentice and .John Amee; daughters and daughters-in-law (they were not mentioned by name); the wife of son Edward (her name not given); grandchildren, Edward, son of his son Edward, son Matthew s eldest son (not mentioned by name), George, son of his son George, William and Edward, sons of his son William, John, son of his son .John, William, son of his son John, James Prentice. son of James Prentice, and John Amee, son of John Amee, Katherine, daughter of his son Edward, Katherine, daughter of his son George, Hester (or Esther), daughter of his son William, Rebecca, daughter of his son Matthew, Bethiah, daughter of his son John, Susan, daughter of his son-in-law James Prentice, Hannah, another daughter of James Prentice, and the eldest daughter (not mentioned by name) of his son-in-law John Amee. Tile inventory, returned May 11, 1672, gives as the amount, £706. 05. 06; homestead, £159; debts, £9. 10. 00; rents supposed to be due in England, £132; houses and lands in England, £800.

The will of his wife Susan, or Susanna, dated Dcc. 14, 1639, probated March 2, 1690-1, mentions her son John, her husband Capt. Edward .Johnson, and states that her son John, with whom she dwelt, had taken care of her since her husband was deceased, and was entitled to all, because site judged it was his due. She died March 7, 1689-90.

**Wonderworking Providence of Sion's Savior in New England." first printed in London, 1653 (imprint, 1654); modern edition by W. F. Poole, Andover, Muss, 1867. There have been varous critical estimates of this work. For a list of references and a brief account, see Cutter s ‘ Bibliography of Woburn," 1892.. For an explnuation of the connection of Sir Ferdinando Gorges with this work, See preface of Hon. James Phinney Baxter to his monograph on Gorges (Boston, 189(3), vol. ii., pp. 175, 185.

t There is no doubt of this fact, but whether the persons assigned by various writers are his sons, other than Capt. Edward,  seems problematical. The records of Canterbury, England, contain the names of many persons by the name of Johnson other than those apparently connected with the family of this Wiiliam Johnson, and in the absence of better evidence than any yet found it does not seem wise to make any further statements at this time.

*Compare W. R. Cutter, in Hurd's hist, of Middx. County, vol. i, p. 339, etc.; "Winchester Press," April 26, 1901, and many other authorities.

Printed from NEHG Register, Volume 59, January 1905, New England Historic Genealogical Society & Broderbund Software, Inc., Banner Blue Division, March 10,2001

Susan MUNTTER [Parents] was born 1 in 1597 in Canterbury, Kent, England, United Kingdom. She was christened 2 on 5 Oct 1597 in Dover, St Mary's, Kent, England, United Kingdom. She died 3, 4 on 7 Mar 1689 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Susan married 5, 6, 7 Capt. Edward JOHNSON 8 about 1618 in Kent, England, United Kingdom.

Susan had a will 9 on 14 Dec 1689 in Woburn, Middlesex, Mas.

Extracted from Christening records

They had the following children.

  M i Edward JOHNSON was christened on 18 Feb 1621. He died on 15 Sep 1692.
  M ii
William JOHNSON was born 1, 2 about 1622/1623 in Canterbury, Kent, England, United Kingdom. He was buried 3, 4, 5 on 26 Jan 1622/1623 in St Mary Magdalene, Canterbury, Kent, England, United Kingdom.
  M iii George JOHNSON was christened on 3 Apr 1625. He died in 1681.
  F iv Susanna JOHNSON was christened on 1 Apr 1627.
  M v Major William JOHNSON was christened on 22 Mar 1629. He died on 22 May 1704.
  F vi Martha JOHNSON was christened on 1 May 1631. She died in 1714.
  M vii Matthew JOHNSON was christened on 30 Mar 1633. He died on 19 Jul 1696.
  M viii John JOHNSON was christened on 10 May 1635. He died in 1720.

Thomas WISWALL Twin [Parents] [scrapbook] 1 was christened 2, 3 on 20 Sep 1601 in Warrington, Lancashire, England. He died 4, 5 on 6 Dec 1683 in Newton, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Thomas married 6 Elizabeth BERBAGE 7 in 1632 in Great Packington, Warwickshire, England.

Thomas immigrated on 26 Aug 1635.

Other marriages:
BURBIDGE, Isabella

Probably arrived with his son Enoch, August 16, 1635 on the ship "James" with the Rev. Richard Mather and his company.
Source: "The Wiswald Genealogy" by Joseph M. Wiswald 1961

THOMAS WISWELL (Ralph, John probably) was baptized 20 September 1601 at Warrington, Lancashire. He and his twin brother Jolm both came to New England and settled in Dorchester as early as 1635. He was early made a freeman, was a proprietor of Dorchester and, with his wife Elizabeth, was a member of the church about 1636. He was a selectman of Dorchester in 1644, '45, and '52. On 5 June 1664 he was dismissed from the Dorchester church for the beginning of a new church at Cambridge Village (now Newton) and was chosen as ruling elder there. On 25 September 1657, he deeded his houses and lands in Dorchester to his son Enoch, who was about to marry. Thomas Wiswell married first, it is said, Elizabeth Burbage of Great Packington, Warwickshire. She was the mother of all his children and died between 1665 and 1669. Secondly, he married Isabell (Muston) Farmer, sister of the Reverend Thomas Muston of Wykin and afterwards of Brinldow in England. She was the widow of John Farmer of Anseley, Warwickshire. Thomas Wiswell was excused from military training on 6 October 1663, but had to pay 5 shillings per year to the military company. He was 62. He died on 6 December 1683, aged 82, and she died on 21 May 1686 at her son's home in Billerica.

This is an Inventory of the Estate of Elder Thomas Wiswall of Cambridge Village who decead. 6 December 1683 Apprized by us the subscribers.

His wearing cloaths both linnen & woollen 006 07 00
In the lower Lodging Room
A featherbed, a feather bolster, 2 feather pillows a straw bed 005 00 00
& Rug, a blankett & bedstead with curtains altogether
4 pr of old sheets, 4 pillowbeers 001 15 00
2 Table cloaths, 11 napkins, 4 Towells 001 00 00
a Table, a form, 6 joynd stools, a little Table 001 05 00
A great chair, 2 small chairs, 6 cushions 000 08 00
A chest, 2 Thinks, a warming pan 000 15 00
A small cupboard, 4 bibles, 4 Psalm books, 6 other small 001 08 00
2 old brushes a little looking glass 000 02 00
2 old hogsheads, a tub, 2 trays, 2 milk bowls 2 small bear
barrells 000 08 00
An old bridle & saddle, a pannell 000 10  00
A churns, 2 sacks, a grid Iron 000 05 00
A dwelling house & barn with a small orchard to It & about
two hundred & seven acres of upland & meadow wX of yr is 220 00 00
about six acres of ye land yE is broak up
Abt a yeer & half service in a man servant 008 00 00
A pcceii of stone fence abt ye aforesd land 007 00 00
The Irons to the pump 000 05 00
Apprised the 14. Decemb 1683 by us
Thomas Prentice
James Trowbridge
William Bond

Decemb' 18. 83
Sworne in Court of Noah Wiswall & Ebenezar Wiswall Adams

Jonathan Remmington Clericus

Ref.: Wiswall Genealogy; V.R.; Pope's Pioneers of Massachusetts; Savage; N.E.H.G.S. - 126:298

Elizabeth BERBAGE 1 was born in 1604 in England. She died 2 in 1665/1666 in Newton, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Elizabeth married 3 Thomas WISWALL Twin 4 in 1632 in Great Packington, Warwickshire, England.

Elizabeth Berbage (1604-1666) was born in England, where - in 1632 - she married Thomas Wiswall (1601-1685). Together they had ten children, all but one of whom was born in America. Elizabeth, Thomas, and their oldest child, Enoch, came first to Dorchester, Massachusetts on 16 Aug 1635. In 1654, the family moved to the Cambridge, Massachusetts area, where Thomas is honored as a "First Founder" of the present day Newton. Elizabeth was the first wife of Thomas Wiswall. Child: Noah Wiswall (1638-1690).

INCONSISTENCIES: records show Elizabeth dying in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts, but this does not fit the family chronology. Clearly she died in Newton.

BURIAL: Elizabeth would have been buried in the only cemetery in Newton at that time, the Old East Parish Burying Ground. No stone has been found, perhaps because the oldest American gravestones often deteriorated.

SOURCES: has two records for Elizabeth: a "U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900" record, and a "U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970" record. Information also appears in "The Great Migration," under "Biography of Thomas Wiswall."

They had the following children.

  M i Enoch WISWALL was born about 1633. He died on 28 Nov 1706.
  F ii Esther WISWALL was born in 1635. She died on 27 Dec 1707.
  M iii Ichabod WISWALL Reverend was born on 3 Jun 1637. He died on 23 Jul 1700.
  M iv Noah WISWALL was born on 16 Dec 1638. He died on 6 Jul 1690.
  F v Mary WISWALL was born in 1640. She died on 25 May 1727.
  M vi Ebenezer WISWALL was born on 8 Mar 1641. He died on 21 Jun 1691.
  F vii Sarah WISWALL was born on 19 Feb 1642. She died in 1666.
  F viii Elizabeth WISWALL was born on 15 Apr 1649. She died on 11 Oct 1676.
  M ix
Thomas WISWALL Twin was christened 1 on 9 Jun 1650 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He died before 1667.

Source: "The Wiswald Genealogy" by Joseph M. Wiswald 1961
  M x
Henry WISWALL Twin was christened 1 on 9 Jun 1650 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.
  F xi
Miss WISWALL was christened 1 on 9 Jun 1650.

Edward JOHNSON [Parents] was born 1, 2, 3, 4 on 19 Mar 1658 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. He died 5 on 7 Aug 1725 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Edward married 6, 7, 8 Sarah WALKER on 12 Jan 1686 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Other marriages:
GARDNER, Abigail

Sarah WALKER was born on 6 Mar 1670 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. She died 1 on 31 May 1704 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America. Sarah married 2, 3, 4 Edward JOHNSON on 12 Jan 1686 in Woburn, Middlesex, Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America.

Marriage Notes:

MARRIAGE: Edward Johnson and Sarah Walker, both of Woburn, by John Brown, Esq., of Reading, J. P., Jan. 12, 1687.

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